A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 265 Emerald Lake, the secret realm opens

In the secret room.

A large amount of spiritual energy surged, and was refined into Yun Ye's body to create his spiritual body. As streaks of gray overflowed, Yun Ye stopped practicing, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

However, on the tenth day, the original method has been practiced again.

In this Yuntian Lingzong, his growth was unbelievable, and the environment was too excellent.


Suddenly, the token vibrated, and a message appeared.

"The secret realm of the Rain World is about to open, come to Cang Qing Mountain quickly!"

Yun Ye couldn't help but reveal a happy expression.

It's just the right time!

Although he was promoted to the Sixth True Successor and his spiritual realm expanded, it would take time for this to turn into benefits.

He actually has no money now, so he can barely survive by selling a few Sun Wheel Blood Cleansing Pills.

Of course, this is not only the consumption of deducing the original method, but also the merit gains of the disciples of the Sancai branch.

Yun Ye only cashed out a very small part of it, and he cashed it out with secret realm elixir. It was okay to do this when cashing out a small amount. If the elixir was wholesaled in large quantities, even Lan Wuyuan might have to ask why.

He needs new ways to get money to cover up the problem.

The Secret Land of Rain World is the first choice!

"Xiang Qingrou, activate the cave formation, and then notify Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang that we are setting off."


As a cultivator of divine magic, Xiang Qingrou notified the other two people in one thought, and they arrived quickly.

When they arrived, the first thing they saw was a flying magic weapon that looked like a "bird".

"Is this a flying instrument similar to a paper crane? The wings seem to be fixed. How can it fly?"

Xiangyan and the others have been helping Yun Ye take care of things, have a lot of interactions with the outside world, and have seen a lot of markets.

The most common form among flying magic weapons is an enlarged version of a paper crane. It flies fast and moves flexibly, and is much easier to use than a flying boat or shuttle. Yun Ye seems to be a bit uncomfortable with this one.

"The name of this magic weapon is Black Bird. You will know it when you go in."

Yun Ye didn't explain too much and let everyone get into the fighter jet.

As soon as they entered, a thought flashed through the minds of the three of them.

So that’s it, the prince is doing it for comfort?

There are seats inside, and there is glass on the top to protect from the wind. It is indeed much more interesting than the paper crane form or the flying boat form.


Xuanniao easily broke through ten times the speed of sound and quickly headed to the main peak of the Sancai branch, causing the three of them to marvel.

The experience of the second level of Heavenly Road made Yun Ye notice that he should refine a flying magic weapon.

Not being able to fly makes it very troublesome a lot of the time.

Moreover, with the help of magical weapons, neither speed nor convenience can be compared with the physical body.

So when Yun Ye was practicing the original method, he took the time to refine a flying magic weapon in the style of a fighter jet.


A white rainbow flashed.

Xuanniao disappeared in Qinghe Lingdi in the blink of an eye.

Only the formation barrier that gradually grew up and enveloped the entire cave was left.

Green mountains.

The six chiefs, including Yun Ye, have all arrived.

The entire Sancai branch disciples are basically included.

"Master Xuyue Peak, why aren't you here?"

A disciple whispered.

The disciples of the Sancai branch have all arrived, but the only thing missing is Peak Master Xu Yue. What does this mean?

"Master doesn't have time to pay attention to such trivial matters. I will preside over this battle in the secret realm."

The man in Taoist robes sitting at the front seat was very cold and his eyes were sharp.

He is the chief true successor, Wei Jiuqing, and is already a great monk in the Dharma Realm.

"Since that's the case, please give me the chief's instructions."

Yun Ye and everyone handed over.

Seeing that Yun Ye did not cause trouble, Wei Jiuqing nodded, and his cold expression softened slightly: "The Secret Realm of the Rain World is rich in magic medicine, which can quickly improve your cultivation and skills. This secret realm is opened once every sixty years. It is a grand event for the entire sect and must not be missed. "

"However, the Rain World Secret Realm is extremely dangerous, so the weak have always been restricted from entering. In each branch, except for the true disciple who will definitely get a name, only the top ten disciples can enter."

"Those who get the quota can bring their followers in. The upper limit is three people. The followers' points for collecting magic medicine and killing monsters will all be counted on the owner. If there are no problems, you can start to decide on the candidate. If you think you are stronger than the opponent, , you can also challenge directly.”

Most people looked at Yun Ye.

The person who can decide the quota here is naturally Yun Ye. Even if the others think they are stronger, they will not refute Yun Ye's decision.

"I have a question. Can I enter the Rain World Secret Realm and the Dharma Realm?"

Yun Ye said.


"The rules of the Rain World Secret Realm are extremely complete and do not restrict entry by people from any realm. Whether it is me or other Dharma Realms from other branches, they will enter the Rain World Secret Realm as a member of the secret realm battle."

Wei Jiuqing said calmly.

In fact, the secret realm of Baishi Town does not restrict high-level monks from entering. It is just that the legal realm of Baishi Town does not have a dangerous wall and is unwilling to enter the secret realm.

"I see... Look at what I do. I won't assign quotas. You decide the quotas based on your strength. The time you wait for the secret realm to open is enough for you to perform."

Yun Ye turned around and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! In that case, we will determine the quota based on our strength!"

Everyone stood up and decisively started the qualification battle.

In this Cang Qing Mountain, nothing will be missing without formations, and these disciples can be allowed to use them as they wish.

Under the auspices of Wei Jiuqing, this quota battle ended quickly.

Many of the ten people who received quotas were injured in continuous battles and were not in good condition.

Upon seeing this, Yun Ye gave all the participants a bottle of healing elixir to help them recover as soon as possible.

Although a bottle of elixir was nothing, this attitude made all the disciples enjoy it very much and their favorability increased greatly.

On the contrary, many true disciples frowned. When did the superiors need to care about the feelings of the inferiors?

This Xiangying is a person who likes to break the rules and do some meaningless things.

It was clear that it would take time for the secret realm to open, which was enough for them to adjust their status, but they still had to offer small favors to win people's hearts.

Many true disciples shook their heads. They didn't even bother to do such a thing. They really didn't understand why Xiang Ying, whose power completely suppressed them, cared about what these weaklings thought.

The day when the secret realm opens will come soon.

this day.

Countless streams of light streaked across the sky, converging somewhere towards the Yuntian Ling Sect. As the field of vision widened, an emerald-colored lake as huge as an ocean came into view.

The location of the Rain World Secret Realm is the Emerald Spirit Lake.

This is the trump card of taking the natural main line of Shuangdao system. The spiritual palaces of the natural main line are all standing on the lake.

In front of this vast spiritual lake, although there are many monks who come, they are still like a drop in the ocean, inconspicuous at all.

Yun Ye stepped out of the fighter jet and looked at all the monks who came, feeling secretly surprised.

Although this secret realm is a secret realm of the Qushuang Taoist system, the entire sect is participating.

Moreover, there will be sixteen people participating in the battle for the secret realm in one branch alone, not counting the servants.

In terms of the number of people, this can be called a grand event, not to mention that the participants are all the strongest in their respective branches.

The powerful auras that Yun Ye felt were countless, and in this environment, there were so many magical realms.

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