A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 229 What is this...monster?

In the blink of an eye, ten days later.

The Wenyun Ceremony is held in the center of Wenyun Town.

Unlike Baishi Town, Wenyun Town is located on the edge of the Great Wilderness Lingze with extremely rich spiritual energy, so it has the conditions to set up a large formation without using Taoist weapons to guard against demons.

In this case, the area of ​​Wenyun Town far exceeds that of Baishi Town and is a large military fortress.

In the center of the fortress, there is a need to circulate supplies, so there is an extremely spacious space.

The Grain Cloud Ceremony was held here, and the spiritual magic platform and seats were built out of thin air.

Here, there are countless colorful ribbons shining with spiritual light.

In addition to the decorative effect, it also has the effect of formation.

Once the spiritual battle begins, it will be turned into a barrier to control the damage to a fixed area without harming others.

The entire venue of the Grain Cloud Ceremony is like a large Colosseum, with a circular shape, with the seats increasing accordingly, while the Spiritual Technique Platform is at the lowest point. The only difference from the large Colosseum is that the venue of the Grain Cloud Ceremony is extremely large.

The spiritual magic platform alone is a thousand meters in diameter, leaving ample space for the monks to fight.

However, even so, it was still too narrow for the spiritual realm monks, so the law realm took action and set up formations to expand the spatial distance here.


It is the day when the Grain Cloud Ceremony begins.

As soon as the day broke, monks entered the venue one by one, making the venue gradually lively.

"Mother, that is?"

"It has nothing to do with us, let's go quickly."

One child pointed to the majestic building rising from the ground, but was pulled away by his mother.

All civilians in this area voluntarily left and did not dare to appear in the streets again.

This is the grand ceremony for spiritual practitioners.

It has nothing to do with ordinary people like them. Even at this time, they have to be extra careful.

As the number of spiritual practitioners increases, people with various personalities will appear. Ordinary people like them may be massacred at any time just because of an action or a word. This is a bloody lesson.

Even if they don't do anything, this kind of thing will still happen. All they can do is try to reduce the possibility.

At noon, when it was close to the opening, the big shots appeared.

You Kaiwu, who was dressed in a military robe and wrapped in chains, sat somewhere casually and didn't talk to anyone.

But its aura is still frightening. You can feel the terrifying power suppressed in its body, as if it is a dormant wild beast that may open its bloody mouth at any time.

Ao Xiu from the Snow Mountain Ao family was much more flamboyant. He entered the venue in a cart pulled by flying beasts, but his breath was cold and there was no terrifying atmosphere like that of You Kaiwu. There were many beauties and heroes who got off the car with him. It was during this period that he made friends. Geniuses everywhere.

They took their seats while chatting and laughing, waiting for the opening.

The flying beast pulling the cart was not interested in this, so he crawled down, ignored the noise and fell asleep, causing Ao Xiu to shake his head.

"This beast is really lazy."

The spiritual magician's grand ceremony is extremely spacious. Even strange beasts have a place to stay, and there is also a place for them to sleep. Ao Xiu just said a word and stopped paying attention.


The senior officials of the aristocratic families in Yunwen Town also arrived, and they were all in the spiritual realm.

The Dharma Realm can only arrange arrangements for such a trivial matter, and it is impossible to come and watch the ceremony.

These five spiritual realms are from the Chen family, the ruling family of Yunwen Town, and Zhou, Wu, and Xu, the three major Dharma realm families.

The last one is Tianxin Changming, the second son of the Tianxin clan. He is very young, only about fifteen years old.

His face is decayed and he is a sickly man. The purpose of coming to participate in the Wenyun Ceremony is self-evident.

"Tianxin Changming, I have always heard that he has great achievements in divine magic and is also very outstanding in the Tianxin clan. I don't know how capable he is. How does he compare to his elder brother?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible to compare. Tian Xin An is the real genius who has made it to the Qilin Ranking. Tian Xin Chang Ming looks like he is aging prematurely. How can he go far if he is born with flaws?"

Many eyes were cast on the second young master, and there were many discussions, but they did not go into depth. This second young master was protected by the Dharma Realm. Who knows whether the Dharma Realm's spiritual consciousness has scanned it?

As the organizer, the Xiang people welcome the heads of many aristocratic families.

It doesn't matter what you think in your heart.

You have to do enough superficial work.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Chushuang clan is, once they are exterminated, what is the point of taking revenge in the future?

They cannot come back to life.

outside the venue.

Yun Ye also arrived with Xiang Yan's three subordinates. Just as he was about to enter, he suddenly looked aside.

I saw a young man in white walking towards him with a group of followers.

The moment Yun Ye looked at this person, he frowned slightly and felt a little threatening...

Is this person capable of hurting him?

Yun Ye only glanced at it, and then walked into the venue as if nothing had happened. Just like what Xiang Baizheng said, he would do his best to fight against people who didn't know his background. It didn't matter whether there was a threat or not, he would definitely show his strongest form. …

Yun Ye left, but the young man in white stopped. He just watched Yun Ye go away and was silent for a long time.

"Prince Nangong? Why did you stop?" The followers around him were confused and asked.

The young man in white didn't speak until Yun Ye was out of sight, then he suddenly said, "Who is this child?"

"This... Judging from the clothes, he should be from the Xiang ethnic group. I'm afraid he is the so-called Qilinzi that this small tribe touts. He is only five years old this year and is just a passer-by at this ceremony." The young man beside him said, and Don't care about a mere five-year-old child.

"Indeed, I can't understand the Xiang people's thoughts. Do they want to give away the top elixir to gain the support of the winner's family? We got this based on our strength. Their ideas are too simple." Another follower nodded and said directly He designated the final winner as his heir apparent.

"Visitor? Haha..." Nangong Xungu didn't know what he was laughing at, and his expression was extremely ugly.

His fingers were trembling slightly. He hid them in his sleeves and held them tightly. Even beads of sweat were uncontrollably dripping from his forehead - he was a spirit body and couldn't control his body?

Actually, that's true.

The moment they looked at each other, his innate intuitive magic came into play. If the battle of life and death was against this child...

Death is certain!

This kind of fear far exceeded all the dangers he had encountered in the past. Even if he had faced the law directly, it was only one tenth or one percent of it. It directly defeated his control over his body.

After resting there for a long time, the indescribable fear in my heart faded away.

This kind of thing is a fucking passer-by?

Was it his fucking boast?


Nangong Xungu felt that it was possible to say that this child was the reincarnation of an ancient sage!

He has never seen such a terrifying person at the age of five in Mengze Lingzong!

"Come on, I want to see this big show!"


Everyone was confused, but they didn't dare to ask, so they had to follow the footsteps.



The bells are ringing.

Red light rose into the sky and spread toward the whole town.

Wherever it passes, the ice and snow melt and the cold air recedes.

Although there is heavy snow outside, in this venue area, the falling snow turns into gas and cannot affect the venue at all.

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