"Three Talents Branch? Little friend Xiangying, are you sure? Don't think they are very strong just because they have mastered many methods. Ranking ninth means that they are thousands of miles away from the true path!"

"On the journey of cultivation, the number one will always be the most important one. If you cannot be number one, you can barely consider number two. But after that, there is no difference! As a disciple of Elder Jieshuang, you can directly enter all the major branches, and even more It’s about practicing the secret techniques of each branch at will, which is an opportunity for the future!”

Lao Yu's face was serious, not wanting to be resented for his silence.

Even if he takes the wrong path, a peerless genius like Yun Ye will still shine brightly, but he will just have some regrets.

And these trivial regrets are enough to threaten the life of Dharma Realm. He still has a lot of life left to live, and he doesn't want to be recorded.

"It doesn't matter. I was born with spiritual eyes and a spiritual body, and the path has already been fixed. The only safe ways to grow are formations, talismans, and spiritual techniques. Those secret techniques may not be beneficial to me," Yun Ye said.

"Spiritual eyes..." Lao Yu raised his eyebrows. He had long seen Yun Ye's ice blue eyes that were different from ordinary people. Is it really a kind of spiritual eye? Not only spiritual eyes, but also a corresponding spiritual body?

This is really a gift from God!

"Actually, there are many spiritual eye techniques in the top branches, but they may not be suitable for you. If there is an opportunity in the future, you can exchange them to confirm one or two." Lao Yu said.

"If there is any extra merit." Yun Ye smiled.

Most of the Yuntian Ling Sect's methods can be purchased with money, while a few important methods require merit.

Secret skills such as spiritual eyes can only be exchanged for a large amount of merit, and it is impossible to obtain them through normal methods.

But this is peacetime, and it is difficult to earn merit.

"Decided? With your talent, it doesn't matter where you go. You really don't have to think about it so much. Lao Yu, please hurry up and get it done."

Feng Gongyuan said.

"Little friend Xiangying?"

"It's just the Sancai branch."

Yun Ye nodded.

After receiving the confirmation, Lao Yu stopped talking nonsense, entered the information into the magic weapon, and then handed Yun Ye a token: "This is the identity magic weapon. You can use it to open the barrier to enter the Sancai branch and choose a residence. "

"Because it is the highest standard of treatment, the spiritual land with the best environment has been marked. You can choose any of them to set up a cave. The information will be updated to the sect's magic weapon, and new disciples will no longer see this option. "

Yun Ye took the token, thanked him again, and then left with Feng Gongyuan and others.

Lao Yu looked at the five people leaving with deep eyes.

Another genius has arrived, and it seems that the competition of this generation of Lingzong will not be easy.

I don't know whether it is the cultivation ability of the Tongshuang clan that is better, or the bloodline of the Congyun clan.

In the blink of an eye, Lao Yu shook his head again.

"Forget it, what do I want to do so much? The dispute over the order has long been irrelevant to me. I'm just a theatergoer."

"The battle for order begins with the branches!"

Feng Gongyuan said seriously.

But Yun Ye felt like he was talking about the title of the book, and was silent for a while.

"Under the shroud of Taoist rules, no one can increase their achievements and strength out of thin air and jump to the top. Even you, as an elder's disciple, still need to move to a high position step by step. However, you undoubtedly have an advantage. You need to learn to use it, do you know what the first step is?”

Feng Gongyuan did not forget to teach Yun Ye on the way to the Sancai branch. In addition to the reason for the mission, he also wanted to leave an impression and have a good relationship with Yun Ye.

You can fight against him in the spiritual realm, and when you reach the legal realm, you are either peerless or talented. If you don’t make friends with this kind of person now, when will you make friends with him?

"Use your own strength to overwhelm the branch disciples and establish a faction?"

Yun Ye said casually. He answered according to the concept of respecting the strong, and it was also very consistent with the approach of a generation of geniuses.

"A good idea. But, is it too much jumping? How can you subdue these people?"

Feng Gongyuan's insinuating reminder was too rough and the effect would not be very good.

"I understand, what you mean is..."

Yun Ye showed an expression of understanding. Under Feng Gongyuan's expectant expression, he said: "Remove the name of master?"


Feng Gongyuan's face was full of black lines, are you kidding me?

"Your Majesty, don't play anymore. The disciples of Yuntian Lingzong are all geniuses from various major families. They may be arrogant. We must "conquer people with virtue", just like what the Crown Prince once promised to the people in the clan, when they Being willing to serve the prince is the best way."

Xiang softly said.

"You also need to use inducements."

Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang added at the same time.

Yun Ye said with a smile: "It's a good idea, it's fair and square, and those who wish will take the bait."

"It's just and fair, whoever wants to take the bait?" Feng Gongyuan was stunned. He tasted it carefully and found that it had a profound meaning.

This method is not something that ordinary people can do. Whether you are upright or not depends on how you do it.

There is no point in talking about it. Those who can come to Yuntian Lingzong are all geniuses and elites. Who will be deceived?

It’s not easy at all to convince people and get them to take the bait voluntarily!


The rainbow fell and five people appeared at the foot of a big mountain.

This mountain is Cangqing Mountain, also called Cangqing Peak. It is the main peak of the Sancai branch, and the peak owner lives there.

As a disciple who has joined the Sancai branch, the first person he wants to meet is naturally the Master of Sancai Peak.

As soon as everyone arrived, the Cangqing Mountain flashed with repeated fluctuations, and a voice sounded.

"Fellow Taoist Feng Palace, Junior Brother Xiangying, go up the mountain, the master is already waiting for you."

"The rest, stay at the foot of the mountain."

A man in Taoist robes stood at the end of the mountain road with a cold expression. Regardless of whether everyone heard him, he turned around and disappeared at the end.

"It's the Dharma Realm again!"

Xiang Qingrou and the others' expressions were a little stiff. They had seen too many Dharma Realms these days.

At the level of Yuntian Lingzong, it seems that the Dharma Realm is nothing.

Even before, they were surrounded and killed by the Dharma Realm formation, and Feng Gongyuan also killed the opponent's Dharma Realm. This was the first time they saw the Dharma Realm fall with their own eyes, which made people sigh.

"Fellow Taoist Xiangying, please."

Feng Gongyuan made a gesture to let Yun Ye go first.

"Don't move around, I'll go and come back."

Yun Ye said to Xiang Qingrou and the others, then turned around and stepped onto the mountain road, going up the mountain with Feng Gongyuan.

This mountain road is very strange. With the blessing of formations, Yunye and Feng Gongyuan only took a few steps to reach the mountainside. After a few more steps, they could even see the mountain gate at the top of the mountain.

"Please take a seat."

The man in Taoist robes from before was waiting here. He had a stern face and sharp eyes. He made a gesture of invitation to the two of them, revealing his arms wrapped with a large amount of curse cloth.

The two nodded and walked up. Once they reached the top, the view suddenly opened up. This was a garden planted with two green spiritual trees. The ground was paved with cobblestones. There were stone tables and chairs in the center, and there were small fish on the side. In the pond, there are spirit fish spitting bubbles, which gives a very carefree atmosphere.

Beside the stone table in the center of the garden, an elegant man sat upright and looked at him with a smile.

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