A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 242 Divine Law Deduction and Large Resources

Yun Ye walked out of the spirit gathering array and casually ordered someone to inform Xiang Baizheng while he went to the library.

He wanted to answer a question.

When Xiang Qingrou and Xiang Xiang found Yun Ye, Yun Ye had just found the book and was about to open it when he said without raising his head: "Qing Rou, please use your magic to deduce something. It seems that something big will happen in the near future."

"Is it a big deal? I will do my best to deduce it."

Xiang Qingrou thoughtfully agreed.

She took out a magic weapon that looked like a turtle shell, activated the magic, and started to deduce it.

This is not predicting the future, and you cannot see any pictures or know exactly what happened.

This kind of deduction only clarifies the existing information and makes the possibilities clear.

Simply put, it means calculating the probability.

If the probability is extremely high, it will be deemed by the divine law cultivator as "will happen", otherwise it will be deemed as "not existing".

This is a very labor-intensive deduction, and it needs to be as perfect as possible. Otherwise, if you make a slight mistake, the deduction will fail and produce completely inaccurate results.

As Xiang Qingrou's face gradually turned pale, she finally stopped her movements, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes: "Your Majesty, someone has interfered, at least seven or more people from the divine, magical and spiritual realms. I can't guess anything about this! Is someone planning to take action against our clan? "

"I don't know, maybe he wants to take action against me, maybe he wants to take action against the Xiang people, or maybe he wants to take action against Wenyun Town, but it has affected us..." Yun Ye said casually, looking at the book in his hand.

This book introduces the true immortal Queen Mother.

As mentioned above, there was once an ancient Supreme Emperor who was the first to become an immortal and created the "Red Sky Ceremony" in order to gather the fortune of the clan.

The Red Sky Ceremony is the final form of the Cloud Pattern Ceremony. It has long been lost in history. Today's rituals are basically incomplete and incomplete formations, with no trace of effectiveness.

The three descriptions of the Wenyun Ceremony were all recorded in this book.

The breeder of eternal wisdom, the most ancient emperor, the true immortal.

The first two parts are fine.

But in the last part, two words were blocked.

Yun Ye had been here last month. He originally thought that the real name could only be recorded and could not be read out.

But after digging out the classics that recorded the rituals of this true immortal, the record in the book was that of the "blank" true immortal.

At that time, Yun Ye tried to recite it, and then something very strange happened.

He originally wanted to directly pronounce the word "True Immortal", but after speaking, he paused for a very strange second before saying "True Immortal".

And if it weren't for the Book of Reincarnation, he wouldn't have realized that he paused for a second.

This is obviously extremely weird.

Did someone else erase this name, or did the Ancient Emperor erase his own existence...

A month ago, Yun Ye didn't get an answer.

But today, after seeing that the word "Empress Mother" was still blocked in this book, Yun Ye completely understood that the true immortal Queen Mother was indeed suppressed by other true immortals, and the most important real name was erased.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to see a blank as he had seen the Queen Mother’s true immortality and obtained Hongtian’s immortal magic.

The three of them left the library. On the way, someone respectfully reported to Yun Yetong: "Your Majesty, the head of the family has agreed and wishes you a speedy spiritual success."

"This is?" Xiang Qingrou asked.

"There are only two months until the final date. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later, so I decided to finish preparations today and go directly to Lingzong to practice." Yun Ye said.

His birthday is April 4th in this life, so he will be six years old in only two months, and must join the Ling Sect before then.

"I see, then I'll prepare immediately and notify Xiang Yan." Xiang Qingrou said.

"Your Majesty, then I will also go get the space magic weapon." Xiangxiang said.

"Okay." Yun Ye nodded.

The three of them immediately separated and went to do their own things.

The Ling Sect is different from the family. It is divided into factions and has countless geniuses. They often need to fight for their own resources.

In the early stage, it will be difficult to get started, so the Xiang family has prepared a lot of money and cultivation resources.

As for the space magic weapon, the Xiang people only have three, and this time they will directly give two to Yun Ye and his party.

The Dharma Realm clan members are enough to lead this family to ascend, so these investments are necessary.

Xiangxiang was accompanied by many elders, and the supplies were counted on the spot without any obstruction.

The first item at the beginning put Xiangxiang under control.

Pattern silver, three hundred thousand pieces!

There is so much grain silver that it would take several boxes just to pack it into boxes for trading. I don’t know how many supplies I can buy!

In a resource-rich place like Moiren Town, Wenwen's purchasing power is very strong, so it's not like he can't buy anything.

At least low-grade elixirs, spiritual weapons, magic weapons and the like can all be purchased with grain silver.

From a material perspective, one hundred thousand pieces of grained silver can extract enough acquired grained silver to cast a magic weapon, and the magic weapon cast with grained silver is not weak and has a super restraining effect on demons.

Basically, anyone who is a great monk in the Dharma Realm of Yuntian Ling Sect must have a pure silver magic weapon.

You can live without anything else, but you cannot live without the sterling silver magic weapon. This is a matter of life and death.

In general, three hundred thousand grain silver is indeed a huge number.

And the second item.

Xiang Xiang was shocked again: "Three taels...real gold? Elder, the clan even wants to give real gold to the prince?"

"If you put it in the clan, it will only be used to exchange resources. It is better to give it to the prince to play a greater role." The flesh on the elder's face was trembling, and it was obvious that he was not as generous as he seemed.

Real gold!

This is top-grade spiritual gold, and its mere presence can kill demons!

Almost all the treasures of the great clans are related to real gold. Without real gold, even if there is a large formation, it is not safe enough, and it is still possible to be destroyed by demons.

But real gold is different. When a magic weapon is blended with real gold, the damage it can do to monsters will increase dozens of times.

If it is made of pure gold, once it is sacrificed, the demons will immediately turn into ashes, and few demons can resist.

If you cooperate with the grand formation and spread the power of real gold, a large area of ​​pure land will be born.

Only with huge land supply resources can the power develop and grow.

Otherwise, if everyone is like Baishi Town and needs to use Taoist tools to expel demons, then it is basically impossible to produce Taoist tools with over 10,000 reverberations.

Yun Ye's Taoist weapon cannot only be C-level in Huangzhou area.

(It was written as D level before, but I forgot to change it when I copied it. It is actually C level, a passing standard.)

"I've thanked all the elders on behalf of the Crown Prince. With such strong support from the clan, there's no need to worry about the big things happening!"

Xiang Xiang knew very well how valuable real gold was and immediately held his fist in his arms.

"Just do your best, it doesn't matter."

The elders present all showed smiles of satisfaction.

Xiang Xiang saluted again, and then continued to count the supplies.

The two space containers were almost full, and the resources were so exaggerated that Xiangxiang, as a person in the Dacheng spiritual realm, could not imagine it. Only then did he realize that he was too poor in the past and had no idea how terrifying the family lineage was!

The wealth accumulated by the family for hundreds of years was brought out now, which made Xiang Xiang sigh repeatedly. If he hadn't known that he had a bright future with Xiang Ying, he might have wanted to make money and run away.

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