A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 257 Physical Phenomenon·The sun rises across the sky

"Have you heard? The genius who came out of nowhere actually defeated the people on the list and forced his way into the Qilin List before the list was replaced!"

"Is she the one born in the same lineage? It's really shocking. She actually defeated the Kirin Ranking Talent at the age of twelve. There is no doubt that she is a young genius, and she is qualitatively different from those ordinary geniuses."

"This is indeed the truth. Among the Taoists, only the chief of the Wind Palace has ever won the title of Young Prodigy, but he was also qualified to be shortlisted. He squeezed into the Qilin Ranking at the end of sixteen years old. This one was four years ahead of schedule. , maybe another Chief of the Wind Palace!"

"The wind is blowing. As the secret realm opens, the originally low-key talent will begin to show off. This will not be the last one!"

During the time that Yun Ye was cultivating, the entire Yuntian Lingzong was in turmoil.

Various geniuses emerged, and many of them were astonishing. For example, there was a twelve-year-old girl who was compared to the chief true successor of the Wind Palace lineage, which was simply flattering.

In the outside world, Nangong Xungu is already well-known, and is known as the genius closest to the Qilin Ranking.

However, geniuses of his level are common in Yuntian Lingzong, and they are not even as good as the chief true successor of any branch of Yuntian Lingzong, let alone the chief true successor of the main line.

Why has Nangong Xungu never challenged the genius at the bottom of the Qilin Ranking?

Is there no time?

Of course it's impossible, he is not sure and can feel the gap.

And this gap is far from the "slightly better" he said.

You know, there are only thirty-six Qilin Tianjiao, but the statistical scope covers the entire wilderness.

Even if the age limit is no more than forty, there are still countless people.

Guangyuntian Lingzong's Shuangshuang Dao system has seven main lines and twenty-seven branches. Although not every branch has a younger generation, the entire Yuntianling sect's twelve Dao systems are probably packed with Qilin rankings. Effortless.

What's more, Yuntian Lingzong is not the only one in Huangzhou. There is also Mengze Lingzong who can compete with Yuntian Lingzong and divide Huangzhou in half.

This large force is generally called Demon Sect by Yuntian Lingzong, but this name does not affect the other party's genius to be included in the list.

The actual number of places on the Qilin List is actually only half.

Nangong Xungu's strength may be very strong in the outside world, but he is far away from the real Qilin Tianjiao. He can only understand this after a real challenge. Divine magic alone is not enough.

After all, not everyone is like Yun Ye, who has few secret skills and cannot hide his aura.

Behind every unicorn genius is a superpower, who wants to rely on their innate magic to gain insight, emmmmmmm...

In the secret room.

Yun Ye slowly opened his eyes. A large number of empty bottles were scattered on the ground. A flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

In two months, he had consumed all thirty Sun-Chakra Blood Cleansing Pills.

By operating the Origin Method and using the medicinal power for his own use, his life essence increased to about 4 points.

His physique has been refined over and over again, almost to the point where scorching vitality bursts out from his flesh and blood. Now when he cuts himself, he can heal in the blink of an eye, and his physique is very strong.

Of course, the most exaggerated thing is...


A big sun rose, and astonishing heat spread out. At the same time, as if a special field had been formed, Yun Ye's physical fitness soared rapidly, directly breaking the boundaries.

"Physical Phenomenon·The sun is shining in the sky!"

Yun Ye clenched his fists, and between his breaths, golden flames flowed, just like the God of Fire coming to the world.

The Hundred Thousand Year Sun Wheel Fruit didn't have such amazing effects, but Yun Ye couldn't hold it back and ate thirty of them.

The power inside some physical bodies has been sublimated into a strange phenomenon due to the accumulation of numbers.

With the blessing of visions, the surrounding space becomes your own domain, and all kinds of limits can be broken through.

To put it bluntly, the spiritual field is also a vision of imitation - or in other words, integrating the spiritual field into the bloodline is a vision.

It can be said that every vision is a proof of talent and strength, which can greatly increase a person's combat power.

Of course, the most important thing is——

Handsome enough!

Stylish enough!

When Yun Ye first saw Liu Quan using the magic weapon, he was extremely excited, and he was looking forward to holding the magic weapon in his hand and sweeping across the world invincibly.

In terms of universal rationality, even after reaching this point, Yun Ye has not forgotten this touch.

Moreover, he also knows why he pursues power.

"The desire to live better is the instinct of life, and it should be so."

"Anyone who blocks all these beautiful pursuits must be destroyed!"

Yun Ye clenched his fist, the sun rose higher and higher, and in this secret room, blue sky and white clouds unexpectedly appeared.

Even the entire secret room was covered, turning into a vast new world!

The green grass here stretches endlessly. In this vast world, there are fairy sounds that cleanse the soul, and Yun Ye has countless insights in his heart.

The sun is rising across the sky, and it actually has a suppressive effect on the will. It seems to come from Yun Ye's belief that the world will be united to create a new sky!

"But it's true, this is a world of immortality, a world where will can be materialized!"

Yun Ye clenched his fist, the vision gradually disappeared, and the space in the entire secret room returned to normal.

His eyes were a little deeper.

To achieve world unity with the power of infinite reincarnation is a grand goal.

At first glance, this seems very false and even unpleasant. How can there be such selfless people in the world?

In fact, Yun Ye never understood what it means to be someone who has escaped from vulgar interests, and what it means to be a person who truly pursues his goals.

But after twenty years of suffering, twenty years of despair, and after his family members were killed one by one, and later the entire village was killed, Yun Ye gradually understood.

Avoiding risks is something everyone has.

But why are there always people willing to stand up?

Are they out of their minds?

Obviously not. The reason is actually very simple. These people have empathy, ideals, and ambitions.

Some people are willing to spend all their money for the ideal of making a good game without thinking about getting back the money.

There are also people who want to be admired by thousands of people and write every day for ten years, just so that one day someone can discuss their stories and gain satisfaction.

Similarly, in music, painting, and athletics, too many people have dreams and are not afraid of the difficulties of life.

It's just that most people's dream is not that the world will be unified, so they can't understand it.

But in these difficult times, too many people’s ideal is world unity.

They want to live a good life, want to gain dignity, or maybe they want to leave a name in history and be respected by thousands of people...

No matter which one, this kind of ideal that the heart yearns for is to allow people to move forward without fear of life or death.

Not only do such people exist, but there are thousands of them.

They all know the price of standing up, but they also know that someone must stand up, otherwise nothing will change.

It was because of their kindness that Yun Ye was able to be born in modern times and enjoy decades of life.

This is a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, and this is a meaningful pursuit.

And the vast majority of people have this idea, but they are limited by their abilities, life, and all kinds of chores, so they can't express it.

To give a simple example, what would ordinary people think when they see a "criminal"?

Do you sympathize with criminals who commit heinous crimes?

"Won't. 』

Will you be angry that the evil forces cover the sky with one hand and protect the murderers?

"meeting. 』

This is a simple empathy, a simple right and wrong. Everyone who is right likes it, and everyone who is wrong hates it.

Most people don't commit crimes, so they feel that every criminal must die.

Most people are powerless against the evil forces and are afraid of becoming the scapegoat, so they are extremely disgusted and feel sad and powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

This is what normal people think. In this case, if they have the ability to break the rules and see such angry things, most ordinary people are willing to solve the culprit and let themselves have clear ideas.

That's exactly what happened to Yun Ye.

And along the way, as the Taoist tools awakened, Yun Ye also gradually transformed, moving closer to a true hero.

If in the first life, you let him commit suicide without pain, then it is possible for him to accept it.

But if you ask him to resist the uprising and possibly endure severe torture, that is 100% impossible to accept.

The reason is simple. Death is not scary, but its side effects are scary -


At least Yun Ye is this kind of person. He doesn't feel that death is terrible. For him, dying silently is far more acceptable than living with all kinds of torture. This is the difference in concepts between people in peaceful times. .

But now that he has gone through so much hardship, Yun Ye will not take a step back even if he loses the ability to reincarnate.

Just one death!


And this premise obviously does not exist. After infinite reincarnation, he will give up implementing his will because of life and death, or because of some bullshit difficulty?

People can be incapable and afraid of death.

However, you can't lose your temper.

Wasteful abilities can be learned slowly.

If you are afraid of death, you can become so strong that you will not die.

However, if you are simply afraid of punching, there is no cure. Even if you are invincible, what is the point of not using it...

Yun Ye is not this kind of person, most normal people will not be this kind of person, and he never wants to be this kind of person.

Life after life, Yun Ye continues to grow and overcome his shortcomings.

In addition to shortcomings in strength, talent, will, etc., Yun Ye has also made a leap that can be called a qualitative change.

This is also the qualification for promotion in this world of immortal cultivation. At least Yun Ye will not have such a thing as inner demon chaos.

"Does inner demon...exist?"

Shaking his head, Yun Ye opened the secret realm and walked into it.

He has already equipped the infrastructure, such as a spiritual microscope, a life cultivation cabin, and a spiritual control console.

The spiritual microscope can observe the genetic level, allowing Yun Ye to record the experimental results intuitively.

The life culture chamber is used to clone cells and provide nutrients.

The spiritual method control console can assist Yun Ye in extending the effects of the original method, allowing the cloned cells to "cultivate" under his control.

With these three basic instruments, research can begin.

The remaining instruments that increase efficiency can be developed slowly in the future.

If you want to achieve your goals, any world needs strong strength, because the old forces will not let you sweep it into the garbage heap.

One month's time.

After countless failures and adjustments, Yun Ye started cloning again.

Yun Ye knew the principle of cloning very well, which was to remove the nucleus from the female egg cell and then inject the nucleus of the somatic cell of the individual to be cloned.

Although the process is very simple, in practice, the success rate is very low. In the initial experiments on Earth, more than two hundred repeated experiments, only one was successful, and the finished product was Dolly, the world's first cloned sheep.

"Dolly's lifespan is only half that of a normal sheep. Is it because her body cells have already divided?"

Yun Ye stretched out his hand and peeled off a somatic cell directly with his spiritual consciousness, and then directly used his spiritual consciousness to take out the cell nucleus through a spiritual microscope. Similarly, the same operation was repeated for the egg cells that had been prepared.

Finally, Yun Ye put the nucleus into the egg cell, and then sank the egg cell into the life culture chamber.

The life cultivation cabin is equipped with both wood spirit method and water spirit method. As long as it is a living substance, its vitality can be forcibly maintained.

When he first started a month ago, Yun Ye only failed a few times before achieving his first success.

But initial success is far from enough, as endless revisions follow.

Fortunately, in the secret realm, whether it is plants, animals or humans, they can "accelerate their growth."

It only takes a short hour for a cell to expand from a cell to a six-year-old age equivalent to Yun Ye.

Otherwise, if it only lasts for a month, what results can be achieved?


The hatch opened, and the first successful product was finally completed. This container was named "No. 1" by Yun Ye.

Although this No. 1 is a clone, it is completely different from Yun Ye.


It has no such thing as an appearance, just a blank slate.

No. 1 not only has no consciousness, but also has no soul and appearance. It is a pure blank body.

This is not an inherent effect of cloning, or a side effect of accelerated growth, but a technological upgrade completed by Yun Ye using divine methods after many experiments and adjustments.

Although the original clone was too short to grow and had no consciousness, its body would react mechanically, which was a bit scary when its appearance was exactly the same as Yun Ye.

Therefore, Yun Ye still spent a lot of effort to make modifications for such unnecessary things, completely turning the clone into a blank container copy.

"The physiques are exactly the same, and even the spiritual body talents are copied together... Well, the price is that one copy requires 10,000 streaks of silver."

Yun Ye looked back at his expenses this month and felt suffocated. He was poor!

Even with the size of the spiritual magic family, it is difficult to earn 10,000 lines of silver, and at the rate of 10,000 evaporating this hour, even Qinghe Lingdi may only be able to support him.

"Can we only start with the formula? Arrange spiritual substances suitable for my physique in a targeted manner?"

Yun Ye fell into thinking.

Although his initial clone was successful, during the growth process, his physical body was missing and he did not obtain his Silent Spirit Body and Silent Spirit Eyes.

But this obviously doesn't work. It's too far from his original form and has no effect at all.

So after constant screening, Yun Ye discovered the problem.

During the normal growth process, the fetus will continuously acquire spirituality through the mother's body and gradually form its own talents. In theory, the stronger the mother's body, the higher the fetus' talents.

However, his life training cabin does not have such a thing as spirituality. It only provides pure nutrition. Even if it originally has spiritual potential, it will not be able to absorb enough spirituality in the future, resulting in power degradation.

So Yun Ye had to add a large amount of spiritual liquid to allow the individual developed from the cells to reach his level.

As a result, the cost rose horribly to 10,000 grains of silver...

This is just the beginning. If he wants Container to practice the Origin Method, it will cost a lot of money. The money he needs is completely beyond his expectation. Let alone one million, even ten million is not enough!

The only good thing is that most of the raw materials for spiritual liquid can be obtained through secret cultivation, which can save more than 95%. However, the spiritual control console cannot be used. In this case, formations must be arranged or spiritual stones must be filled. To keep the instrument running, it costs a lot of money!

The clone's practice of the original method is equivalent to Yun Ye's continuous re-cultivation. The spiritual energy and resources consumed can only be described as massive. If Yun Ye didn't have the Qinghe Spiritual Land, then he wouldn't even have to think about it.

"To some extent, Lan Wuyuan is accelerating my practice? What kind of fate is this?"

Yun Ye opened the book of reincarnation.

Reincarnated person: Yun Ye

Area: Huangzhou

Lifespan: 96

Fate: C→B (↓)

Physique: D→B+

Divine Sense: D+

Comprehension: C→C+

Spiritual root: A

Taoist tool: C (not awakened)

Secret Realm: E

Strength: B-

Introduction: Born with spiritual eyes and a spiritual body, he is extremely talented, but this also causes disasters and turns him into a puppet of others. His luck is constantly being lost, and he may not be able to escape his bad luck.

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