A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 256 The Era of True Immortals

Yun Ye entered into practice day after day.

However, the money in his hands continued to be spent, purchasing a large number of top-notch spiritual materials.

To put it simply, he wants to build a laboratory for himself in the secret realm to extend the original method.

And this obviously requires a huge amount of money, because most of the instruments are manufactured for the first time, and they have to be constantly adjusted, and the scrap rate is extremely high.

To provide all the necessary facilities requires not only a lot of money, but also a lot of time.

Yun Ye did a little calculation and knew that 300,000 grain silver was completely insufficient. At least one million grain silver was needed.

I don't know how long it will take to earn this part of the money from Lingdi. Yun Ye has to prepare multiple plans.

One of them is selling the hundred thousand year sun wheel fruit.

In this aura-rich environment, ordinary elixirs can be sold for hundreds of grains of silver, while high-end elixirs can be sold for thousands to tens of thousands.

However, the value of top-quality elixirs is completely unlimited, and they are generally used for personal use, so the prices are extremely high.

The starting price is at least 100,000 grain silver, and you only need to sell two or three pieces.

As for the subsequent covetousness...

"I am the true disciple of Tieshuang!"

Yun Ye has already thought about how to deal with it. Lan Wuyuan is one of the strongest among the twelve paths. There are seven peerless ones and twenty-seven geniuses. He has countless legends behind him. What does this chance mean to him?

Moreover, he is Lan Wuyuan's puppet. If a high-level opponent wants to attack him, Lan Wuyuan will inevitably stop him.

What is this called?

The relationship between master and disciple is deep!

You can take it as your own if you are profound!

"Nice filing—"

"Then comes the second item, the battle for the secret realm of Yuntian Lingzong!"

That's right.

It’s a secret realm again.

With a power as big as Yuntian Lingzong, it is natural that they also control the secret realm, and there are more than one.

The Feng Shuang Dao system alone has two major secret realms in its hands, and the entire Yuntian Lingzong has mastered a total of thirteen secret realms!

According to the notice given to him by the Sancai branch, a secret realm will be opened within two years. It will be a grand gathering for the entire Yuntian Lingzong. Geniuses from all walks of life can show their abilities and let the branch to which they belong re-evaluate their own potential.

At the same time, the disciples who can rank at the top of this battle in the secret realm can obtain "merits".

Merit is a necessary thing to improve the order. Without merit, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to become the true successor, the peak master, the first one, or even the Taoist master.

"The Secret Realm of the Rain World!"

"The environment is very monotonous. It is a secret realm that is completely the home of water spirit monks. It contains a large number of treasures and a large number of magic medicines that can improve cultivation. It is also opened every sixty years."

"Similarly, there's also a legacy that no one has ever passed through."

Yun Ye's eyes narrowed.

According to the notice from the Sancai branch, this inheritance, like Yingyue Tianmen, also has thirteen levels of invincibility.

And this level alone has blocked Yuntian Lingzong for thousands of years, and no one has passed!

Yun Ye used the token to check, and found that the record also mentioned the Yingyue Secret Realm in Baishi Town.

As the overlord of the entire Huangzhou, the super genius of Yuntian Lingzong naturally also challenged the Yingyue Secret Realm.

But the result is the same, even the genius who once ranked among the top four has failed.

After countless attempts, Yuntian Lingzong also confirmed that it was impossible for anyone to pass the level of Wushuang Invincible, and gradually gave up coveting the ancient inheritance.

The current unparalleled invincibility trial is purely a measure of talent. The more passes, the stronger the talent.

And what did Yuntian Lingzong prove to think that it is impossible for anyone to pass the unparalleled and invincible test?

"It's very simple, because these secret realms were left behind ten thousand years ago, which was... the era of true immortals."

The reason is that simple.

Ten thousand years ago, since there was soil to give birth to true immortals, it must have been an era when immortality reached its peak.

What is the ultimate immortality?

To put it simply, it is an era when the accumulation of blood and strength has reached its limit and there is no way forward.

For example, a divine body with all five elements is born, and is born with the ultimate spirituality of the five elements. It can fuse multiple spiritual methods at will. It is born to be sacred, and it is born to stand at the end.

This is the era of the ultimate immortality. In this era, there will be countless terrifying and unimaginable heroes, and there will also be people who are no less powerful than the future Tao Lord.

To become a peerless genius in that era, one must be powerful, invincible, and unimaginable.

Lei Zhenyu is like this, and so are other peerless geniuses.

After a war that could be called world-destroying ten thousand years ago, the inheritance of immortality was wiped out in one fell swoop. Tens of thousands of years of cultivation and rest were only restored to the current level. It is difficult to say whether there are five levels of spiritual magic outside the Luo Dynasty.

But there is none in the Luo Dynasty, not even in the Holy Land of the Holy Clan.

Under such circumstances, if you want to defeat the peerless geniuses of the immortal generation, it cannot be said that it is completely impossible, it can only be said to be a dream.

"Will the Secret Realm of the Rain World be opened within two years? Let's make preparations before that. The 300,000 grain silver of the Xiang Clan, plus the output of the spiritual land, is enough to support it for a year or two."

With the goal determined, Yun Ye began endless training, plus pondering on elixir cultivation techniques and alchemy techniques.

He kept observing the properties of the Cangqing Spiritual Tree to study what kind of Cangqing Spiritual Liquid the Cangqing Spiritual Tree needed.

Then, he soon discovered the secret.

This green spiritual tree is special. It condenses a special green mist. This mist is slightly invisible and adheres to the surface of the spiritual tree, which has the effect of improving understanding.

If the fog is allowed to cover the Cangqing Spiritual Tree and dye the branches and leaves green, the result will be that most of the nutrients are taken away by the fog, and the Cangqing Spiritual Tree will grow slowly.

This makes sense.

The mist that has been condensed for hundreds of years has the effect of improving understanding, which naturally consumes a lot of power.

"This is probably a protection fee, right? Condensing these spiritual leaves is used as a reward for (demon or human beings) to protect themselves. In this way, although the growth is slow, the energy is far-reaching."

Yun Ye prepared the spiritual liquid and watered it.

Then, the color of the entire spiritual tree quickly faded, completely different from the two green spiritual trees in Cangqing Mountain.

This is also natural, Xu Yue needs to protect the secret he discovered, and he will keep the color unchanged.

"Ten thousand years, achieved."

About two months later, Yun Ye harvested the first batch of three-grain tea leaves and began his arrogant drug addiction.

And in order to enhance the efficacy of the medicine, Yun Ye even refined it into a spiritual elixir called "Enlightenment Pill".

This medicine is countless times more powerful than the pill that accelerated spiritual cultivation in Baishi Town.

That kind of thing is not considered a low-grade elixir at all, it is just an ordinary thing.

The Enlightenment Pills made by Yun Ye are genuine middle-grade elixirs, and there are even sporadic top-grade pills.

This is also due to the quality of the elixir. With Yun Ye's alchemy skills, he is still unable to freely refine a middle-grade elixir.

And with this magical medicine, Yun Ye's spiritual practice, which had begun to slow down, accelerated again.

The manufacturing of various instruments also became much smoother instantly.

He just planted a green spiritual tree, and the return on investment was extremely high.

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