A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 249 A spiritual place of your own

The elegant man smiled and said: "I am Xu Yue, the peak master of the Sancai branch, little friend Xiangying. It is really an honor for me, the Sancai branch, to be chosen by you. I would also like to thank fellow Taoist Feng Gong for your protection. If it weren't for Feng Gong Dao, Friend, I’m afraid I’m not in a good mood today.”

"This is my duty, but it doesn't deserve thanks." Feng Gongyuan said.

"Similarly, Peak Master has given me the award. It's an honor for me to join the Sancai branch." Yun Ye said.

After paying their respects, the two of them took their seats.

"When I met with Master earlier, Master already knew about it. I thought it was a special case. I didn't expect that Master Xuyue Peak also knew about it. The news spread so quickly?"

"So little friend Xiangying doesn't know yet? This is a very special point of Lingzong." Xu Yue said.

On the side, a man in a Taoist robe poured tea for the three of them. He did not use any spiritual method, but simply poured the tea with his own hands.

"Tea, please." The man in Taoist robes said and stepped aside.

Yun Ye smiled at him and nodded, then turned around and said: "Peak Master, Feng Palace Dafa, I am a junior, just call me Xiangying. And I just came to Lingzong, so many things are blurry, so I just want to ask the seniors for advice. ”

"Then we won't be polite." Both of them laughed.

"I really haven't told you this before. It's mainly because I'm used to it and I don't think it's special. When you said this, it made me remember a lot of things." Feng Gongyuan said.

"Indeed, it is difficult to notice ordinary things. This is not to blame, Fellow Taoist Feng Palace."

Xu Yue wiped the teacup with his hand, the clouds of smoke spread, and the fragrance hit his nose. He took a breath of enjoyment, "Actually, Yuntian Lingzong has a special way of transmitting messages, which is similar to a kind of spiritual network that covers Lingzong. A command system based on super spiritual veins.”

"If it's a war, as long as you carry a token, you can send a message even to the entire Huangzhou. In this case, you, the eighth disciple of Elder Jishuang who has attracted much attention, naturally can't hide anything."

"Wartime? Speaking of wartime, there seems to be a big shot in the Demon Sect recently..." Feng Gongyuan fell into deep thought, and he didn't know where his thoughts were wandering.

"That's still far away. The last war ended less than a hundred years ago, so it shouldn't break out so soon. Come, drink tea. This is tea from the Cangqing Spirit Tree. It will help improve your understanding." Master Xuyue Peak raised a glass.

"Yes, now it is more important to taste the rumored Sanwen Cangqing tea." Feng Gongyuan raised his glass.

When Yun Ye heard this, his expression changed, and he also raised his glass to drink together.

As a result, he found that a very strange experience emerged from his heart, and his understanding actually changed?

To be precise, the speed of thinking has been enhanced and is changing in the direction of multi-line thinking.

This is not helpful for pioneering, but it is of great help for actual learning, application of formations, and spiritual techniques.

To use a vivid example, it is probably that the brain is evolving towards computers.

This green spiritual tree is actually a treasure tree.

After that, everyone talked for a long time and listened to many interesting stories and rules of Yuntian Lingzong. Yun Ye's impression of this Lingsect became much clearer.

As dusk approached, Yun Ye left the communication token and said goodbye. He needed to set up his own spiritual place.

"If there is something important, please pass on the news and come to find me through the main channel of the Wind Palace. I will not be stingy in helping you."

Feng Gongyuan also left.

After coming down the mountain, Xiang Qingrou and the other two people hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

"Master Sancai Peak is very wise. It seems that our practice will be much easier in the future." Yun Ye said.

The three of them immediately felt relieved. Although as disciples of Shuangshuang, the possibility of being embarrassed was very small, but there are always pretentious people. Who knows if they might encounter them?

Yun Ye took out the token and began to sift through the spiritual lands along the token's guidance.

The master of Branch Vein Peak is in charge of a spiritual mountain, and this spiritual mountain is obviously not as big as a mortal would think.

Even as spiritual realm monks, Yun Ye and the others had to waste some effort to complete most of the area.

After a lot of discussion, everyone returned to one of the areas.

The most special thing about this area is a big river.

The river is clear, flowing continuously, and the dense spiritual energy rushes high into the sky. It is a very good spiritual river.

Infusing the elixir with the water of the Linghe River is more effective than the rainwater of the spiritual method, and can be compared to the birth of the wood spirit method.

Choose an area with the Ling River to settle down. With the experience accumulated by a elixir family like the Xiang family, the cultivation of elixirs will basically be smooth sailing, and it will definitely be a continuous money tree in the future.

The Spirit River often floods, so a long embankment has been built to intercept it. Rows of spiritual trees are planted on the embankment, as well as a large number of red spiritual grass, all used to stabilize the river embankment.

Everyone stood on the river embankment and looked at the entire area from a distance.

Not far from the river, a huge building complex came into view. It was bustling with people and a large number of mortals living in it.

As a land of spiritual mountains, there are almost no monsters here and it is extremely suitable for human habitation, so it must also breed a large number of mortals.

These mortals are servants of the Lord of the Land and need to obey the orders of the Cave Lord unconditionally.

Yun Ye chose the top spiritual land, which was only inferior to Cang Qingshan. Mortal counties and towns developed extremely well.

When he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, he could clearly find that every mortal had extraordinary talents and had been specially selected. Out of doubt, he asked a few questions, and it turned out that Xiang Qingrou happened to know.

"The reason why the Yuntian Ling Sect does not allow the Crown Prince to bring too many followers is because it deliberately allows the Crown Prince to cultivate local 'geniuses'. They are not only more talented, but also more obedient."

"Since thousands of years ago, the mortals here have been screened from generation to generation. Now they have the best and most stable bloodline among mortals. Their heirs can be very stable and they are a very good source of servants and soldiers."

Xiang said softly.

As for how stable it is, Yun Ye took a look with a magic weapon and found that there were almost no talents with E-level talents. Basically everyone's talents were around D-level, and there were a few that could reach C-level.

The C-level talent in the Huangzhou area can already be said to be a genius, and it is very valuable to cultivate!

Most people in the Xiang clan cannot reach C level, and even Xiang Qingrou's magical talent is only B level.

The value of these mortals is very great. As long as they are squeezed, no matter who becomes the cave master, they can do well.

"This is it."

Yun Ye said.

"Everyone listens to the prince."

Xiang Qingrou and the others are also very satisfied with this spiritual land. After all, this is the conclusion they reached after a lot of discussions. Of course, everyone is happy if the prince can adopt it.

After deciding on the location of the spiritual land, Yun Ye took out the token to mark it. With a change of information, Yun Ye easily became the owner of this spiritual land.

The token was constructed by divine magic and could directly transmit information. Yun Ye could see the map of the entire spiritual land from it.

"It's so big?"

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