A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 247: The Rules of the Spiritual Sect’s Dao Weapons

When low-level monks face high-level monks, they should pay a big courtesy, especially if they are ancestors from the same sect.

In fact, this is already a super simplified version. If you switch to a mortal dynasty and need to use psychological tactics, you have to bow and kowtow three times to establish authority in various ways, and enslave people even more thoroughly.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the great power is concentrated in one body. Etiquette is just to show respect, and there is no need to establish authority.

Yun Ye was reincarnated into a noble family, so naturally he had to abide by the rules and also kneel down and salute.

However, this can be regarded as apprenticeship, so it doesn't matter.

"Get up. I already know that someone is attacking you. You don't need to worry about these details. Just leave it to the sect to deal with it."

An old voice sounded.

A force was generated on its own, and everyone was pushed to stand up, their faces becoming more respectful.

With such a powerful person who can personally make them stand up, what else can you ask for?

"Xiangying, the most important thing for you now is your cultivation. You can choose any of the branches to join and get the highest level of treatment. In Yuntian Lingzong, as long as you have strength and merit, becoming the master of the Tao system is not a problem, but this You need to fight for it yourself, my teacher will not interfere."

"As for if you have any questions about your practice, you can come and see me at any time. Even if I am not in Qishangtian, your senior brothers and sisters will still be here. They are enough to guide you. Xiangying, do you understand?"

"It is a taboo to slack off in practice, and I understand this."

Yun Ye cupped his hands and said in response, with no distracting thoughts in his heart. Even if he was protected by divine magic, he would not think too much about it.

After all, Zhuo Qilian cannot peek into people's hearts, and Lan Wuyuan cannot.

The methods are different, the realms are also different, the difference is huge.

"Very well - take the oath!"

A jet-black Taoist weapon rose from the palace. It was in the shape of a sword, with a winding blade and a large number of chains.

This is a state-level Taoist weapon with no side effects, far better than Baishi Town!

Every Dao Master of the Yuntian Ling Sect possesses Dao tools above the state level, which is why they are called Dao Masters.

And their Taoist weapons have the same effectiveness and will work together. This is the foundation of Yuntian Lingzong!

"I swear..."

Yun Ye took the oath, and soon he understood the effect of the Taoist oath.

First, he is not allowed to reveal any knowledge he got from Yuntian Lingzong, whether in words or other forms. Once he tries to reveal it, he will not only be punished by Taoist tools, but his location will also be marked, and he can travel through space to trace it. kill.

Second, order records, merit records, strength records, and sin records automatically match the corresponding status.

Third, he must obey the higher-order sect members. If he violates it, he will be punished by Taoist weapons. If he violates it many times and does not change, he will be directly obliterated.

The above three items are the specific rules for the entire Yuntian Lingzong Taoist weapon, and form the basis for the prosperity of Yuntian Lingzong.

The so-called order is not an idea or a statement, but a rule that is actually written on the Taoist tools and enforced. Even the strongest person in the Yuntian Lingzong cannot violate it.

The rule of Yuntian Lingzong is contained in this order!

"Feng Gongyuan, take him there and become the peak master as soon as possible. That is the beginning of everything."

"As you command!"

After coming out of Qishangtian, Feng Gongyuan took them back to the ground and came to a large square.

There is a trading market, taverns and teahouses here, as well as some sect facilities. It is a gathering place.

Yun Ye saw many monks chatting and making friends here.

"This is our gathering place. You can come here to buy and sell items. Some of the sect's facilities are also here, such as the purchase of sect's spiritual land, identity management, etc. If you want to join the branch, you must first register your identity here."

Feng Gongyuan explained.

"Are they all from the Shuangdao system?"

Yun Ye asked.

Spiritual realms with powerful auras can be seen everywhere here. Even in the Dharma Realm, I saw at least three of them along the way.

If this place only belonged to the Tuoshuang family, the foundation of Yuntian Lingzong would be far beyond imagination.

"With seven main meridians and twenty-seven branch meridians, the power of the Qianshuang system is much stronger than you think. The monks here are only a very small part of the Qianshuang system."

Feng Gongyuan nodded and led Yun Ye and others into a large attic.

There is only one old man sitting in this big attic, but there are restrictions everywhere and you cannot move around at will.

"Fellow Taoist Yuan? You actually have the leisure to come to my place today?"

The old man said in surprise.

"I don't want to come here if it's not necessary. But since I have a mission, that's a different matter. This is Elder Qishuang's new disciple. The corresponding authority should already be here. Lao Yu, don't neglect it. ”

Feng Gongyuan means a lot.

"Haha, I dare to slow down even as a disciple of Elder Zhishuang? No one can slow down, little friend Xiangying!"

With a smile on his face, Lao Yu opened the restricted areas of the attic, and a piece of white paper fell from it. The text on it kept flashing, allowing him to understand part of Yun Ye's information.

He waved again, and a scroll fell down, emitting a strong spiritual light. It turned out to be a magic weapon, "Little friend Xiangying, you must have come here to join the branch. There is information about all the branches here, and the pros and cons have been sorted out. Please see."

Strength, merit, and order cannot be changed, but the rest of the details are controlled by people.

Naturally, taking the title of disciple of Shuang will come into play, and no one dares to neglect such a rising star.

Even if the other person is only six years old and has not yet grown up.

"Thank you."

Yun Ye returned the favor, then took the scroll and unfolded it.

At this moment, divine magic was exerted on him and he was dragged into the illusion. Countless mountains spread out in front of him, stretching for thousands of miles, for him to watch.

"A map constructed with illusion?"

Yun Ye was amazed. The details of this illusion were polished to perfection. It must have been made by a master.

In the blink of an eye, he had read through the seven main veins and twenty-seven branch veins of the Tieshuang system, and roughly understood what heavenly method each vein corresponded to and what its strength was, and even the important members among them were introduced.

Yun Ye didn't miss any of them and read them all.

What's amazing is that with just this scroll, he established a clear impression of the Tou Shuang Dao system.

There are seven peerless people from the seven main lines, and twenty-seven unicorn geniuses from the twenty-seven branches.

The entire system of getting frost is too valuable!

This is not the peerless and genius in the spiritual realm, but the peerless and genius in the legal realm. It is completely one in ten or one in a hundred!

"The four branches of weapons, pills, formations, and talismans, swordsmanship, puppets, five-element spiritual methods, divine methods, physical methods, and even the two-level zodiac spiritual methods, each branch has its own characteristics..."

The foundation of the Tuoshuang Dao system is too profound.

There is more than one kind of dual-level zodiac spiritual method that can be mastered, which is suitable for all kinds of dual-spiritual monks.

Of course, whether you can learn it or not, and whether you can learn it or not, is another matter. At least he exists.

Yun Ye thought for a long time and rested his finger on a spot on the scroll: "Ranked ninth, the three masters of formation, spiritual method, and talisman, and the three branches of talent, he is the only one!"

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