A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 231 The five-year-old genius

"Xiang Ying, I heard that you have conquered all the geniuses in the clan and your potential is the highest in the history of the Xiang clan?"

Wu Shiquan strode over with a smile on his face.

"Any insights?"

Yun Ye looked up at him.

There was no emotion in his eyes.

Many spiritual beings with keen intuition became inexplicably uneasy.

This Xiangying seems to be a little evil?

But those who feel it are only a few, and the battle has already begun, so they don't have much energy to delve deeper.

Wu Shiquan said:

"My name is Wu Shiquan, and I just want to learn about the rumored strength of Qilinzi. I think all fellow Taoists want to know more about it."

"You can participate in spiritual battles at the age of five. What kind of genius is he? Can I keep up with him?"

"If I fail, the prince's fame will spread throughout the wilderness, and he will become a true young genius."

Many spiritual realms around him laughed.

Although Wu Shiquan is not as famous as Ao Xiu and those who are close to Tianjiao, this is the home court of the Wu family.

Who can fail to recognize Wu Shiquan, the Wu family’s greatest contemporary genius?

His talent is extremely high and he entered the spiritual realm early. Now he is only thirty years old and has already reached the Great Spiritual Realm.

Cultivation in the spiritual realm is infinitely more difficult than in the mortal realm. Baishi Town relies on high-grade elixirs to speed up cultivation, while Wenyun Town relies on spiritual elixirs and spiritual energy concentration. The pure speed is actually not as good as Baishi Town.

Wu Shiquan entered the Dacheng spiritual realm at the age of thirty. He is already very talented and can crush a large number of senior spiritual realms.

Those who struggle to break through to the spiritual realm may stay at the foundation for their entire lives.

If Xiangying could defeat the Great Spiritual Realm at the age of five, it would not be an exaggeration to call him a genius.

When Wu Shiquan said this, his aura continued to rise, and he was thinking about how to maximize the effect of ravage.

"You? You're just a nobody worth mentioning. Even if I defeat you, I won't become a true genius."

"This is a battle of life and death, regardless of the rules. If you want to take action, then do it, no one will stop you."

Yun Ye saw Wu Shiquan's purpose and said casually.

"A nobody worth mentioning? Interesting..."

After Wu Shiquan finished speaking, his fist was already enlarged in front of Yun Ye, and his surging killing intent was crushing Yun Ye.

His purpose is simple, to destroy the Taoist heart and let it sink forever.

It is obviously most effective to crush and humiliate people in this kind of grand ceremony, and there is no point in showing off one's words.

There wouldn't even be an excuse in his mind to rationalize his actions like "it's his apprenticeship with the Shuang clan that's to blame".

In factional disputes, if there is an opportunity to do something evil, no one will hesitate. This is their vital interest and no one can stop it.


Blood flutters.

The headless corpse staggered and fell.

Yun Ye retracted his hand in an ordinary manner, and a small ball of crystal flame enveloped his palm. Such a small ball of flame evaporated the splashed blood with high temperature, and not a drop of it stuck to his body.


There was a moment of tranquility in the entire spiritual magic platform.

Everyone stopped and looked in Yun Ye's direction, their eyes filled with disbelief and horror.

A five-year-old kid killed the Great Spiritual Realm in one blow!

What the hell kind of magical reality is this?

When they were five years old, they were still battling wits and courage with wooden stakes!

"Are you careless?"

someone said.


Someone answered.

They couldn't believe this.


Yun Ye walked over the corpse normally, but the sound of footsteps could be heard clearly throughout the audience. Most of the spirit realms involuntarily moved out of the way. They didn't believe it, but they were afraid of a mere five-year-old child.

The child in blue clothes turned a blind eye and walked firmly to the center. He would be born from the sky and sweep away the haze of previous generations.

Whoever stops or hinders will be robbed in advance!

"Join forces!"

Chen Yuan blocked the way forward.

Three people walked out with him, and they were all geniuses from Yunwen Town's famous families.

They didn't expect Wu Shiquan to lose so quickly, so they had to join forces to intervene.

"Dare to kill Wu Shiquan, it was your worst judgment."

A pagoda appeared above Chen Yuan's head. As it slowly rotated, vigorous mana enveloped the four people present.

Some people recognized this magical weapon as the Chen family's trump card as the ruling family, a forbidden weapon.

This is something beyond the evaluation system of spiritual magic weapons, and its power is only determined by the level of cultivation of the weapon refiner.

This forbidden weapon has magic power. It obviously comes from the hands of the Dharma Realm. It seals part of the power belonging to the Dharma Realm. Although it will disintegrate when used up, before it is used up, it is a natural barrier to the spiritual realm monks and cannot be overcome at all.

With the protection of this forbidden weapon, Chen Yuan and the others can only attack, and I'm afraid it won't take long to kill Xiangying.


Four people took action.

Before Yun Ye started killing, they couldn't surround him because the target was too obvious. If he killed Yun Ye, their family would suffer and they would be pushed out to be sacrificed.

But Yun Ye acted first, so they had a reason. It was reasonable and reasonable to act to avenge their friends.

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"Spiritual root sublimation!"

Chen Yuan entered his peak state, his momentum was like a rainbow, he punched out, and a very violent flame burst out.

The Chen family's research on the fire spirit method is very advanced, far surpassing that of the Zhu family in Baishi Town. The flame is blazing white. It is an acquired spiritual fire. It is several times more powerful than the five elements spiritual fire. It is also blessed by the heavenly road. It starts as soon as it appears. There are large areas that are boiling.

The other children of the aristocratic families are equally powerful and are basically in the Great Spiritual Realm. They are the best among the best in the family.

They all used their killing moves to obliterate Yun Ye, making people feel that Yun Ye was already hovering on the edge of life and death.

However, the ideas are full and the reality is often skinny.

Just a moment.

Chen Yuan leaned back and raised his head to the sky.

A big hole had been opened in his chest at some point, and the pure mana curtain covering him had no defensive effect at all. After Yun Ye dug out his heart, it quickly collapsed from one point onwards.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

His heart was still beating in Yun Ye's hands, and Chen Yuan looked pleading, he didn't want to die.

The next second.

The heart was crushed and turned into ashes in the flames.

Chen Yuan's aura plummeted immediately, and he was no longer able to support himself, so he collapsed and turned into a corpse in the blink of an eye.

The heart and brain are fatal wounds in the concept of spiritual realm.

The brain is the control center, and if you destroy it, you will die.

The heart is often the beginning of energy circulation.

After being destroyed, the resistance will be instantly weakened to the mortal realm.

An attack that cannot be resisted even in the spiritual realm can kill him suddenly when he falls to the mortal realm.

Yun Ye's eyes fell on the other three people.

These three people were still on the way, still charging towards Yun Ye, and they saw such a terrifying scene.


"When you first enter the spiritual realm, how can you break through the forbidden weapon..."

The other three yelled, and they turned around almost at the same time, trying to escape.

But Yun Ye showed great speed, and in a daze, all three of them flew sideways, turned into ashes and disappeared.

Then, as if nothing happened, he walked towards the center and under the red hydrangeas.


The whole audience was shocked, and no one dared to stop him.

Even Ao Xiu and others looked extremely surprised.

"This power has already entered our realm. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. A five-year-old..."


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