A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 244 Irresistible Conspiracy

"The trap waiting for us, even the Wind Palace Dafa can't stop it...is it going to cause disaster?"

Yun Ye raised his head and looked around at the vast surroundings, and used the magic weapon to remove the sealing effect.

A touch of gray flashed across the ice blue pupils.

He is always ready to break out into an all-out fight.

This is a formation and must be taken seriously.

The reason for the birth of the formation was to make up for human flaws and further enhance the monk's power. It has unimaginable power.

This is something that cannot be accomplished no matter how much the spiritual method is improved or even if the mechanism is used to its extreme.

Because, since the birth of spiritual roots and the speed at which humans extract spiritual energy has greatly increased, evolution has reached a deadlock.

There is a limit to the aura of an area, which is not subject to human will.

No matter how powerful the spiritual root is, no matter how powerful the spiritual root method is, the spiritual energy that can be extracted is only the spiritual energy of a fixed area. Once the speed reaches the limit, it can no longer be improved at all.

Therefore, normal means come to an end here.

Here, the road splits into two.

One is the formation, which can be arranged in advance to expand the range of spiritual energy extraction, thereby obtaining more spiritual energy. This road is actually a side entrance, because it needs to be arranged in advance and there is no maneuverability.

The second is the eleventh level of the Heavenly Road. This path is the right path. As the strength is accumulated from generation to generation, the three major laws gain unimaginable power, but the price is just to keep it secret.

Why was Feng Gongyuan shocked by Yun Ye's talent?

Because Yun Ye has surpassed the huge combat power raised by Tianlu just by relying on his talent. This is an advantage accumulated by the family for countless generations. Why can anyone surpass it just by relying on talent?

It's just crazy.

"You are calm, why?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded. The moment Yun Ye looked over, gray spread, freezing everything.

The man in black robe obviously did not expect Yun Ye to be so decisive. Unprepared, his palms began to freeze directly, and the gray color quickly spread to his entire body.

Killed so easily?

"It's useless, you have no other way to go today."

Another man in black robe walked out, his voice was different, but his tone was exactly the same, it was the same person.

"The art of puppetry?"

Yun Ye frowned. This was a kind of divine method. Using divine method to control the puppets. If the true body was not found, there would be no point in destroying the puppets.

It is unrealistic to find the true body in this large formation. His formation skills are not very high...

The trouble is big. Once the formation is deployed in advance, it will be a combat power amplifier that is not inferior to Tianlufa.

The best time to break the formation is before the formation is arranged.

In this formed formation, he will be in danger!

"Halo Fire!"

Yun Ye emits invisible light for detection. When his spiritual sense is useless, he can only try other methods.

"It's useless...it's useless..."

One after another, men in black robes walked out, and huge divine interference was exerted on Yun Ye, trying to control Yun Ye.

The most frightening thing is that Yun Ye found out that he was almost hit. The opponent used extremely sophisticated methods to bypass his vigilance and control part of his body. If he hadn't solidified his divine magic and defended his soul all the time, he might have been controlled. Directly into a huge disadvantage.

"Great cultivator of divine magic? What virtue and ability do I have, that I can actually allow you, a great monk of divine magic, to set up a formation and strangle me?"

Yun Ye said.

"Because you were able to wake up many times under the intervention of my magical power... You are very precious and priceless. You are the only one I am missing. Even if the gods come down to earth today, they can't save you."

The man in black robe doesn't care about revealing information.

He strode towards Yun Ye.

Even if it is constantly frozen, it doesn't matter, there will always be a steady stream of men in black robes appearing, pressing harder and harder.

"The gods can't save me even if they come down to earth? It seems that you are the man in black robe from the previous tattoo ceremony. You want to make me into a puppet?"

Yun Ye nodded silently, and then smashed the puppet with one blow after another.

"Is it because you have a trump card, so you are confident? You don't need to pay too much attention to the information. It's meaningless. You will lose the memory of meeting me. You will continue to practice and grow as before, and then become the branch peak master and the leader of the main line. , and even become a Taoist master."

The man in black robe stood still, Yun Ye's fist stopped in front of him, countless threads wrapped around Yun Ye, and all his power was blocked.

There was no room for resistance. Everything before was just playing. This power was beyond comprehension.

Yun Ye frowned and stared at the man in black robes in front of him.

The man in black robe lifted his hood, revealing his true appearance. He was a middle-aged man with white frost hair, handsome and mature.

He looked very strange. He was a puppet controlled by divine magic, but Yun Ye said: "Take Shuangshi..."

"Hey, so it's not good to be too strong. People can always spot your heel at a glance. In some magic realms, even if the same method is used, there is a high probability that they won't be able to recognize it. But if it were me, , even with the help of the puppet body, we can still locate the Shuang clan, which is very troublesome," the middle-aged man said.

"If you want to hide it, there is always a way. Can't you, Xuan Yi, do it?" Yun Ye looked at him coldly.

"Haha, how many people can own Xuan Bao?" the handsome middle-aged man said with a smile.

On top of the treasure weapon is the Tongxuan treasure weapon, which possesses mysteries far beyond common sense.

Mysterious treasures are generally born and raised by nature, and it is extremely difficult to forge them artificially. They are indeed hard to come by.

"It's really a big waste of time. As a powerful person in the Mysterious Realm, what if I grow to be a peerless person in the Dharma Realm? Is it of this value?" Yun Ye said.

"You alone really don't have this value, but there is such a thing as formations in the world. If the eight masters of the Dharma Realm who can command as many as one arm are peerless, I can become invincible. After all, in the Xuan Realm, I only have a lifespan of eight hundred years. , Even if you renew your life multiple times, there is still a limit, and I have to find some way to break through this limit." Said Chushuang, he stretched out his hand to touch Yun Ye and bury the seed of divine magic.

"Lan Wuyuan, not everything will go as planned. Human beings are not as good as... God!" Yun Ye left these words and fell into a complete lethargy.

In this regard, Lan Wuyuan just chuckled. Every peerless genius said this to him.

But he is in the mysterious realm and can overcome all changes.

The fact that humans are not as good as heaven may still be true for ordinary realms, but in the mysterious realm, it is no longer suitable.

Xuanjing means: Mysterious and mysterious methods, deviating from common sense.

In this realm, Lan Wuyuan's attainments in divine magic are so strong that he can even deduce the future to a certain extent. Although it is blurry and intermittent, it is still a glimpse of the secret.

With such great power in the mysterious realm, how could a few small insects be able to escape and destroy it?

The confusion of space disappears.

Yun Ye opened his eyes and didn't feel anything unusual. He had just defeated his opponent and disintegrated the formation. The next step was to assist Feng Gongyuan.

"Fellow Taoist Xiangying, there is no need to help. I will cut him into pieces with my own hands today, otherwise I will not be able to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

But after Yun Ye rushed to the battlefield, Feng Gongyuan refused and wanted to take action alone.

"Impossible! How can it be possible for a mere spiritual realm to break the formation!"

The man in black robe was swallowed up by the storm in horror.

Feng Gongyuan kept his word and cut the black-robed man into pieces with thousands of swords, peeling off every inch of flesh and blood.

All other participants were killed on the spot, and there was no need to destroy their bodies or trace any traces of them.

They destroy themselves directly after death, and the silence of all things cannot stop them.

"The two law realm assassins, this lineup is really terrifying. We have to go to Yuntian Lingzong as soon as possible."

Yun Ye said.

"The prince said so!"

Xiang Yan and others said one after another, with lingering fears.

If it weren't for Feng Gongyuan, the Dharma Realm master who held back the opponent, and the extremely powerful Crown Prince who broke the formation, I'm afraid all three of them would have died here, and they would have been completely unable to intervene in this battle.

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