A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 240 The role of the tenth level of Tianlu, bloodline optimization

With Yun Ye defeated, the first level ends.

Yun Ye was stuck at the peerless level in Yizhou, far behind the strongest of the younger generation.

In this case, it goes without saying that those old monsters who have already reached a great level have a long road ahead.

"The first step of the Heavenly Road is completed."

"Bloodline recording - recording completed."

"Weight determination in progress - Defeat the ninth figure, the probability of basic bloodline optimization is '90%'."

“Start choosing the direction of optimization—selection is complete, and the essence of life is optimized.”

"Optimization begins——"

Yun Ye could see that the first level of the originally white jade sky road was spreading red.

His bloodline and original method were burned into the heavenly path!

Then, it was like going through countless years of deduction.

The blood origin method is constantly changing, filtering out wrong plans and moving towards the right ones.

The optimization probability is 90%, which means there is a 90% chance of obtaining the correct bloodline optimization, and the remaining 10% will result in negative optimization.

(Isn’t it evenly distributed? I passed the eighth level in the third life, but the chance of bloodline optimization was only 60%, but the ninth level directly increased to 90%. The higher the level, the greater the proportion?)

Yun Ye was thoughtful.

According to this calculation, if you only pass the first level, the success rate of bloodline optimization may not even be 1%...

Well, maybe it's a negative number.

"Optimization completed. Taking the current effectiveness of the Origin Law as the standard number, the life essence increased by 5.2%. Do you want to burn it?"


The next second, a huge amount of information was poured into Yun Ye's mind, and a large number of blood vein textures appeared on the steps of the heavenly road.

Yun Ye silently received the information. This was the complete process of Tianlu's bloodline deduction.

The amount of information is so huge that it can instantly overwhelm the spirit in the spiritual realm.

It can be said that it has gone through thousands of years of evolution...

Yes, it is so terrifying, because this Tianlu deduction is an exhaustive method, constantly simulating and overturning.

The amount of information is so large that the human brain cannot imagine it. If the monks are allowed to bring back the memories, after losing the way to heaven and bearing this part of the pressure, the spirit will be 100% polluted and the way forward will be cut off.

In the first ten steps of the Celestial Road, memory cannot bring back closer to protective measures, which is the original true intention of the Queen Mother.

Only Yun Ye is different. His memory is stored in the Book of Reincarnation. The huge amount of information is not an obstacle to him and he can accept it as much as he wants.

This is an extremely terrifying advantage, because there are countless pitfalls on Tianlu. Yun Ye only needs to summarize the rules to roughly find out the next way forward.

If not, how could Yun Ye practice the original method on his own?

Analyzing genes is extremely difficult even if one has divine consciousness, and requires massive experiments.

Yun Ye did not have the conditions at all, including experimental tools, experimental environment, experimental resources, and even experimental knowledge.

This is completely beyond the scope of novels or videos. Even if someone does write a novel and mention genes, it is impossible to explain a lot of esoteric details. At most, it is just popular science.

It can be compared to nuclear bombs. Although the principles can be found with a casual search, the specific details, processes, and raw materials are not available to ordinary people. There is no difference between knowing and not knowing.

After fully accepting the information, Yun Ye's figure turned into white mist and returned to his body from the sky.

"I'm so tired. Is there more information this time than last time?"

After Yun Ye returned from Tianlu, he immediately felt a great mental burden.

Because of his experience, Yun Ye knew the reason for this, so he did not rush to open the book of reincarnation. Instead, he used his spiritual consciousness method to enter a deep sleep and restore his energy.

After leaving Tianlu, the memory has been forgotten, but the pressure caused by the infusion of large amounts of information has not disappeared.

In a short period of time, he will not be able to enter the Heavenly Road, otherwise his spirit will be severely damaged and the gain will outweigh the loss.

It was the first time in this life that I climbed the steps on the Pilgrim Road, and it ended perfectly.

When Yun Ye's spirit recovered, he opened the retreat again and practiced the new original method.

The first ten levels of Pilgrim's Ascension only optimize the original method and will not directly provide bloodline power.

If you want to obtain this 5.2% optimization, you still have to practice on your own.

In the last life, the life essence of the silent spirit body has reached 1.2, which means that after the spirit body reaches perfection, the life essence can be increased by 1.2 times.

Now after Tianlu optimization, it has reached about 1.26.

This increase is very small. Even if there are nine heavenly levels in the future, the final increase effect may not be very high.

But Yun Ye didn't care, because he had found a path that was very likely to succeed.

Tianlu can't stride forward, but he himself can stride forward!

This is the correct way to open knowledge!

One month later.

Yun Ye opened his eyes, showing a hint of joy.

After turning on the guidance of the Heavenly Path, his cultivation speed has improved by leaps and bounds, more than a hundred times faster than before!

All those precautions are no longer needed. Just follow the guidance of Heavenly Road and pour in spiritual power. The spiritual body will grow at an extremely gratifying rate!

He spent a lot of resources this month and took hundreds of elixirs to accelerate. Now he has still reached 21%, successfully entering the foundation stage of the spiritual body.

Although Yun Ye's spirit body is nothing compared to those families who have accumulated it for countless years, and is not even comparable to the Xiang Clan's spirit body, its growth potential is by no means comparable to that of ordinary families.

If you use the Silent Spiritual Technique to fight against it, the level you can overcome will be much higher than with the ordinary Spiritual Technique.

The ninth level can increase the life essence by 5%, but if you switch to an earlier level, not to mention that the optimization probability is only 50% or even 20%, the extent of optimization alone is actually far lower than that of the ninth level.

In this case, there are probably more than a dozen spirit realms in each generation, and it will take many generations to go from 1 to 2. The growth rate is too slow. Even if Yun Ye comes, it can only be said to speed up, but it cannot be faster than the Silent Spirit. The body grows quickly.

But after practicing for a month, the problem appeared.

Yun Ye found that he often felt uneasy and had difficulty entering a state of cultivation.

After several attempts in a row failed, Yun Ye frowned, opened the secret room and left.

"Is it an intuitive warning? No, it should be said that it is a luck warning. I have good luck now, and it is the time when the feeling is most obvious. Who wants to take action against me? The legal realm of Yunwen Town?"

Yun Ye completed the Heavenly Path and practiced the original method for a month, and his strength has skyrocketed again.

It can be said that Yun Ye, who is in the ordinary legal realm, can be killed easily and cannot be called a threat at all.

He swept through the children of the aristocratic family in the Wen Yun Ceremony, either dead or injured, and did not care about the consequences at all, all out of consideration of strength.

Even if he doesn't have the Heavenly Road to climb the steps, he can use mysteries and have the blessing of physical skills. It's easy to break through the siege and escape from the Yunwen Suppression Realm.

In fact, he is now a member of the aristocratic family and is in the ruling system. He is now powerful and can completely overthrow the rule of Yunwen Town.

——Unfortunately, all the ruling families own Dao weapons.

If he really wanted to confront the ruling family, he only had one way to expose his Taoist weapon. If not, he would have already taken action and wiped out the ruling family of Wenyun Town.

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