A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 228 Prodigies from all over the world

"woo woo woo woo--"

The wind is howling and snow is falling thousands of miles away.

The entire Wenyun Town was covered with a thick layer of white snow, and the cold air was freezing to the bones, making people extremely uncomfortable.

It’s a new year, a new month, if it’s spring anywhere else.

However, in Wenyun Town, it is still covered with heavy snow, which is worthy of the name Wenyun Guard.

However, unlike the usual tranquility, this time even if there was snow falling thousands of miles away, Wenyun Town was still bustling with activity. A large number of spiritual practitioners poured into it, and the inns, hotels and even brothels were full.

The Patterning Cloud Ceremony, which may not happen once in decades, is about to be held!

The prize is even the legendary 100,000-year Sun Wheel Fruit!

This is a top-level elixir that is enough to transform a mortal into a genius. If you are a genius yourself, it will be even better!

Such great medicine is not rare in the Great Wilderness Lingze, but the core area is the private territory of the two spiritual sects, and it is not possible to guard it in one place.

It is precisely because of this that the geniuses and peerless ones basically come from the Ling Sect.

The Xiang Clan can offer the Hundred Thousand Year Sun Wheel Fruit as a prize, which is so attractive that it has exceeded the scope of Yunwen Town.

Geniuses from the surrounding areas are constantly rushing to Yunwen Town. Geniuses that were difficult to see in the past can now be seen everywhere in Yunwen Town.

At this time, only people with terrifying origins and abilities are qualified to call the shots.

The first heavyweight appeared at noon.

Wearing a military robe and chains wrapped around his body, he made constant noises and made an unusually heavy sound when he walked.

The person who came was a young man full of energy, his eyes were deep and sharp, as if they could pierce through solid rocks.

"You family's genius, You Kaiwu, he actually heard the news and came here?"

"I perfected my physical skills at the age of seven, entered the spiritual realm at the age of thirteen, and was able to single-handedly suppress the three major spiritual realms of the Wang family at the age of twenty, bringing disgrace to the Wang family. This is not an ordinary person. He is already close to the Qilin Ranking!"

"Interesting, the Xiang family Qilinzi can be valued by the Shuang family, and may have terrible potential, but now he is only five years old, how can he compete with the already famous You Kaiwu? It is not a calculation, and he wants to use the reputation of the Shuang family to intimidate him Let me wait, let me wait and not dare to win, right?"

Someone's eyes revealed amusement.

There are countless aristocratic families in Huangzhou, and there are quite a few who can be related to powerful people.

A Jieshuang clan can at most prevent them from snatching the Hundred Thousand Year Sun Wheel Fruit at will, but it cannot deter everyone.

And You Kaiwu is just the beginning. I am afraid that more than one top genius will arrive to seize the 100,000-year Sun Wheel Fruit.

This is a treasure that can bring them closer to the Qilin List. It is rare to find.


At dusk.

Another top talent has arrived.

The wild beasts pulled the cart for him and drove past the horizon. With a neighing sound, the faces of the entire city's aristocratic families changed slightly. They knew who was coming and could not help but darken their faces.

Another strong enemy!

"The Ao family in the Snow Mountain was given a flying beast by the Ling Sect. This is their eldest son Ao Xiu! The sun disk fruit of 100,000 years is positive. The Ao family has always practiced the ice zodiac sign. Why are you here?"

"Could it be that he wants to combine Yin and Yang to bring his spiritual body to perfection?"

Many young people frowned.

The Ao family was born with the zodiac sign of ice, and their strength is already terrifying. If they really improve to a higher level, they will definitely compete for the Qilin Ranking, and they will become a generation of genius who suppresses countless people.

"With this breath, Ao Xiu has indeed reached the spiritual realm. If he is allowed to obtain the 100,000-year Sun Wheel Fruit, his strength will change again, and he will be able to enter the Dharma Realm. It's a pity, it's a pity, I'm here."

The young man in white had bright eyes. He drank the spiritual wine with a slight smile and did not take Ao Xiu seriously.

The followers around him all smiled: "Yes, under the Divine Sword of the Crown Prince, Ao Xiu and You Kaiwu are all just local chickens and dogs. The Crown Prince is invincible!"

"The prince is invincible!"

The voice attracted attention, and many people frowned, wondering who was so arrogant and dared to claim to be invincible!

The young man in white did not block these gazes, allowing people to look at them as much as they wanted.

Then, a large number of monks were shocked and blurted out: "Excalibur, Nangong Xungu, and candidates for the Qilin List are also here! There are really countless talented people in this cloud pattern ceremony, and the Xiang family is really big!"

The arrival of Nangong Xungu made the entire family in Wenyun Town panic and put heavy pressure on them.

In this vast wilderness of Lingze, news is actually still blocked.

Only the most outstanding and invincible geniuses can win the title.

The name of Nangong Xungu's divine sword comes from the fact that it can cut off the ends of the earth with one sword and stop even the realm of law.

No matter how weak the Dharma Realm is, it is a hundred times better than the Spirit Realm. Under Nangong Xungu's sword, even the Dharma Realm is trapped and unable to cross. His strength is already invincible in the Spirit Realm and he is a strong contender on the Qilin Ranking.

Many people speculate that if Nangong Xungu challenges the geniuses on the Qilin Ranking, he is very likely to win in one fight, without having to wait for many years to force the old man away.

Xiang people.

In the garden pavilion, Xiang Baizheng and many other high-level officials were present.

Yun Ye was also among them, listening to many high-level officials discussing the current situation in Wenyun Town.

Every once in a while, someone from the tribe will seriously report new situations. No matter what they think in their hearts, they must be worried about their family.

"My lords, someone discovered that Divine Sword Nangong Xungu is already in the town, and he also intends to participate! His strength far exceeds that of other geniuses, and he may become the prince's enemy!"

"The second young master of the Tianxin clan has arrived. He is protected by the Dharma Realm. His strength is very terrifying. It is said that he is also interested in the Wenyun Ceremony and wants to compete with many talented people!"

Noteworthy opponents keep popping up.

Every time a famous figure appeared, Xiang Baizheng and others laughed without any sense of nervousness.

The tribesman who reported the news was confused, but he could vaguely detect the attitude of the Xiang tribe's senior leaders.

These geniuses, even little people, are nothing to be afraid of!

"What's going on... Even if the prince's talent is unparalleled, it will take time to grow. There are bound to be people in the outside world who can match him. Could it be that the clan doesn't intend to win in the first place?"

This tribesman was still thinking about this problem before retreating. He couldn't understand that genius has no limits.

Moreover, because of the unequal information, it is impossible to understand why the senior leaders of the Xiang ethnic group are laughing.

"Prince Xiangying, the more capable people you have, the greater the space for you to show your potential. If you step on these genuine geniuses to reach the top, the Qilin Ranking will probably change in an instant! Even if it doesn't change, the Crown Prince will be able to win the Qilin Ranking. With his character, the prince will not only become a Dharma state, he may even be unparalleled!"

"Yes, by attaining the status of Qilin, Prince Xiangying, you will surpass several senior brothers from the beginning. You will surely be favored by Elder Shuang and become the leader of the Yuntian Ling Sect. This is our great fortune for the Xiang Clan!"

"Hahaha, elders, I'm exaggerating, but this battle is bound to be won. You must have the belief that you are invincible!" Xiang Baizheng laughed, and he patted Yun Ye on the shoulder, "I can't imagine that when those geniuses are swept away, What an expression it will be! So refreshing!”

"Xiangying, you should crush this battle and win, don't worry about their faces, do you understand? Back then, our Xiang people, including me, were the ones who were swept away. Now we, the Xiang people, should be the ones who have reversed their feng shui. time!"

Yun Ye nodded: "Yes."

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