A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 227 Getting Started with the Origin of Silence

The physical method is also a cultivation method, so some of the power is constant.

For example, part of the physical strength, part of the self-generated body protection power.

This self-generated body protection power is very similar to the spiritual power field, but it is much weaker.

"The self-generated power of the physical method, the sense of perception of the spiritual method, and the power of heaven and earth of the spiritual root method."

Yun Ye understood the difference between the three heavenly roads more and more.

The spiritual power field is a kind of defensive power that spiritual root method cultivators must cultivate after reaching the spiritual realm.

The effect is also very simple, it can proportionally defend against all forms of attacks, including divine methods and physical methods.

If spiritual method cultivators want to fight against divine method cultivators and physical method cultivators, they all rely on the spiritual power field.

If the spiritual power field cannot be cultivated to a certain level, facing the divine method cultivators of the same level, there is only one result of being manipulated in an instant.

The same is true for physical method cultivators.

Without a strong enough defense, the aftermath can shatter the body, and there is no way to fight.

Even with the spiritual field, the spiritual method is weak and will often be beaten or killed instantly.

If the three heavenly roads are converted into game professions, there is basically no balance. The gap can be as big as one being a fairy or a god, and the other being an ant or insect.

This situation is too bad. Except for the peerless genius, the rest of the game experience is zero.

This is still the difference between each road.

If there is a super genius who walks the three heavenly roads together and completes them, then this person is absolutely invincible in the contemporary era.

It is hard to describe the peerless genius. It should be called unparalleled invincible, or the supreme!

Yun Ye has only cultivated the body method and the spiritual method now. He feels that his strength is rapidly increasing and has completely exceeded the realm of the spiritual realm. If he obtains the divine method, he can not only reproduce the second life with a mortal body and slash the realm of the law with a sword.

Even more easily, he can suppress the realm of the law with one hand, without having to fight hard at all.

The cold spiritual root of the extreme spirit is not as simple as Yun Ye shows now.

Ordinary dual-attribute spiritual roots have ten times the power of a single spiritual root, not to mention the evolved extreme cold spiritual root?

It's just that Yun Ye thinks the opponent is too weak and there is no need to use it.

It's very surprising that Xiang Qingrou can affect him.

After nearly four months of practice, Yun Ye's physical method is perfect and he has gained the power of self-generated body protection.

If it happens again, Yun Ye doesn't need the only fire to defend against the divine method.

The body protection power of the physical method is easy to resist all methods. Unlike the weakening of the spiritual field, the body protection power is directly wiped out.

Before the power of the physical method cultivator is exhausted, the divine method and the spiritual method cannot harm the physical method cultivator.

And here, the difference between different paths is revealed.

There is almost no saying that the spiritual method cultivator is exhausted, because its characteristic is to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

But both the physical method cultivator and the divine method cultivator rely on their own strength, and the spiritual power that can be converted is extremely limited.

Although their power is strong, it will be exhausted, and it is far more difficult to replenish than the spiritual method cultivator.

In the mortal realm, this is an unsolvable problem.

Only when they reach the spiritual realm and build a spiritual body, will this situation improve, and their source of power will surge.

Unfortunately, Yun Ye mainly cultivates spiritual methods, and can only build a silent spiritual body, and cannot make the divine method and physical method catch up again.

Perhaps someone has the resources and talent to practice all three methods at the same time, but that will definitely not be Yun Ye.

Yun Ye exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the physical method star ring surrounding his body returned.

"Next, it's the divine method."

"I have been refining pills these days. Although the rate of producing middle-grade spiritual pills is extremely low, I have still accumulated a lot."

"Middle-grade spiritual pills are not only more effective, but also less poisonous. You can take several pills in a row to dissolve the poison."

Yun Ye took out the pills that assist the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, a total of only twenty pills.

But this is enough.

The pills made with the spiritual medicine of the extreme age have excellent effects, and twenty pills are enough to complete the divine method.

Yun Ye swallowed a medium-grade elixir, and felt a large amount of pure Yin spiritual energy burst out, which made his mental power surge in a short time. He immediately operated the re-convergence of divine law and solidified it into divine law meridians.

Divine law meridians are different from physical law meridians and spiritual law meridians. They are very illusory. Even if the lines overlap, they do not interfere with each other at all, as if they are in another space.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The divine law meridians are engraved on the soul and can be separated from the body with the soul. In various divine law theories, the divine law meridians are the skeleton of the soul and support the existence of the soul.

Without divine law, the soul cannot be observed and perceived at all, let alone leave the body.

Divine law cultivation.

It lasted for six months.

The re-convergence of divine law, which was cultivated to perfection by Yun Ye, is also a method of extreme divine consciousness. Its main function is to defend against divine law interference, not attack.

This is also in line with the effect of the re-convergence of divine law. It is a divine law that gathers divine consciousness and continuously overlaps to strengthen its power. In theory, it has both offense and defense, but Yun Ye gave up attacking and specialized in defense.

The current Chonghui Divine Method stacks up divine consciousness layer by layer, like a pyramid, completely protecting the soul.

And unlike ordinary divine methods, the ultimate divine effect of Chonghui Divine Method is constant existence.

Giving up the offensive ability in exchange for the constant existence of the protective ability.

Yun Ye felt that he had made a big profit.

Because the celestial phenomenon wins by sneaking and killing instantly, he doesn't think that the celestial phenomenon is the only one in the world that has this effect.

Maybe it's cool to kill others by sneaking, but he can't accept it.

It can even be said that what he can't accept the most is the situation of sudden attack and sudden death.

With the Chonghui Divine Law, at least a sneak attack by the Divine Law is impossible, and can only be suppressed with force.

At this point, the three major laws come together.

Most of Yun Ye's preparations were completed, and he began to take the final step.

Cultivation into an entry-level silent spiritual body!

Massive amounts of spiritual energy gathered.

Yun Ye practiced day and night, refining erysipelas and swallowing spiritual pills to maximize the speed of practicing the original method.

As he continued to take pills and refine erysipelas, Yun Ye even gained experience in digesting erysipelas.

He first used immortal fire to sweep away most of the erysipelas, and then allowed his body to destroy the tiniest erysipelas. This greatly accelerated the digestion of the elixir, and the original rule of only taking one pill a week was immediately broken.

"Your Majesty, you are too diligent. You actually stayed in the retreat room to practice for three full months."

Xiang softly whispered that although there were unpopular elixirs such as Bigu Pill to replace food, the three months of long training were difficult for her to endure. The prince would only be five years old at the end of this year, how could he endure it?

"The prince cannot be defeated. Only if he can clearly understand this, can he conquer everything. Don't worry about it in vain."

Xiang Xiang was sitting cross-legged outside the retreat, without even opening his eyes, concentrating on practicing.

His strength is too far behind. If he doesn't have the will to match, he is destined to fail.

"When I was young, hey, I wasted a lot of time. I regret it, otherwise today I should..."

Xiang Qingrou hasn't finished speaking yet.

The stone door opened, and a child in a blue robe came out. His extremely restrained aura made the two of them overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, have you completed cultivation?"


Yun Ye nodded, clenched his fists, and the energy flashed through him again and again, bursting out with power that made the two of them palpitate.

As the Grain Cloud Ceremony approaches, Yun Ye finally completes the introductory stage of the Silent Source Method and obtains part of the Silent Spirit Body's power.

I would like to recommend a song to everyone, I feel it is very suitable for reading this book.

Faye Wong, as you wish.

In the past, I felt that the lyrics were not important at all, as long as the melody was nice. Anyway, I was just listening and playing games while writing the novel, and I couldn't hear the words at all.

But when I watched the videos on Bilibili and listened to the songs with pictures, I realized that some songs had many stories.

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