A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 259 Shocked, Xiangying is invincible again

When Yun Ye was in modern times, he also saw many people posting on the Internet criticizing the founders of the country, saying that they had this and that black spot, saying that what they did was meaningless, wasn't modern times reincarnated, capitalists It will inevitably come back again.

Indeed, there are so many injustices, so many injustices, and so many people being used as firewood in reality. It seems to be an extremely disgusting world.

But is this really meaningless?

Has a famine ever happened again in history, in which hundreds of thousands or even millions of people starved to death?

Has there ever been a melee between princes that would slaughter the city?

In court, is it still necessary to kneel down to appeal?

The world is always slipping towards darkness little by little, but if you don’t light a spark because you are destined to be dark, this is really a bit of a waste of time.

Is it true that people are bound to die, so they have to give up the process of living and die directly?

Beginning and ending are not everything.

Even if it is only stable for a hundred years, no, even if it is only stable for ten years, all efforts will be meaningful.

Because it is true that so many people have benefited and made changes that have never been done in the past.

Therefore, what Yun Ye has been pursuing from the beginning is not "absolute", but to light a spark, do what he can, and go where he can.

In this world, there are three paths that may change everything.

The first one is to practice individual training to become the strongest person in the Red Sky Realm, sweeping everything and establishing a new Red Sky Order.

The second path, the road of science and technology, is to hibernate and develop science and technology, and then obtain an invincible weapon that is enough to wipe out all the spiritual families in the Red Heaven Realm in one go.

The third, the road of Taoism, is to continuously strengthen the Tomorrow Society, accumulate strength to build a country, and gain repercussions through sacrifices from one life to the next.

Maybe there are other possibilities.

But what Yun Ye thinks of is probably these three paths. Each of these three paths has its own advantages and disadvantages. At present, he is basically developing together, without focusing on anyone.

The first is the first one. This one seems to be quite possible. After all, Yun Ye can be reincarnated.

But in fact, this is the most impossible to achieve in the environment where the Taoist weapon is in the air.

The twelve Tao masters of Yuntian Ling Sect are called Tao masters only after they have mastered Tao weapons. This status far exceeds their cultivation level.

If you don't agree with the Taoist weapon of the ruling system, it is impossible to become the strongest. Even if you become stronger, you can easily suppress it if you don't have a Taoist weapon under your control.

Then the second one.

Invincible technology takes time to develop, but the Spiritual Law Family obviously will not give this chance.

What's more, there are such things as true immortals. They have disappeared, but they must still exist.

The True Immortal Queen Mother in the Heavenly Road is proof of this.

Article 3.

Taoist tools.

As for modifying the rules, the most essential thing in this world, Taoist tools, are the most promising.

The most important thing is that only the echo condensed by the Taoist artifact will not disappear and can be reincarnated with Yun Ye.

And as the Taoist tools continue to grow, the reincarnation area will expand, and Yun Ye's talent will also grow accordingly.

The path of Taoism and the path of individuals complement each other.

At the same time, only when an individual is strong can he protect others, get repercussions, and even develop technology.

The technology here does not mean copying the earth, but summarizing spiritual methods to form the spiritual technology here.

In Yun Ye's view, these three paths cannot be separated. No matter which path is missing, the success rate will be greatly reduced and the process will be complicated.

He must make good use of every moment to study the essence and sum up experience.

The mortal order of Qinghe Spiritual Land is the beginning of everything.


It rained heavily.

Xiang Qingrou stood on the river bank and felt the natural world.

Around her, a large number of distortions appeared, blocking the rain and resisting the strong wind.

In the distance, Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang stood with their arms crossed, their eyes envious.

"This is for the divine method to be perfected. It will take less than half a year."

Xiangxiang Road.

"She has taken a lot of magic pills. If she still can't break through, I will definitely punish the prince!"

Xiang Yan snorted coldly.

"Big talk. Although Qingrou is not as old as us, she has already perfected her magic and her strength is unimaginable. You may not be able to win!"

Xiang Xiang said.

The divine method is much stronger than the spiritual method. If Xiang Yan hadn't mastered the physical method, he might not have been able to fight at all and would have been quickly controlled, even if Xiang Yan had perfected the spiritual method.

“It’s going to be completely consummated!”

Xiang Yan finished speaking.

There was a boom.

Xiang Qingrou's body twisted and suddenly expanded, directly clearing away all the rainwater within a kilometer, and forming an invisible barrier.

Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang covered the front with their hands, thinking they would be knocked away, but the distortion directly skipped them and had no effect. It only blocked the rain.

The two of them suddenly looked surprised.

In the past, Xiang Qingrou couldn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, so she could only shoot them away together.

"The perfection of the divine method will greatly increase the control power. Now my divine method field can no longer hurt the friends. Of course, you can also choose to explode directly in the human body. If there is no corresponding power protection, once this move is launched , that’s—bang.”

Xiang Qingrou opened her eyes and snapped her fingers.

"No wonder they say that divine magic is scary. If I encounter a power that can penetrate other things and attack me directly, I will also feel scary."

The two of them looked cold.

Naturally, they all knew what would explode - the monk's vital point, the brain!

Facing this kind of divine method, even if there is a spiritual field, it will be directly hit hard.

If you want to defeat Xiang Qingrou, you can only completely crush her in terms of strength, like their prince, otherwise it will be really difficult to win.

"The spiritual realm is completely complete, and the next step is the Dharma realm. Can you continue?"

Xiang Yan suddenly spoke seriously.

Unlike their predecessors, Xiang Qingrou, as a cultivator of divine magic, had no way out until now and relied entirely on herself.

Xiang Qingrou shook her head slightly, but said firmly: "I will continue."


Xiangyan and Xiangxiang looked at each other and had only this thought.

Why do they all want to follow Yun Ye to Yuntian Lingzong?

It's very simple. Walking a new path completely on your own is a desperate level of difficulty and will almost certainly lead to failure.

Only by worshiping the Yuntian Spirit Sect and obtaining the complete cultivation method can they successfully break through to the Dharma realm.

Even so, because of their talent, they may obtain the method, but they still cannot break through.

The final result depends on how strong their prince is and how high he can reach.

They and Yun Ye both prospered and suffered losses.

As for whether Yun Ye would forget about them after he became rich, they had never doubted this.

Although the Crown Prince has always been taciturn, they all felt that the Crown Prince was a person who valued friendship and loyalty.

After the Xiang people were exterminated, although they did not care about the Xiang people, they mostly wanted to create an atmosphere.

An atmosphere where revenge is not necessary.

Anyone who can exterminate the Xiang clan must be the enemy of Elder Qishang. This force is too terrifying. If the prince shows that he wants revenge, he will definitely be closely monitored. Even within the Yuntian Lingzong, it may not be safe.


Everyone felt the sky light up and couldn't help but raise their heads and say, "Hey, is it going to clear up?"

Wherever he passed, the sky was filled with dark clouds.


Golden light illuminates the sky.

Let the entire rain color be covered with a layer of warm golden light.

The three of them suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the cave.

I saw.

A great sun rose.

It illuminates the world, but it becomes the only light.

"Is this a vision?"


Xiang Qingrou and the other two people all froze, unable to close their mouths.

This is a vision!

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