A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 241 The Fenggong clan’s lineage

"Your Majesty, why did you end your practice so soon?"

As soon as he came out of the retreat room, Xiangxiang bowed his hands and said a little strangely.

“It’s difficult to practice calmly if your heart is restless.”

Yun Ye raised his head and looked at the sky.

The stars are shining.

The night is bright.

In this beautiful scene, Yun Ye saw some murderous intent.

Although he is not proficient in divine magic, he has also learned the art of deduction. If it is too obvious, it will be difficult not to notice the problem.

"Where's Qingrou?"

"She is practicing in Yangxin Pavilion. It is the only place suitable for practicing divine magic."

"Call her."

Yun Ye himself could clearly feel something was wrong. With Xiang Qingrou's attainments in divine magic, he should be able to understand something.

Xiang Xiang obeyed the order and went to call Xiang Qingrou.

Yun Ye stayed where he was and looked at the open space aside, "Your Excellency, aren't you coming out yet?"

The clearing was empty.

no respond.

"Is this a lie, or can you really see me?"

Feng Gongyuan was a little surprised and looked at the young child in front of him.

This child has a delicate appearance, and there is a raindrop seal on his forehead. At first glance, he seems to be extraordinary. But after a closer look, he has a calm temperament that is not childish. The more he looks at it, the more surprising he becomes.

The child looked over calmly and showed no emotion, but the flames were burning on their own, towards the edge of the Wind Palace.

Feng Gongyuan was surprised, could he really detect his position?

The figure appeared, and when it was burned by the flames, Feng Gongyuan lost all his hidden thoughts, and a hazy shadow emerged.

"You shouldn't be able to detect me."

Color appeared in the shadow, and a young man stepped out of the flames and looked at Yun Ye in surprise.

This man is dressed in green clothes, with a pattern of a blue bird riding in the wind embroidered on it, which is extremely realistic, as if he is about to leap out.

"Blue Bird Riding the Wind, the symbol of the Feng Gong clan. For the sake of this symbol, I have answered your question... Why can't I detect you in my domain?"

Yun Ye said.


The man in green lowered his head subconsciously, only to find that a large number of spiritual patterns had appeared in the space under his feet at some point, and a large sealing formation had been formed.

He was stunned: "You still know the formation?"

Although he could tell at a glance that the formation was extremely rough, how could Xiang Ying, who was only five years old, get so much energy?

"Who you are is more important."

"Not long ago, I just killed a monk who claimed to be an enemy of the Shuang family. Will you be the second one?"

Yun Ye said.

"Haha." The man in green laughed, and with a wave of his hand, the magic power came out clearly, and the formation shattered directly.

"Dharma realm?" Yun Ye's expression remained unchanged, his fingers moved together through the air, and the raindrop sealer on his forehead was immediately unsealed.

Gray, dripping from Yun Ye's icy blue eyes.

In fact, it can be seen from the performance in Tianluzhong that Yunye can perfectly control the spiritual eye. The inability to control it in the outside world is just an illusion to avoid the Xiang people, especially Xiangdong, from paying too much attention.

As soon as the spiritual eye was activated, Feng Gongyuan almost exploded, feeling a fatal crisis.

"What are you going to do? Stop, I was sent by Elder Qishuang to protect you!"

He didn't care about the pretense and shouted immediately.

But it was obviously impossible for Yun Ye to listen to his words. The gray self-generation that froze everything began to spread directly on the surface of his body, making it difficult for people to guard against.

"Ice zodiac sign? No, the ordinary ice zodiac sign is far from enough to make me feel dangerous...it is the more pure and extremely spiritual ice sign!"

Feng Gongyuan's mana exploded, holding up the cyan barrier, and Gray immediately had a fierce confrontation with the barrier.


Cracks began to spread.

"Can't bear it anymore?"

Feng Gongyuan's pupils shrank violently, he was in the Dharma Realm!

He had never thought about having his life threatened by a spiritual realm. It was too far-fetched.

In a mere spiritual realm with only spiritual power, why can't it even resist his magic power?

From the mortal to the spiritual is to transcend the essence of life.

No matter how many mortals there are, they are like chickens and dogs in front of the spiritual realm, and they should be wiped out in a ruthless manner.

Similarly, from spirit to law is also an essential evolution.

Theoretically, no matter how many spiritual realms there are, they should be easily wiped out and cannot pose a threat.

This is a path that countless people have explored over countless years, a path that can break through the "boundaries".

Since it is a "limit", it is natural to be stronger than the strongest!

In the eyes of Feng Gongyuan, things like Tianjiao are completely unreasonable. Why do such individuals exist that defy heaven and earth?

Even the realm, even the accumulation of countless generations, can be easily crossed?

"Wind Palace Dafa! With one turn, nine palaces are established!"

Feng Gongyuan was frustrated in front of Yun Ye, so he naturally didn't pay attention to how terrifying his own power was.

Naturally, he would not notice how many people were crushed by his power and regarded him as a monster.

He was just angry from his heart, and he burst out with power, making the Nine Palaces Formation appear.

The formation of the nine palaces is manifested by the wind method, which can confuse, strangle, and concentrate power. All kinds of mysteries are difficult to explain.

As soon as the formation of the nine cyan palaces appeared, it easily overwhelmed the power of gray silence and propped up a piece of pure land in the gray.

"The wind zodiac sign, the formation of the Nine Palaces, are you really from the Wind Palace lineage... Then, your purpose of coming. Needless to say, protection or something, maybe, but it is definitely not the main reason."

After Yun Ye forced out his move, he stopped continuing. Instead, he maintained the realm of silence and talked with Feng Gongyuan.

The two of them are having a conversation with their spiritual consciousness, and even if they have spiritual energy infused into them, their voices will be destroyed by the two forces.


Feng Gongyuan quickly calmed down. This was Elder Tieshuang's disciple, and his identity was very different.

It can be said that becoming a disciple of Qishuang is almost certain to achieve peerless status.

In his Dharma state, even if he has wind spirit roots, he is just a chicken and a dog in front of Jueshi, who can be defeated in an instant.

Offending Xiangying is definitely not a wise move!

"Fellow Taoist Xiangying is really powerful... My name is Feng Gongyuan, the third generation blood relative of Feng Gong Jueshi. I was ordered by Elder Shuang to protect Taoist Xiangying. However, this protection is only for one person, Taoist Xiangying. The Xiang people are not among them.”

Feng Gongyuan sighed and said seriously: "The problem you feel is not an illusion. Something big will indeed happen in the near future, and the scope of the impact should be very large, including us, so you feel uneasy. ”

"The affected area is very large? What do you mean?" Yun Ye frowned. Does he mean the entire Xiang people or the entire Yunwen Town?

"I'm not proficient in divine magic, and someone has blocked the secrets of heaven. I can only feel that the problem is getting closer. To be honest, I suggest that fellow Taoist leave Yunwen Town directly at this time and go to Yuntian Lingzong. As long as you are in Yuntian Lingzong , you don’t have to worry about the safety of fellow Taoists, and you can also deter all enemies. I am here to escort you to Yuntian Lingzong," Feng Gongyuan said.

"Yuntian Lingzong is indeed the best choice. In this case, let's report to the head of the family. Now that I have completed the Cloud Pattern Ceremony, it is time to go to a wider world." Yun Ye's expression changed and he agreed.

"Wise move. When you are ready, call me." Feng Gongyuan left these words and disappeared.

He was restless in front of this kind of monster and just wanted to hide away.

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