In the empty schoolroom, a faint scent of incense lingers, heightening the attention of the children inside.

This is a treatment that only the most core geniuses can enjoy.

There are only seven children in this large hall.

Six of the children were all over four years old, and the oldest was even eight years old.

They all looked at the young child sitting in the front row with different eyes.

This third son, who is only one year old, is Xiangying.

The school teacher's name is Xiang Cong, which means follower. However, he has outstanding abilities and is loyal to his family. In recent years, he has even taught the children of his family.

Xiang Cong said kindly: "Third Young Master, you just came to learn today, so you should start by practicing the art of nourishing Qi. I will demonstrate it several times and you will follow suit."

The Xiang family's Qi nourishing technique is very similar to that of other major families in Baishi Town. It consists of movements combined with formulas.

After the demonstration, Xiang Cong was about to demonstrate again when Yun Ye waved his hand to ask him to stop.

"I've learned."

Yun Ye didn't hide his clumsiness. He was now the son of the head of the family, and the more outstanding his performance, the more resources he would receive.

So, after finishing speaking, Yun Ye stood up and completely replicated Xiang Cong's movements.

He has the Book of Reincarnation and his comprehension talent is already C level, so he can fully understand it once.

During this period, Yun Ye silently ran his imagination.

Without divine consciousness, the proficiency of the imagination method has dropped to Dacheng, but the effect is still astonishing. It gathers and transforms life energy as soon as it is run.

"After learning it once, your brother is indeed as extraordinary as the elders said."

Among the children sitting in the back row, a boy of about eight years old said that his name was Xiangxu and he was the son of the family head's younger brother.

It was hard for him to be in a good mood when such a monster opponent appeared.

However, the reason why he spoke was because he knew someone was in a worse mood than him!


Sure enough, Xiang Ting, Yun Ye's second brother in this life, glanced at Xiang Xu with a gloomy face.

He has no desire to speak at all. How can outsiders understand the pressure coming from Xiangying?

His younger brother cannot be summed up as extraordinary!

On stage.

Xiang Cong watched Yun Ye practice the Qi Nourishing Technique with his own eyes, and his eyes were shocked, even more so than those of the children.

As a spiritual root reviver, what he can see is no longer limited to the outside.

"In just one try, you actually learned it perfectly and even directly cultivated the energy of life? This... Third Young Master, your talent is really amazing. It seems that you will be able to catch up soon."

Xiang Cong praised him repeatedly. He knew the greatness from the small, and he had already understood the importance of this third young master.

Next, he spent most of his time instructing Yun Ye on how to cultivate Qi.

Specialist guidance, You Xiangcong pointed out the spiritual distribution map in the body.

Yun Ye quickly changed his Qi nourishing technique and returned to the perfect state in the blink of an eye, and his cultivation speed jumped up.

Xiang Cong only taught Qi nourishing and awakening techniques, Yun Ye practiced Qi nourishing techniques, and the others practiced awakening techniques.

Although the Xiang family does not have a legal realm, it has been inherited for four hundred years, and the family background is already very good.

The direction of direct disciples is to fully activate all three methods and then master one method. In this case, if the awakening level is high enough, the three methods can be awakened faster and enter the real rapid growth stage.

In the afternoon, everyone went to the exclusive training ground for direct descendants.

The teacher sat cross-legged in the middle, already waiting for everyone.

This was a tall man with a bare upper body, and his brows were full of evil spirits. He noticed Yun Ye at a glance.

His temperament is too special. Although his figure is small, he reveals an indescribable calmness.

(Did you start practicing when you were one year old? I don’t know how it actually performed.)

"Lord Xiang."

Everyone bowed their hands and saluted, and Yun Ye followed them.

Xiang Xiang said: "The rest continue to practice, Xiang Ting, you demonstrate our clan's fighting skills for Xiang Ying."


Xiangting didn't waste any time. He took a stance in the open space, and then started demonstrating with punches and kicks.

His posture has a lot of extra moves, and he doesn't seem to be decisive at all when he moves. It doesn't look like a fighting technique at all.

However, Yun Ye, who had perfected the Tiger Fist, could still see that the power of this boxing technique was far greater than that of the Tiger Fist.

The additional movements are the same as the Tiger Fist. I'm afraid they are used to guide spiritual energy. In the current state, they are more for physical training.

After finishing one set, Xiangting was sweating profusely, but he left eight extremely deep footprints in the open space.

This is why the Tiger Fist is far inferior to this boxing technique. The force is so heavy that it must be far more powerful than the Tiger Fist when it explodes.

Yun Ye's eyes seemed to be shining, and countless thoughts were combined and changed in his mind.

Huangzhou's C-level understanding far surpassed that of Baishi Town's B-level. Yun Ye could indeed feel that the whole world became clear.

In the past, he would never have come up with so many ideas just by watching someone rehearse.

His experience in two lives reacted chemically with his talent in this life!

Although it sounds exaggerated, but...

He only looked at this boxing technique once, and then he made a direct connection to Dacheng.

His blood was boiling, telling him to use it quickly and confirm this boxing technique quickly.

Yun Ye clenched his fist. Is this what a genius feels like?

"This is the 'Hua Fist', which has been improved by our clan for several generations. It can train the will and generate murderous intent on its own. Xiangting is only a small success now and can't control it freely. If it can be a big success or a perfect one, it won't require any prerequisite actions." It can mobilize the whole body's strength, and even ordinary people can break large rocks."

"Before awakening your spiritual roots, you need to fight with this set of boxing techniques. Only by showing corresponding results can you enjoy the resource tilt within the clan. Do you understand?"

Xiangxiang stared at the cloudy night.

"that's all?"

Yun Ye asked back.

"What else do you want?"

Xiang Ting spoke on behalf of Xiang Xiang, and he pointed at everyone, "Every progress of ours is far ahead of yours. According to the rules of the clan, if you can defeat us, every time you defeat one of us, the clan will refine one for you. A low-grade elixir!”

"Low-grade elixir?"

Yun Ye asked.

"You can take one pill a week, which will explosively speed up your practice progress. Haha, if you get one pill, we will lose one, so we won't give up."

Xiangting said.

"Third Young Master, the winner is king. Even if you are a direct member, if you are not a follower of the Crown Prince, the clan will not invest too many resources. If you want to get resources, you can only show your strength!"

Xiang Xiang confirmed Xiang Ting's statement.

"In that case, can you challenge me at any time?"

Yun Ye said.

"You can challenge at any time. Why, do you want to challenge me? Third brother."

Xiangting Road.

"May I?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.


Xiangting was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Just do it at your own risk!

"Then I'll challenge the second brother. I think this boxing technique is quite simple."

Yun Ye said this.

"Third brother, you haven't misunderstood anything. You can't use the three methods in the challenge, and naturally your spiritual eyes can't do it either."

Xiangting's eyes fell on the forehead of the child in front of him, and a raindrop accessory slowly glowed.

It is this instrument that seals the spiritual eye.

If you take it off, except for Xiangxiang, there will only be one result of being killed instantly.

"I don't know how to use it. I just want to try Huaquan. It feels quite simple."

Yun Ye replied.

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