A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 232 Taking the Shuang Family’s Enemies


Someone among the heads of the Four Great Dharma Realm Families crushed the armrest of the chair, and a vein popped out.

"Heads of the family, it was just a fight, and it is normal to get injured. However, you should have held back and did not send the strongest geniuses to surround and kill. I am grateful for my son."

Xiang Baizheng sneered.

Many family heads cast cold glances at Xiang Baizheng. If it weren't for Shuang's reputation, this clown would have lost his head.

"Young genius..."

The head of the Chen family didn't pay much attention to the head of a small family, but paid more attention to Yun Ye's existence.

To be called a young genius, one usually approaches the Qilin Ranking between the ages of ten and sixteen.

To be honest, this is extremely rare, even in the Yuntian Lingzong.

Normally speaking, is it possible for a genius born in a small family to reach the level of genius at the age of five?

Not to mention five years old, even fifty years old, I am afraid that he will be swept away by the young prodigy.

What kind of treasure did the Xiang people get?


Is it the reason for the 100,000-year sun wheel?

One top-notch elixir cannot support a young prodigy at all. It requires at least ten complementary strains.

Ao Xiu and others are only close to the geniuses. They are already over sixteen years old, so the difficulty is too great.

On the spiritual stage.

Yun Ye stood in the center. Although he was very arrogant, Ao Xiu, Tian Xin Chang Ming and others did not disturb him without their knowledge.

It's not that they were afraid, they just recognized the status that this extremely young genius deserved.

If you want to gain a foothold in this wilderness, you must have the same strength and potential.

Yun Ye has both strength and potential, and he is backed by the Chushuang clan. Except for hostile forces, no one will easily provoke him.

"Sure enough, I felt right. This guy... is extremely scary."

Nangong Xungu muttered to himself, silently taking a few steps back. He was basically certain that he would not be able to win this ceremony, and the winner must be this "Xiangying".

Youyunye started with a stunning start, but the rest of the battle was ordinary. These spiritual realms combined vertically and horizontally, and it took a long time to deal with the opponents, and finally the number was reduced to sixteen and entered the formal stage.

During this period, there were huge casualties, and many spirit realms were killed on the spot.

What everyone cannot see is that a large amount of luck emerges from the dead person and gathers on the red hydrangea.

The loser only extracts part of his luck, but all the luck of the dead person will be swallowed up.

This is almost like raising gu.

That is to say, no one knows about this, otherwise the battle will be endless, and all the spiritual realms of ordinary families will be washed with blood and turned into nutrients. Only the spiritual realms with extremely high status can survive.

"The spiritual magic stage will be divided into eight parts. Those who are willing to defend the stage are invited to come on stage, and the rest will choose one person to challenge."

“The winner moves on to the next stage and repeats until the final winner is determined.”

After Xiang Baizheng's voice came out, the entire spiritual magic platform roared, dividing eight barriers.

At the very center, there is a marked point, and standing on it is the leader.

Yun Ye was standing in the center, so there was no need to move.

Many people actually noticed this.

After a little calculation, they discovered that the final center of the arena must be the one at Yun Ye's feet.

"Are you sure that you will have the last laugh?"

Everyone was shocked.

Although they felt that Yun Ye's strength was extraordinary, they never overestimated it to the point where he could win 100% against everyone.

In addition to Ao Xiu, You Kaiwu, and Tianxin Changming, there is a genius here who is really close to the Qilin Ranking, Nangong Xungu!

Using the spiritual realm to fight the legal realm, although he didn't completely win, the legal realm couldn't do anything to him, and his strength was completely beyond the scope of the spiritual realm.

The one with the greatest chance of winning must be Nangong Xungu. If the others don't have a hidden trump card, they are destined to fail.


You Kaiwu and other four geniuses stepped forward and occupied the four corners.

The rest are fighting for the remaining seats with all their strength.

If you don't compete for the last three seats, you may have to fight against the five geniuses. This is completely asking for death.

Soon, through mutual interference, they completed the battle and selected their opponent.

But Yun Ye's opponent was very strange.

He didn't participate in the fight and just waited in front of Yun Ye.

Others were waiting for the weak, but it was better for him to choose Yun Ye from the beginning.

Was it because he was hiding his strength and wanted to make a splash, so he chose Yun Ye, who seemed the weakest and most unreliable?

This man was wearing a black robe, hiding his face. At this time, he took off his hood.

This is an ordinary face, with less expression than Yun Ye.

He looks like a nobody.

"You are very strange."

Yun Ye said, seemingly feeling something, but it was vague and not real.

This sense of violation made Yun Ye frown.

He suddenly became more serious. The man in black robe in front of him didn't seem to be here for victory or defeat?

"My name is "Wuxin", the old is new and the new is new. You can understand me as the enemy of the Qishuang clan. The disciples that the Qishuang clan accepts are often people he has judged with divine methods and who can be famous in the world. Facts have proved that , you do have the corresponding qualifications, which is amazing, and maybe you will be a peerless person..."

The man in black robe moved his finger, and a black energy spread immediately, "So, I can only ask you to die."

"Divine Law——"


Before the man in black robe could finish speaking, his body had been shattered into pieces and turned into blood everywhere.

Yun Ye appeared behind the black-robed man and glanced at the place where the black-robed man was standing with a slight frown.

Crystal flames surged all over his body, and with a wave of his hand, all the blood evaporated.

"There is a sense of violation. This person is a puppet, right?"

When he just spoke, Yun Ye felt that this person was trying to use divine magic to subtly interfere.

If you let him activate his magic, it might bother him too, so I'd better just kill him.

"The moment ends. Is this guy a physical or spiritual cultivator?"

The four geniuses also crushed their opponents one after another, two of them were directly beaten to death, and the others were so frightened that they surrendered and did not dare to fight with these geniuses again.

The four geniuses had no interest in these weaklings. They tried to eliminate them, just wanting to observe others quickly.

It would be best to surrender.

But they didn't expect that after just a few words, Yun Ye would suddenly take action and beat his opponent to pieces, leaving the latter completely defenseless.

This made the four geniuses even more afraid of Yun Ye.

The speed is indeed too fast. Although they can still see clearly, who knows if this is the limit?

"Third round."

There are only eight people in the third round, and two of the five geniuses will definitely go up against each other.

With the two weaklings abstaining directly.

The battle of Tianjiao has begun.

You Kaiwu strode towards Yun Ye, crushing away with vigor, the chains around him creaked, and said: "We are both physical monks, we should fight together, I want to see who is the real strong one! If you can't As long as I am satisfied, today next year will be your death anniversary!”

"Come and fight!"

When You Kaiwu opened his mouth and swallowed, a white rainbow came from the sky, a spiritual energy so rich that it was visible to the naked eye.

At the moment of siphoning, he suddenly stretched out his arms, and the star ring expanded, directly lifting the earth and air.

Crystal flames ignited on Yun Ye's body and stood still.


As You Kaiwu stamped his foot, the entire venue shook, and he disappeared and charged towards Yun Ye.

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