A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 250 Qinghe Cave Mansion

"It's actually such a big area?"

After a while, Yun Ye opened his eyes in surprise.

"Your Majesty? Is the spiritual land very big?"

Everyone asked quickly, with expectation.

"That's right, it's unimaginably big!"

Yun Ye said.

As the highest level of standard treatment, he received a full one hundred square kilometers of spiritual land!

This is a spiritual land, not an ordinary land, but also the spiritual land of Yuntian Lingzong!

Yun Ye can responsibly say that the entire Hongshan spiritual veins are far inferior to Baiyi in his current spiritual land!

"This is too exaggerated. The spiritual energy here is far superior to that of the clan, and now the area is dozens of times that of the clan?"

Xiang Yan spoke, revealing deep shock.

If the Xiang people could have such a spiritual place, they would never have had a Dharma Realm born for hundreds of years!

Even if you take your life to fill it, you can still fill the road to the Dharma Realm!

Is this what it means to have a Xuanjing teacher?

So scary.

"As expected of Elder Qishuang, in this Qishang Dao system, he can cover the sky with one hand!"

Xiang Xiang said.

They were already frightened by the mere crack of their fingers. This was really a dimensional gap.

"With the crown prince's qualifications and such exaggerated resources, it's hard to think of him as a Taoist! All we can do now is work hard to live up to this cultivation, haha!"

Xiang Yan was much simpler. He laughed and showed his joy.

"It is indeed a good thing. Practice with all your strength. The first step is to sort out the cave."

Yun Ye nodded.

All I can say is that it was unexpected.

It is said that it is fair competition, but with such a big gap at the beginning, how can it be fair competition?

Credit and strength cannot be given out of thin air, but what about resources? What about manpower? What about the exercises? What about knowledge?

(However, this treatment is so good. It’s like a fairy tale that a powerful man happens to take a fancy to a country genius...)

Yun Ye has always been wary of Qishuang, so it must be no coincidence that he suddenly found him and accepted him as his disciple.

Is it a future deduction that sees something, or is it simply a calculation of fate?

Everyone obeyed orders and arranged the cave.

In addition to cleaning, they also need to arrange a series of necessary things for cave cultivation such as spirit gathering formations, protective formations, and sound isolation formations.

the next day.

Yun Ye woke up from meditation, but in front of him was the flowing Spirit River, which was so majestic and refreshing.

He spent the whole night meditating on the river embankment, practicing the Origin Method, and he did feel an amazing difference.

The concentration of spiritual energy in Yuntian Lingzong is so terrifying that it is almost visible to the naked eye. The cultivation is progressing at a rapid pace and cannot be stopped at all.

"Your Majesty, the cave has been packed and ready for move-in."

Xiang Qingrou came from behind and stood aside pretty.


Yun Ye didn't get up immediately, but just responded.

"Why, does the prince like this scene very much?"

Xiang Qingrou sat down with Yun Ye and watched the Ling River together.

“It’s majestic and peaceful.”

Yun Ye said.

"Magnificence, and peace?"

Xiang Qingrou didn't understand, but when she looked at the child calmly watching the mountains and rivers in front of her, she didn't say anything more, but tried to watch together.

The prince's wealth is already astonishing. If she doesn't understand, it must be her own problem.

Hmm...that's a lot to think about.

Yun Ye didn't answer whether he liked it or not, but gave two descriptions, which were purely based on his feelings.

When he looked at the mountains and rivers, he suddenly realized that he had already come this far.

Which step?

You can have some leisure time to drink tea with the great monks.

You can watch mountains and rivers in peace.

Even, I am no longer afraid of the future.

Now, he is sure that he will be able to crack the unknown, maybe in ten lifetimes, maybe in a hundred lifetimes, but in the end he will definitely be able to...

This sense of hope, this sense of certainty about the future, is the driving force behind his struggle to this day.

Looking at the majestic mountains and rivers, Yun Ye's mind was being washed, and his thoughts became purer.

quite a while.

Yun Ye took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Okay, I can't continue to waste time here. I'm here for the first time, but there are many things that need to be understood and dealt with."

"Wasting...wasting time? Your Majesty, aren't you trying to understand something?" Xiang Qingrou was petrified.

Yun Ye looked at her in surprise. With his height, he was only taller than Xiang Qingrou when he was sitting. He patted her shoulder and said seriously: "Don't think about so many mysterious things. Practice is to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time." step by step climb.”

After saying that, Yun Ye turned around and headed towards the cave.


Xiang Qingrou stayed where she was, covering her forehead.

She made a serious mistake. A super genius like the prince is not enlightening?

Who would have thought of this?

Where is the place with the strongest spiritual energy?

Naturally, it’s inside the spiritual veins!

The so-called cave is to dig into the core of the spiritual veins, or inside the spiritual mountain, to establish a practice place.

Since it is surrounded by spiritual veins on all sides, the spirit gathering array arranged here will gather the spiritual energy to a terrifying level.

For Yun Ye, who is cultivating his spiritual body, this is a super cultivation accelerator that can help him quickly achieve spiritual perfection.

"Your Majesty, this place is called the 'Qinghe Spiritual Land', and the cave is also called the 'Qinghe Cave'."

"This Qinghe Cave has complete facilities, including a refining room, a utensil room, a medicine garden, and a talisman room. In addition, there are several retreat rooms. They are all sealed with strong and difficult-to-break materials. Even if the formation is not turned on, it can still block In the spiritual realm, once the formation is activated, the power of the spiritual energy in this place is enough to resist the magical realm."

Xiang Xiang took Yun Ye around to introduce him.

In fact, the Xiang people's spiritual land is also impregnable. Fighting at home, it is difficult to break through the legal realm.

However, the Xiang people are only difficult to break through, but they can directly resist here. There is no way to do it in the ordinary legal environment.

The gap between the spirit and the earth is really too big, so the power of the formations is also very different.

"Of course, our family's formations are actually very common. If the Crown Prince feels that it is not enough, you can directly purchase the formation disk. Yuntian Lingzong is different from Yunwen Town, and many precious things will not be blocked from trading."

Xiangxiang Road.

"Array disk... The Sancai branch is good at formations, spiritual arts, and talismans, so there is no need to look far away from the near. But there is no rush now, there are still many things to prepare for."

Yun Ye said.

"What else needs to be done? Your Majesty, are you talking about cultivation resources? Don't worry about this, we are ready."

Xiangxiang said.

"No, taking over Lingdi County, selecting and cultivating talents is a top priority. With just the three of you, you cannot make perfect use of the entire Lingdi."

Yun Ye shook his head.

The infrastructure of Qinghe Cave is perfect, but if no one uses it, it is just a decoration.

"Select talents? Cultivate talents? Wouldn't it be better if Qinghe County runs it on its own? They will train their servants and send them here every year."

Xiang Xiang said.

"It's not enough. What I need is not fishing all the time and catching a few fish for a long time, but large-scale cultivation and a fixed output of outstanding servants, the kind that can make money for us."

Yun Ye used a sentence pattern that is easier for the children of aristocratic families to understand.

"A servant who makes money? The prince means alchemist and weapon refiner? But how to cultivate outstanding talents on a large scale... Whether it is alchemy, weapon refining or talisman making, this requires massive investment of resources. It is extremely difficult to cultivate a person with the most outstanding talent. Well, I’m afraid it’s not worth the gain.”

Xiang Xiang hesitated.

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