A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 233 Overwhelming the genius

As soon as Tianjiao made a move, Yun Ye felt a huge difference. He was indeed a strong man, and he could actually fight with him.

His spiritual body was initially formed, which was considered as the spiritual realm, but he had not yet stepped on the road to heaven.

He was much stronger than in the second life, whether it was the spiritual realm, the strength of the spiritual roots, or the various methods he mastered, all of which were far superior to the second life.

In the second life, he could rely on desperate efforts to severely injure the unprepared law realm. This kind of strength in the spiritual realm can already slaughter the spiritual realm at will. Whether it is great success or perfection, there is no difference under his hands.

But You Kaiwu was able to fight him under such circumstances, which was amazing.


Yun Ye blocked You Kaiwu's fist with his hand, and his long black hair was blown away by the fist wind. The momentum of the man in front of him became more and more prosperous, as if he had mastered some method that could continuously improve his combat power in battle.

"One style! Two styles! Three styles!"

You Kaiwu kept punching, showing the essence of his own physical method, fighting with Yun Ye, and the whole ring was shaking constantly, and the barrier was unstable, forcing a large number of spiritual realms to inject power to stabilize it.

But it was all useless. The more You Kaiwu punched, the more he found himself powerless.

His face changed.

How could he have such strength at the age of only five?

He could hardly even touch this talent. The gap was too big!

"I have already exerted 90% of my normal strength, and you can handle it with ease. You are indeed very strong! However, that's all. The method of my You family is beyond the imagination of your small clans!"

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"Star ring added!"

You Kaiwu showed a hint of murderous intent. It was difficult for him to accept the rise of a young genius. He suddenly hit his chest, and the water-blue texture spread on his forehead. The star ring wrapped around him also fell and merged into his body, turning into a rumbling power source.

His aura was soaring!

As a physical method cultivator, You Kaiwu was not good at spiritual root sublimation, but the physical method also had a corresponding star ring added to the spiritual root sublimation, and the effect would only be stronger, not weaker.

To a certain extent, spiritual root sublimation was a weakening for physical method cultivators.

The physical method uses life force, but the spiritual energy needs to be neutralized by life force. Maintaining the recovery of the spiritual root is already the limit. If it is replaced by the sublimation of the spiritual root, the combat power will not increase but decrease!

"Fifth style, heavy chaos and destruction!"

You Kaiwu attacked again and completely activated his own Tianlu method, and its amplification multiple was far beyond Xiangyu Xingfa.

When he punched out, his hand seemed to carry the weight of a mountain. The air in the entire area was pressed down, locking Yun Ye and preventing Yun Ye from escaping easily.

The area close to his fist was constantly torn and destroyed, and the energy of rapid destructive power was rotating.

Ao Xiu had felt the power of this move, and even if he knew it, it was difficult to guard against it, and he would always hit it head-on.

If he was not an ice zodiac sign, he could freeze a large area and reduce You Kaiwu's speed, I am afraid he would not be able to compete on the same stage, and his defense would be destroyed and directly blown up.

Ao Xiu and the other two were staring at how this five-year-old super genius would respond and what kind of secret technique he had mastered.

But to their disappointment, this super genius still burned the crystal flame and then swung his fist.

——You Kaiwu's strength is at least twenty times different from before, and he still dares to punch?

But the result was far beyond expectations.

The speed of this super genius surpassed You Kaiwu. He punched the inside of You Kaiwu's arm and directly destroyed his arm. Then he kicked You Kaiwu in the abdomen, making him look like he was hit by a heavy hammer, his whole body burst and splattered with blood. He looked extremely miserable after just one blow.

How is this possible?

This thought popped up in everyone's mind. This is too exaggerated. He didn't even use the spiritual root revival, and he didn't see the body law star ring. How did he do it?

Yun Ye grabbed You Kaiwu, so You Kaiwu didn't fly out, but vomited blood in front of him.

In the previous attack, Yun Ye used his normal full strength, but it only looked serious. In fact, the damage was resolved. If there was a healing secret technique, it could be repaired in an instant.


You Kaiwu struggled to break free, but failed. He was ruthless and directly launched the recovery secret technique in Yun Ye's hand, sublimating his own state and strength, and there was an electric current bursting and flowing.

This time, he managed to break free.

"Body generates electricity, spiritual realm is fully achieved..."

Yun Ye recognized his moves. This feature is present when the spiritual realm physical method is fully achieved. Although there is no thunder spirit root, it can generate thunder and lightning, which can increase its combat reaction speed to the extreme.

Is this strengthening the nerve bioelectricity?

Yun Ye didn't know, but he found that You Kaiwu kept up with his speed, and his reaction was very exaggerated.

An ordinary spiritual realm, even a perfect realm, can only be ravaged and killed instantly when facing You Kaiwu.

This is the strongest person of the same realm that Yun Ye has encountered so far. He is worthy of being a figure close to the Kirin Ranking Tianjiao. He is indeed extraordinary. If he can go further, he can almost fight with the weaker realm of Bai Shizhen.

But this is still far from enough.

It is far from invincible!

"Spirit root... revive!"

The water and fire pattern on Yun Ye's forehead flashed, and a large amount of spiritual energy rushed in, and the crystal flames surged in an instant.

You Kaiwu wanted to attack, but it was gone as soon as he touched it. He looked at his palm with a gloomy face... In just such a short moment, half of it was burned.

With such power, if he dared to break in, he would be turned into ashes directly.

"Samadhi True Fire·Cangyan."

After Yun Ye mastered the physical method, even without using the inner fire, his speed and strength are still at the same level as when he was in the inner fire state, so now he can increase his attack power to the extreme.


Yun Ye made a sweeping move, but You Kaiwu didn't dare to catch it, and kept retreating. He was very embarrassed and humiliated, which made his anger continue to rise, and he finally stopped hiding his strength.


With a roar, the chains all over You Kaiwu's body began to expand with vitality. At this moment, they turned into a ring of stars covering the sky, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Multi-ring training! There are seven chains in total. In theory, you can get seven times the normal life force. Although it can only last for a certain period of time, it can burst out and often crush the same realm and fight against the Dharma realm!"

Everyone concentrates, and after seven times the power is unleashed, will the gap between strength and weakness change?

"Fellow practitioners of physical and spiritual methods, you are indeed terrifying, but I will definitely be the winner in the end!"

You Kaiwu roared, and the power released by the chain revived at this moment, completely entering the strongest state.

When he punched out, the space shook, cracks could be seen everywhere, and Cang Yan was actually blocked.

Able to resist Cang Yan, and with his surging vitality almost substantive, You Kaiwu reached the strongest state in his history, with extremely high confidence.

He believed that the battle situation would change dramatically, and even Yun Ye would not be able to bear it with one punch.

But soon he became desperate. Yun Ye grabbed his fist with one hand and suppressed all his explosive power.

The difference in strength is immeasurable.


You Kaiwu's pupils shrank, unable to accept this reality, and struggled wildly, trying to break free.

But what is very funny is that although he is tall and powerful, he is almost prostrate, and his arm is grabbed by a child and unable to move.

When the crystal flame spread, he showed a look of horror. When he raised his head, he only saw emotionless eyes.

"I, Youjianai...ahhhh!"

Before he could finish his words, he was reduced to ashes amidst the screams.

Yun Ye didn't have the consciousness of being a family member and couldn't play interest exchange, so he eliminated all his enemies.

Moreover, he could vaguely feel that what he did was vaguely close to something right.

It's a pity that there is no Taoist weapon now, so he can only feel it and cannot see it directly.

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