A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 243 Assassination Trap

After everything was packed up, for safety reasons, only the senior management sent Yun Ye away.

After a few normal exchanges, Yun Ye and the four of them embarked on the road to Yuntian Lingzong together.

To be precise, there are five people, because there is still Feng Gong Yuan.

The process of going to Yuntian Lingzong is full of dangers. There are all kinds of powerful demons and dangerous areas. If you are not careful, you will fall. You really need a protector.

After only walking for a few days, Yun Ye and others had passed through a lot of dangerous situations and killed quite a few demons.

Yuntian Lingzong, located in the center of the Great Wilderness Lingze, is surrounded by various spiritual mountains and is extremely rich in spiritual energy.

Because of this, demons are everywhere, and there are countless demons causing trouble, and even catastrophic disasters can be seen sporadically.

In the face of a major disaster, even Feng Gongyuan retreated and asked Yun Ye and others to change paths, not wanting to cause trouble.

And just as they started walking, everyone present suddenly felt a sudden uneasiness in their hearts.

Yun Ye turned his head and looked in the direction of the Xiang clan, frowning.

Someone really attacked the Xiang people?

What's the point?

"I'll try!"

Xiang Qingrou conducts divine deductions. She has lived among the Xiang people for decades and her deductions are extremely effective.

"There is no trace. It was completely covered up. Something is wrong. Then why do I feel uneasy?"

Her expression changed drastically, and the result of the deduction was peaceful, without any abnormalities. If it weren't for her special magical power and the special node she had set up for the Xiang people, she might have been deceived as well.

This is a big problem. There must be a magical monk who far exceeds her strength to tamper with the results!

No one has asked about the situation in detail.

A dark figure appeared in front of him without knowing when, blocking the way. No one could see through its true face, and its identity was tightly hidden.

Xiang Qingrou understood immediately.

The smile on her face faded and she entered a fighting state: "So that's it. I feel uneasy because the pursuer is approaching, and the shielding effect of the divine magic has weakened. Prince, be careful, this person attacked the family not long ago, I'm afraid he is running Prince, you are here!”

Assassinating super geniuses is a long-lasting theme in Dahuang, and it is natural for small clans to be targeted.

Even the Shuang clan cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, and cannot deter everyone.

"It doesn't matter. Fellow Taoist from Feng Palace is here, so ordinary assassins are nothing to be afraid of."

Yun Ye is calm and composed.

Everyone felt a little relieved and nodded: "Indeed, with the protection of the Feng Gong clan's Dharma Realm monk, who can kill him?"

In the second zodiac family, Feng Palace is definitely at the top.

Just like the Five Elements Spiritual Root Method has strengths and weaknesses, the dual attribute spiritual root method will naturally also have strengths and weaknesses.

Although the Liu family in Baishi Town mastered the wind zodiac sign, few had the wind spirit root. Their own Tianlu method also suffered a huge drop in accumulation due to the switch to the wind spirit method, and was far inferior to the Ji family.

The Feng Gong clan is different. He became famous too early. The blessing of Tianlufa has already reached the Xuan level, and the increase in combat power has exceeded the understanding of ordinary people. It is definitely an extremely powerful combat power.

However, the man in black robe laughed without caring at all, "The Feng Gong family's Dharma Realm? This is indeed troublesome, but can a Dharma Realm protect you?"

"There is no need to say more about chickens and dogs. Fellow Daoist Feng Palace will crush you like dust and easily capture and kill you. If you want to fight, then fight." Yun Ye said casually.

Feng Gongyuan glanced at Yun Ye.

If he hadn't seen his spiritual eyes in person, he might have really thought that Yun Ye was pretending to be powerful.

The man in front of him was a monster with power beyond his family's Celestial Law simply by virtue of his bloodline talent.

If you really thought that he, Feng Gongyuan, was the only one with combat power, you would be totally wrong.

However, Feng Gong Yuan did not say anything. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind exploded, and his eyes instantly became cold, and he said:

"How do you want to die?"

The man in black robe looked up, his face blurred, only a pair of pure black eyes with no whites showing: "I'm afraid you can't kill me. - Set up the formation!"

Yun Ye and others looked up.

Only then did they realize that there was a large net coming down from the horizon, completely sealing off the area.

But as soon as the big net was sealed, a formation of nine palaces rose up from the sky.

Wind Palace Dafa! In one turn, nine palaces were established!


The whole world was in turmoil. Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang roared angrily, entered the spiritual root recovery state, and pounced on the black-robed man.

But in this short moment, the figure of the man in black robe was already zooming away infinitely, and the two of them jumped into the air.

"Divine magic interference, this is a trap!"

Xiang gently used the magic technique to amplify the divine magic, and a clear scene reappeared in everyone's minds.

However, compared to when there was no large formation, it was still limited. Xiang Qingrou's personal magic could not resist the entire trapped formation.

"You are so audacious, you dare to attack the disciples of Elder Qishuang! This world cannot tolerate you!!"

Feng Gongyuan took action with anger. Although it was not clear enough, it was enough for him.

For a moment, mana turned into a storm, crushing the formation with overwhelming force.

The mighty storm blew away all traces.

Just when Feng Gongyuan thought he had broken through the formation, he suddenly found that everything in front of him was blurry again.

Yun Ye and others who were covered in his consciousness were also forcibly hidden. His expression changed and he tried to stop them, but he found that the man in black robe walked out, and he was also in the Dharma realm. With the help of the power of the formation, It was only slightly weaker than him and blocked all attacks.

"Who are you!"

Feng Gongyuan's expression was terrifying.

Although Xiangying's strength is terrible, there may not be any problems, but if he cannot sweep, it is his dereliction of duty. Whether in the eyes of Xiangying or the ancestors, he will lose points!

How does this keep him from being angry?

"You don't need to know that once Xiangying dies, we will leave."

The man in black robe smiled, and the formation was activated. Feng Gongyuan's world of perception was constantly being turned upside down, making it difficult for people to adapt.

"you wanna die!"

After all, Feng Gong Yuan is in the Dharma Realm. Even if the world is in chaos and even his spiritual consciousness is difficult to figure out the situation, he can still find a way out by intuition, and it is difficult to completely restrict it.

From one o'clock, the storm turned into the eye of the wind, absorbing everything. Feng Gongyuan entered the spiritual root recovery state, and directly used big tricks to fight against the man in black robe, trying to break the formation as quickly as possible.

But Feng Gongyuan obviously underestimated the situation.

The man in black robe uses a kind of turbid air, which causes corruption and pollution wherever it passes. This power can actually compete with the wind method, and it is also not weaker than the spiritual method of the two attributes.

"This is the fusion spiritual method of the earth zodiac sign and a certain zodiac sign. Who can master the dual spiritual method?"

Feng Gongyuan knew that he was completely held back and could not resolve the battle in a short time.

The Second Zodiac Dharma Realm is not a kitten or a puppy. Even if it is not as good as the Feng Palace Clan, with the help of a large formation, isn't it still impossible to stop him?

"Wind Palace Dafa!"

Feng Gong Yuan rapidly evolves his power. The Feng Gong family's method is progressive. It cannot directly reach the highest level as soon as it is used like other families' methods, but the power it brings is also stronger.

As long as he completes three turns, he can forcefully break through this formation. It only takes half a minute, just half a minute. With Xiangying's strength, it's no problem at all. After he breaks through this formation, he can have a good chat with these people!

"You have to pay the price for being evil to me!"

"Second turn, Bu Bagua!!"

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