A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 239 The red sky is dead, the blue sky will stand

Yun Ye looked at the history, and the only thing he could be sure of was that the True Immortal was indeed invincible, and all the four seas and eight wastelands were submissive.

The four seas and eight wastelands here were just descriptions, and Yun Ye was not clear about what the Red Heaven Realm was exactly.

From the picture alone, the entire Red Heaven Realm was swept by the First Immortal, and humans became the undisputed overlord.

Theoretically, the True Immortals are immortal and can protect humans forever, and the human race should prosper.

But in terms of results, this did not happen.

Even if an immortal became a Taoist and gained invincible power, it did not bring much change to the human race.

An example is the future Taoist who became an immortal ten thousand years ago. He is the True Immortal with the shortest distance from today's history and the lightest mythological color.

However, after the future Taoist became an immortal, there was no trace, and he was completely dead and silent, exactly the same as the True Immortals in the past.

If it were not for the fact that future generations could still borrow the power of the True Immortals, perhaps his name would have disappeared in history long ago.

What the immortals are doing is a topic that the entire human race is discussing. Many people have created popular stories based on this, such as the real immortals have great enemies who are blocking them from outside the world. There are all kinds of speculations.

And today, Yun Ye finally got a glimpse of one of them.

Because the consciousness of the Royal Mother Real Immortal just passed on a real immortal method to him. This real immortal method contains its history and achievements, and is the power condensed from miracles.

As a real immortal method, it is naturally powerful.

But what is more noteworthy is the history contained in it.

Yun Ye saw the end of the Red Sky World, what happened!

Although it was just a remnant, Yun Ye was sure that the Red Sky World began to disintegrate from the inside.

Someone disintegrated the rule of the First Immortal, and permanently suppressed the First Immortal in the depths of the Heavenly Road, and said: "Red Sky is dead, Blue Sky should be established, and the great sin will continue forever."

Only immortals can defeat immortals.

Since then, the Red Sky World collapsed, the Unified Immortal Dynasty disappeared in history, and history fell into an infinite cycle.

The Heavenly Road, which was once highly expected by the First Immortal, also deteriorated in the future and was destroyed bit by bit.

The breeder of eternal wisdom refers to the Heavenly Road created by the First Immortal.

This opened the era of explosive evolution of mankind, and also recorded the collective wisdom of mankind forever in the Heavenly Road, so that there would be no more destruction of the race and loss of the achievements of the ages.

However, this situation that allowed the human race to ascend was really too rapid, and the individual power became explosively stronger. As the first immortal, Red Sky did not suppress it, resulting in a series of people becoming immortals in the prosperous era.

In the end, the evil nature of human nature overwhelmed the good, the Red Sky World collapsed from the inside, and the human race entered a new era.

The era of the Blue Sky World.

The Red Sky World was the era of the human race dyeing the world red with blood and tears, and finally ushered in a great prosperity, which is far from being explained by a few pictures.

The world of blue sky is the product of the rapid expansion of human desires. It came too easily, covering up the darkness with clarity and disintegrating the world of red sky from the inside.

One can't help but sigh, where is the victory now...

Yun Ye stood up and walked towards the tenth figure.

The evaluation of the ninth figure was: the peerless in one state, which should refer to the peerless list above the Qilin list.

However, the ancient peerless law has not yet reached the peak, and should be far less powerful than the modern peerless.

I don't know what era this tenth figure is from.


As soon as the figure appeared in color, the roar resounded through the world, a crack tore open, and a huge barrier spread.

The scenery of the world was rewritten and covered by a large barrier.

And its source was a young man with a cold expression and a swirling black robe. He seemed to be shrouded in divine light, and walked step by step, with a faint sense of commanding the world.

Spiritual law field!

This is the evolutionary power of the spiritual field. By engraving one's own spiritual method into the spiritual field, it can form an effect similar to the formation, and no formation equipment is needed. The enemy can be pulled into one's home field in an instant.

Yun Ye himself had never heard of this kind of power, but in this Tianlu, there was an explanation given by Tianlu, so Yun Ye was not confused.

To deal with this unknown power, Yun Ye did not dare to be careless and immediately entered the state of spiritual root recovery.

At the same time, the physical method was also stimulated to the maximum extent, and the self-generated power and life force star ring emerged.

With the Samadhi True Fire covering his whole body, Yun Ye silently raised his hand, and the spiritual eye and spiritual method were activated at the same time.

"All things are silent!"

Gray light burst out.

And after being amplified by the spiritual eye, it reached the target instantly, omitting the moving process.

The black-robed young man raised his hand, the crack expanded, and the dark cavity appeared in front of him, unexpectedly confronting the silence of all things.

This is undoubtedly also a spiritual method above the second zodiac sign, which may be a triple spiritual method, or it may be an extremely spiritual spiritual method!

"Vortex Secret·No Heaven!"

This confrontation lasted for a short time, and the black-robed young man raised his head, and then the black cavity spread and covered the sky.

The oppressive breath condensed in the sky, continuously consuming a large amount of spiritual energy.

And in this home field, Yun Ye couldn't compete with the opponent at all, and the spiritual energy he could pull was less than one-tenth of the usual.

Although the effect of the silence of all things is extremely strong, it can be seen from the ninth level that there is still talent to offset it.

And at the tenth level, not only did the opponent's strength increase, but he could also reduce his spiritual control?

And it was directly reduced to one-tenth?

This power gap is too big.

Let the opponent launch the secret, and Yun Ye will only be killed instantly.

"Red Sky True Immortal Method."

Yun Ye spread his arms and exhaled deeply.

The next second, although he did not use his spiritual roots, countless spiritual energy surged in between heaven and earth, and was able to forcibly confront the entire barrier.

Hongtian’s immortal method is the first providence of heaven!

"I'm angry, God obeys my position!"

This was the method used by the Queen Mother True Immortal when she fought with him just now, but it was just a super enhanced version.

In the era of the Queen Mother and the True Immortal, this move was very common and could only increase endurance.

But in Yun Ye's era, the Queen Mother's True Immortal has become an immortal, and her methods have been written into the rules.

Naturally, the effect has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is an evolution that is even more abnormal than the blessing of Heavenly Road.

Although it is a physical method, it does not force the aura to be wrapped up, but changes the principle of aura, from the aura of heaven and earth to a aura exclusive to the owner of the true immortal method.

This part of spiritual energy has regularity and cannot be snatched away by anyone or any move. It does not need to be refined and can function directly. It is a pure power amplifier.

This is the first providence of this era.

"The Mystery of Fire: Discord!"

Similarly, when Yun Ye was surrounded by so many spiritual energies, he immediately activated his secrets and disrupted the spiritual energy of the entire world.

The Secret of the Vortex Wutian was destroyed, and most of the accumulated power disappeared, but part of it still remained.

The young man in black robe waved his hand, and the whole sky was filled with darkness, swallowing up everything.

"Great Spiritual Technique!"

"Spiritual root sublimation!"

Yun Ye tried his best, but the great spiritual technique was also weakened in the spiritual realm. The increase multiplier was no longer ten or twenty times, but dropped to nine times. As Yun Ye's cultivation level increased, the increase multiplier of this move would continue to increase. reduce.

This is mainly because the spiritual energy in the area is limited, and the farther out the spiritual energy is extracted, the slower it becomes. The amplified effects of spiritual root recovery and walking techniques are already close to a certain limit, so the effects begin to decrease.

However, this increase is still terrifying. In addition, Yunye has reached a level of spiritual root sublimation and can accurately know how to extend his spiritual roots to a designated location, so he skips the training process and reaches a level close to the spiritual root sublimation.

The great spiritual method increased nine times.

The spiritual root sublimation increases seven times.

A full sixty-three times the power, the strength obtained by this increase, not to mention the sixty-three previous Yun Ye, even six thousand three hundred is useless, it is not the same level at all.

Yun Ye roared in this state, and the silence of all things that compressed all power exploded in one direction, confronting the black tone suppressed by the sky.

But unfortunately, Yun Ye's background is too far behind. His spiritual body is now increasing at a very low rate, and he can only barely use the secrets. There is no way to fight against a super genius who really has a spiritual body.

The final result was that Yun Ye was defeated by Heiqiang, turned into countless white smoke, and stopped at the tenth level.

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