A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 264 Tomorrow’s self-rescue plan


Who am I?

Yun Ye naturally had no reason to talk to a historical figure.

The ground spikes rose up and pierced Meng Qi's head, killing him.

This time, Yun Ye did not proceed to the next step immediately, but cancelled the state of spiritual root sublimation and spiritual root recovery.

For a moment, an astonishing sense of weakness invaded the whole body. Yun Ye took a step and found it extremely difficult.

Song Wan did not practice the method, and his life was burned very quickly by using spiritual root recovery and spiritual root sublimation at the same time.

In a short time, not only did he evaporate ten years of his life, but he also consumed a lot of vitality, so that it became difficult to move.

In this case, if you want to recover quickly, you can only use spiritual medicine and spiritual pills.

Yun Ye squatted down and searched Meng Qi's body, and found several bottles of low-grade spiritual pills.

Some were for healing, some were for cultivation, most of them were about divine methods, and a few were related to physical methods.

Yun Ye did not care too much, and sat down and absorbed them one by one.

As a frequent drug user, Yun Ye knew how to digest quickly. In a short time, he used the power of the drug to forcibly open the divine method and physical method, and recovered his own state.

During the training, a large number of people came and surrounded Yun Ye.

They didn't know where they were going, but were driven away numbly, and they couldn't see the hope of survival at all.

Now, someone actually killed the supervisor? Doesn't this mean that they have hope?

Yun Ye opened his eyes suddenly, stood up and looked into the distance.

A white cloud.

It spread rapidly.

Yun Ye felt an astonishing breath in it. The person who came was at least in the spiritual realm!

This pressure was nothing to Yun Ye, but it overwhelmed all the mortals present and made them unable to move.

At the same time, a large amount of blood light rolled up from the ground and rushed towards the white cloud. The white cloud was visibly expanding.

When it got close, Yun Ye realized what the blood light was!


A large number of ordinary people screamed, blood splashed from their mouths and noses, and their bodies turned into mummies in an instant. All the blood was sucked away, and white clouds emerged in the sky.


Yun Ye didn't know the purpose of this level of the Heavenly Road. He just saw unbearable despair, so he took action.

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"Spiritual roots sublimate!"

"Extreme Spiritual Earth Method·Gravity!"

The white cloud was pulled down from the sky by the terrifying force.

There was even a brief vacuum layer.

A woman was heavier, separated from the white cloud, and was dragged in front of Yun Ye in advance.

The moment the woman was dragged over, she reacted and immediately attacked, causing Yun Ye's blood to boil and be destroyed from the inside.

"The blood spiritual root secret technique of the True Blood lineage!"

Yun Ye recognized it. He was currently maintaining absolute defense, but he could be interfered with?

No wonder this lineage could become the leader of the Yuntian Spiritual Sect. It is indeed powerful!

While vomiting blood, Yun Ye quickly approached the woman, bursting out the only gravity, and directly destroyed the woman's brain from the inside.

The woman groaned, exploded, and then quickly reunited.

With the blessing of the divine method, Yun Ye's spiritual level was closer to the main body, and his power and accuracy increased significantly, so he did kill the woman once just now, but was resurrected by her secret technique.

"Extreme Spirit Secret Technique... You are just a mortal, how dare you be so arrogant!"

Yun Tian Qi Yue was furious and sacrificed a forbidden weapon.

For a moment, the mighty power of heaven burst out, and the power of the realm of law appeared, trying to suppress Yun Ye.

"Mystery mode!"

Yun Ye merged the three major techniques and entered the mystery mode. Although he has not yet developed the mystery of the earthly technique, the power of various moves has soared. Yun Ye punched out, and everything collapsed like a black hole.

The woman was like a mirror, directly shattered. This time she didn't even have the opportunity to use the secret technique. She was swallowed up and crushed into ashes.

As soon as the woman died, Yun Ye's eyes were filled with white mist and he returned to the Heavenly Road.

Is it passed?

It is indeed passed.

Because the Heavenly Road settlement has begun.

"The second stage of the Heavenly Road is completed."

"Recording bloodline - recording completed."

"Weight determination - kill all supervisors, basic bloodline optimization probability '100%'."

"Start selecting the optimization direction - selection completed, life essence optimization."

"Optimization begins -"

Yun Ye chose to optimize life essence again.

This time, Yun Ye saw the optimization process of the Heavenly Road more clearly.

Those that he had proven to be failed in reality were directly skipped, and those that he estimated to be most likely in reality were given priority.

This is a rule that is very beneficial to practitioners.

Because even if only one of the ten directions succeeds, it will greatly increase the efficiency of the Heavenly Road optimization!

Yun Ye calculated that if the Heavenly Road exhausts itself, only one of the thousands of directions will succeed.

And if the argument is carried out along the successful direction, hundreds or thousands of roads will be extended, and the Heavenly Road will exhaust again.

In this case, the computing power of the Heavenly Road will be quickly exhausted, so it can only increase by a few percent each time.

After this Heavenly Road deduction, Yun Ye found that he still overestimated the Heavenly Road.

The reason why he was able to get 5% was entirely because he could summarize, so he avoided a lot of repetitive calculations. If it were an inexperienced cultivator, he would have to rely purely on his own wisdom.

Whether you can summarize the bloodline rules from the beginning will directly affect the final harvest.

"Optimization completed, using the current effectiveness of the origin law as the standard number, the life essence is increased by 12.2%, do you want to record it?"


After the base number became 2.2, Yun Ye's blood optimization percentage increased instead of decreasing, reaching 12.2%, more than double the first level, and the origin of life essence jumped from 2.2 times to 2.47 times in one breath.

Yun Ye only had two levels, but he completed the hundreds of years of other families.

"Is this the power of knowledge accumulation?"

Yun Ye silently glimpsed the future.

A future where everyone is like a dragon.


Thousands of miles away.

There will be an underground base tomorrow.

People come and go here, the atmosphere is solemn, and there are factories everywhere, making something rumbling.

In the deepest room of this underground base, three people stood at the door. After looking at each other, they knocked on the door and said, "Seventh Seat, we are here."

"Come in."

Pushing the door open, the interior is a laboratory with simple layout but various equipment.

A woman with an amazing face, wearing a white coat and special glasses, is doing some research.

There is an extremely tiny cell in the pool that is expanding and contracting. Sometimes the cell wall bulges, like a meatball; sometimes the cell wall bulges and turns into extremely sharp spikes; sometimes flames appear and the cell part is translucent.

This requires special equipment or very precise spiritual sense to see, so the three people have no feeling, just bowed and said: "Zhuo Qixi, please give orders, as long as it can strengthen the Tomorrow Association, we will do anything."

"Even if it means death?" The woman in the white coat looked up.

"Even if it means death." The three people said without any hesitation.

The Tomorrow Association must take action, otherwise according to the deduction of the True Heaven Instrument, destruction will come soon.

"Zhen Tianyi's deduction is generally correct. If the Tomorrow Society wants to develop, it will inevitably leave traces. After fourteen years of development, the traces left behind have reached the point where they cannot be cleaned up."

"Only one opportunity is needed, and the Tomorrow Society will be discovered and face the liquidation of the top sects in the Wasteland State. With the current strength of the Tomorrow Society, it is simply unable to fight against the Yuntian Spiritual Sect or the Mengze Spiritual Sect. This is why it is very likely to be destroyed."

Zhuo Qilian put down the experimental equipment, found a chair to sit down, stretched her waist, and continued: "To put it bluntly, everything is caused by the "traces". If you want to avoid destruction, you must either clean up the "traces" or make the "traces" undetectable."

"Please ask the Seventh Master to teach us how to cover up the traces so that no one can find them!" The three said.

Clearing the traces is not feasible. There are too many tracks of Tomorrow Society's activities. This large-scale trace cleaning can only be solved by large-scale divine methods or formations. Isn't this exposing yourself?

Therefore, they can only make the traces undetectable. They have this idea, but the specific implementation must be guided by a master of divine law, otherwise the success rate is too low.

"In fact, this is very simple, it just requires you to exchange your life. No matter what kind of strategy, once it becomes complicated, the probability of failure will increase significantly. Only by reducing the choices as much as possible can the effect of the strategy be maximized."

"For example, either live or die. As long as you have the awareness of death, then even if you fail, no one will notice the abnormality, and we still have a second chance. But correspondingly, if you misjudge yourself, then the crisis of extinction of the tomorrow club will come immediately. Do you want to bet?"

"Bet on yourself... No, bet on the three people in the team, all have this awareness."

Zhuo Qilian looked at the three people with a faint smile.

The possibility of misjudging oneself is actually not high, so a person with the determination to die can often do things well.

However, if the number of people increases, the game of human nature will appear, and there are too few people who can completely trust others.

The increase in the number of people increases uncertainty and greatly increases the variables.

The three of them didn't even exchange glances this time.

Only one sentence.

"Sacrifice, from my generation to the next."

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