A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 245 The Magnificent Yuntian Spiritual Sect

"It is very likely that there will be more than one assassin, and we must rush to Lingzong as soon as possible!"

Feng Gongyuan established a wind field, allowing everyone to walk in the air and move forward at full speed.

With the blessing of the spiritual law of Dharma Realm, and everyone is in the spiritual realm, they can travel not only a thousand miles a day, but also a hundred thousand miles.

One hundred thousand miles is only 50,000 kilometers. With the blessing of the Dharma Realm, they can barely maintain a speed of 500 meters per second, and they can indeed complete the journey in one day.

However, as soon as they ran thousands of miles away, sword energy suddenly flew over, and the breath was terrifying, making Xiangyan and the others tremble!

"Another great monk is here. Who is so ruthless?"

"Fellow Taoist Xiangying, this talisman will help you leave. You go first. As long as you are within a thousand miles of Yuntian Lingzong, you will be safe. I will stop this person!"

Feng Gongyuan said.

Xiangying's strength is not weak. One more step is a safe step.

"Thank you."

Yun Ye nodded and held the white jade talisman. For a moment, everyone's bodies almost turned into wind and they quickly left the place.

While they were leaving, a war broke out in the Dharma Realm, and its terrifying power could be seen hundreds of miles away.

After advancing for a while, everyone fell down with injuries all over their bodies...

"Do you know how to get there?"

Yun Ye said.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

They all indeed knew how to get to Yuntian Lingzong, but Yun Ye asked which road was safe.

When they used the talismans to shuttle rapidly, they were frequently blocked by various situations on the ground or in the sky. If it weren't for Yun Ye's spiritual eyes to interfere, they would have been directly killed many times.

This is too dangerous. If you keep being so reckless, you will always be unlucky and encounter an irresistible danger!

At this time, Xiang Qingrou came into play. She used magical methods to deduce, and then pointed in a direction, "You can find some changes, good or bad."

"Seventy percent? You must give this a try!" Xiang Xiang said.

"Seventy percent belong to others, and we only have 30%!" Xiang Qingrou said angrily.

"This... why not forget it?" Xiang Xiang looked confused. The pursuer was in the Dharma Realm, and he would definitely die if he hit him.

"We must go." Yun Ye and Xiang Yan said at the same time.

Xiang Yan said: "The prince has great luck, we only have 30% of it, but with the prince, it is 70% or even higher! But once you hide, the luck will disappear, and you will suffer!"

"In fact, we have no other choice. Instead of fighting randomly, it is better to believe in Qingrou." Yun Ye nodded.

So they headed in the direction pointed out by Xiang Qingrou.

As a result they saw a village.

Everyone looked at each other, full of surprise: "Is there actually a village here?"

There are dangers everywhere around Yuntian Lingzong. Except within Yuntian Lingzong, there is no living space for mortals at all.

Could it be that this village just found a safe place?

In other words, it has not always existed, but has only multiplied in recent years?

"Go in and have a look."

Yun Ye went in without feeling any danger.

As soon as I entered, I saw an old man chopping firewood before I had gone far.

As soon as Yun Ye and others arrived, the old man put down his ax and said, "Young man, are you from outside?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiangxiang and others immediately showed their displeasure, and they were about to show their aura.

How dare a mortal be so rude?

But Yun Ye had already expected it, and with a wave of his hand, he cut off their breath and made them all step back.

"Old man, do you know about Yuntian Lingzong?" Yun Ye said.

"I know that this place is the Diaoyutai of Elder Qinghui of the Ling Sect, and most of the people coming and going are from the Ling Sect," the old man said.

Xiang Yan and others suddenly broke into cold sweat.

Elder Qinghui, this is as powerful as Elder Zhishuang. If they touch the people here, they may cause great disaster!

"That's very good. We want to ask for a way to get to Yuntian Lingzong safely. This bag of patterned silver can be used as reward. If you don't need money, you can also get a few bottles of elixir." Yun Ye said.

"Haha, there is no need for such things. There are no diseases here, and there are no weapons. What do you need these elixirs and money for? If you want to go to Lingzong, there are bridges to cross the bridges, and there are roads to walk. There are bridges and roads, and there is no need for them. There will be danger." The old man laughed.

Everyone looked at each other, it makes sense!

Just as they were about to say a few more words and ask more detailed questions, several figures rushed towards them from afar, with murderous intent boiling over them.

"The pursuer is only in the spiritual realm!"

"Kill him directly, so as not to continue to obstruct him!"

Everyone directly entered the spiritual root recovery state and fought against the five pursuers.

Yun Ye discovered that the pursuer this time was not the man in black robe, but the armored monk shrouded in haze.

The strength of these armored monks is actually very good. They are basically at the level of Dacheng. Their strength is indistinguishable from that of the three Xiang people. However, among the three Xiang people, there is Xiang Qingrou, the divine magic monk, who can attack directly after finding the right opportunity.

Among the five people, three of them were shocked and froze, and then they were directly beaten to death by Xiang Qingrou and three others, instantly injuring three of them.

Originally, five against three were evenly matched, but now there were only two people left, so they were naturally easily eaten.

The old man was not afraid of this and just stayed away from the battlefield.

When the battle was over, Yun Ye and the others left a few bottles of elixir and left quickly.

According to the old man's words, they detoured only to places with roads and bridges. The result was exactly as the old man said, and they encountered almost no danger during the process.

They even passed through an area that looked like a forbidden area.

There is a being in this forbidden area that is larger than a mountain. It breathes out clouds and mist, like thunder. Its power is so terrifying that it is completely superior to a catastrophe.

"Dead 攰 (gui, fourth tone), a demon in troubled times, sleeps for ten thousand years, once it wakes up, the area within a thousand miles becomes a dead zone, and all life will die due to overdrawn vitality."

"If it is killed, the power will be borne by the killer, and the part that cannot be borne will even overflow and spread. This is a very scary demon."

Xiang Qingrou is knowledgeable and recognized the origin of this mountain-like demon.

Troubled times are a level above the calamity, which can cause chaos in a state.

The scary thing about dead 攰 is that the killer needs to bear the consequences, and those who are not strong enough cannot bear all the backlash.

Basically, every dead 攰 will cause the destruction of thousands of miles, and no powerful person will be willing to sacrifice his life.

"This dead man has only been sleeping for four thousand years, and it is still a long way from ten thousand years. It is the least harmful demon in the troubled times. It doesn't matter if we walk over its body."

"Since we saw the dead man, it means we are not far from Yuntian Lingzong. We don't need to be careful next time. The Yuntian Lingzong has been cleared within a thousand miles. There is no demon above the great disaster."

Xiang Qingrou said that this is a great demon marked on the map.

"There is no demon above the great disaster? In other words, there is still a great disaster?"

Yun Ye asked.

"The great disaster demon will be a test, so if it is not cleared, we just need to bypass it."

Everyone said.

After all, it is a super sect, and the great disaster is nothing, just a tool to hone the genius.

If it is Baishi Town, even if there are ten Dharma realms, they have to pay attention to the great disaster, and they need to go all out to defeat it.


Yun Ye nodded silently. Although the Great Disaster was nothing in front of the super sect, it was a natural barrier in front of the new generation. This trial was probably only for special people, such as the Four Supremes and the Kirin Tianjiao.

If ordinary people in the realm of law really challenged the Great Disaster, they would be courting death.

Soon, everyone arrived at the core of the Great Wilderness Spiritual Lake. It was shrouded in clouds and mist, and there were strange beasts and spiritual plants everywhere. There were twelve beams of light falling from the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth of this area, forming the super formation of the entire Yuntian Spiritual Sect.

Although it was shrouded in clouds and mist and full of fairy spirit, the vision was extremely wide. The clouds and mist were just spiritual energy and would not hinder the vision. Therefore, when you stepped into this area, it was as if the whole world was lit up.

It was like the scene in midsummer when the sun was so dazzling that you dared not open your eyes. It was so bright that it was unforgettable.

This is the Yuntian Spiritual Sect.

This is the...

Heaven on Earth in the Wasteland State!

As the absolute overlord, the Yuntian Spiritual Sect gathered countless resources in the Wasteland State and occupied half of the super spiritual veins.

It is no surprise that they can create this kind of heaven for cultivators!

Inside Yuntian Spiritual Sect and outside Yuntian Spiritual Sect are two completely different worlds.

Heaven and hell, nothing more than this.

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