A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 226 Ultimate Physique Technique

They looked at themselves in surprise: "Is this a healing magic? The prince just wants to repair his body, but he actually masters such a level of healing magic?"

Repairing yourself and repairing others are completely different concepts.

The fire spirit method can repair oneself, and the earth spirit method can also repair oneself, but if you want to repair others, you can only use the wood spirit method and the water spirit method, and they require extremely superb control.

To a certain extent, spiritual healing methods are also rare, but they are not as rare as physical methods and divine methods.

Yun Ye obviously masters the terrifying offensive technique, but he still has the energy to distract himself from learning the healing technique?


Everything that happened today was like a dream, constantly subverting their common sense.

They spent their whole lives only cultivating one spiritual method to the third level, but how much did Yun Ye show?

Each of the different effects of the Xiangyu practice is obviously a method and a different spiritual power.

This is far from their understanding.

"The Crown Prince...is indeed the strongest genius in the history of our clan. As a teacher, I was surpassed in just three years."

Xiangxiang sighed.

All spiritual realms smile bitterly, who doesn’t?

Xiangdong Qi said: "This is talent. I also wanted to fight for the position of the Crown Prince, but I have always had no confidence. The outside world is too vast. Even if someone is as talented as Crown Prince Xiangying, he is not the strongest."

Everyone was silent.

They desperately want to avoid this discussion.

Because the peerless people who are too dazzling are simply not something that people like them can catch up with, which only makes them sadder.

"The four peerless geniuses of the Great Wilderness, the thirty-six geniuses on the Qilin List, the people of the Great Wilderness are outstanding, and the small clans are nothing more than mediocrity. Even if a peerless genius is born, they still need to become a disciple of the great master and become a member of their faction. Otherwise, how can they grow?"

Yun Ye returned to the high platform and said to Xiangdong: "Mother, the selection can begin."

"You go and preside over the selection." Xiangdong waved her hand, and she no longer paid attention to the matter. Her eyes were full of ecstasy, and she kept looking at Yun Ye, as if she was looking at some rare treasure.

As the wife of the family head, she naturally knew that the Xiang family had never taught Yun Ye any secret skills.

This power could only come from Yun Ye's bloodline.

Such an amazing bloodline!

Once the Heavenly Road is ascended and carved, everyone in the family will benefit, and the level of power will increase dramatically!

If in the past she had a little doubt about Yun Ye entering the Dharma Realm.

Now, she was sure of it.

"Xiang Ying, you have the talent of the Dharma Realm, and the family will fully support you. The Wen Yun Ceremony will be held in one year's time..."

"You will be famous all over the world!"

Xiangdong has strong expectations.

Famous throughout the world.

In this world, reputation also represents luck to a certain extent. With a strong reputation, luck is like a rainbow, all disasters can be avoided, and all methods can be solved.

In the Qilin Ranking, what we compete for is luck, and what we compete for is the opportunity to attain enlightenment!

Moreover, this is not an ordinary opportunity. With this luck, there is a glimmer of hope to step into the mysterious realm and become a powerful person who can shock one party!

The Xiang people didn’t even have a Dharma Realm member in the past, so it was naturally impossible for them to compete for the Qilin Ranking!

But now, the Xiang people seem to have hope!

The selection is over.

The three people who finally followed Yun Ye were Xiang Xiang, Xiang Yan, and Xiang Qingrou.

After that, the Xiang people began to prepare for the Grain Cloud Ceremony. This could not be held casually and required the consent of all the major families, especially the Dharma Realm family.

After obtaining the qualification to host, the organizer also needs to come up with enough valuable treasures as prizes.

The Grain Cloud Ceremony is a life-and-death battle with no rules. The prizes are not important enough and no one will come to participate. Naturally, the final crown will not have any weight either.

The Xiang Clan is not considered wealthy among many families, but the Xiang Clan is sure that Yun Ye will be able to defeat the others, so they took out the treasure at the bottom of the box.

A hundred thousand year old sun wheel fruit!

This is the top elixir.

It has miraculous effects on both the mortal realm and the spiritual realm.

The effectiveness of the 100,000-year Sun Chakra Fruit is even more astonishing. It can reshape a person, make his blood flow golden, and contain powerful power. It is a magic medicine for practicing physical training.

As a reward, many families immediately agreed to the Xiang Clan to hold the cloud pattern ceremony as soon as they heard about it.

Treasures belong to those who are capable!

After the selection, Yun Ye suppressed his strength and fought with Xiang Qingrou and others every day, and began to practice the physical method and the spiritual consciousness method.

The physical method and the spiritual method are particularly different.

The spiritual root method only requires spiritual energy.

However, the physical method requires the power of life, and the spiritual method requires spiritual power. Both of them will be extremely difficult to cultivate on their own.

Yun Ye's second life was achieved by relying on high-level elixirs, so it was completed very quickly.

But there are no high-level elixirs in the third life, only ordinary elixirs. Even if they are refined into elixirs, they will not have much effect.

Therefore, the third generation Yun Ye did not cultivate the physical body method and the spiritual consciousness method, his combat effectiveness was greatly weakened, and he was unable to use the secret meaning of disorder from beginning to end.

But this life is different. Yun Ye's secret realm has expanded, and he has also obtained the Sun Spirit Tree, which can harvest physical elixirs.

Yun Ye refined the Ten Thousand Years Sun Wheel Fruit with a large amount of elixirs into a pill, and then began to practice the physical method.

The physical method he practices is called "The Hundred Refining Methods of Life and Soul", which is a physical method obtained from Baishi Town.

In terms of effect, it is several times more effective than the Xiang Family Physique Method.

But this is not a blessing from heaven.

All the skills in Baishi Town were passed down to Tomorrow Hui by Yun Ye. Although there may not be many practitioners, they will more or less receive a bonus from Heavenly Road. It is impossible to be so exaggerated as being several times stronger than the Xiang family.

This physical method has been mainly modified and added with an extremely lethality similar to extreme spirituality.

Spirituality, destiny, divinity.

This is the power common to all three forces.

The body method condenses life energy into meridians, which greatly increases the conversion rate of life energy, similar to the spiritual root method.

Theoretically, the body method should only increase the total amount of life force without changing the structure of life force.

At that time, the body method monks can use various body methods and have more strength and breadth.

But Yun Ye majored in the spiritual root method, and he really didn't have the energy to master the physical method, nor did he have the talent in this area - his understanding talent basically focused on the spiritual method.

Therefore, Yun Ye simply replaced the life force needed to circulate the meridians with extremely lethal life force.

This extremely lethality focuses on physical growth. When it is turned into life force meridians and fixed, all the life force transformed through this cycle will only have this effect.

To put it simply, at the expense of not being able to use other types of physical skills, the basic physical skills are greatly increased, so much so that they surpass the Xiang Clan's physical skills that have the Tianlu amplification.

The Life Soul Hundred Refining Physique Method is a physical method that purely enhances physical quality and enhances physical strength.

As Yun Ye began to practice, his physical strength began to increase dramatically.

Three days to get started.

Ten days later, the foundation stone was laid.

Twenty-five days, small success.

Two months, Dacheng.

Three and a half months, complete.

This is not to say how much time each stage took, but to achieve perfection, Yun Ye only spent three and a half months in total!

The progress was so fast that it took only three and a half months for Yun Ye's physique to undergo a qualitative change.

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