A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 266 The Source of Luck

"Xiangying is here too..."

Countless eyes fell on Yun Ye.

Although this person was only standing on the ground, not looking down at the heroes from a high position, no one could ignore him.

A true genius can pull down the scorching sun from the sky even if he stands on the earth.

The gap in realm cannot stop such characters.

Yun Ye was naturally calm and fearless.

But Xiang Qingrou and the others felt a little uncomfortable. Under all kinds of gazes, their expressions remained unchanged, but they felt extremely uncomfortable in their hearts, as if they had been seen through. In the end, they simply lowered their heads, closed their eyes and waited.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye raised his eyebrows, and the aura of Haori enveloped the area, cutting off the peeps.

He finally understood why the big guys from all sides liked to isolate themselves from the world and block all prying eyes.

Even if it is just the gaze, it is extremely clear to their level, especially the gaze of the same level. In this case, the best choice is to block it with one's own strength.

"Junior Brother Xiangying."

Feng Gongyuan came down and said hello to Yun Ye.

The most clear thing about Yuntian Lingzong is the difference in realm, and things like seniority are almost inapplicable.

Feng Gongyuan believed that Yun Ye could grow to the same level, so he called him Taoist friend, and when the relationship was good, he called him junior brother.

Of course, the title junior brother is also related to Yun Ye becoming the sixth true successor of the Sancai branch.

True Inheritance is the real entry into the framework system of Yuntian Lingzong.

"Senior brother, how are you doing lately?"

Yun Ye held his hand.

"That's great. Junior brother, do you have a plan for this battle in the secret realm?"

Feng Gongyuan showed a smile and protected Yun Ye once, and his name spread directly throughout the Qishuang lineage.

Wherever you go, you will be noticed. This feeling is far from what the Dharma Realm identity can bring.

The name Xiangying has so much weight that even those who are related to it will be taken seriously.

"Is it a secret realm? I don't have any plans, I'm just trying my best. Senior brother, is there some secret in this?"

Yun Ye asked.

"Naturally. It's called a battle in the secret realm because there are rules, and with rules there are choices. It's very important to choose which path to take... You see."

Feng Gong Yuan points to the sky.

There is something there that has been attracting Yun Ye's attention, and Feng Gongyuan doesn't need to point it out.

It was a huge black sphere, and Yun Ye sensed the profound power of magic from it.

But there is no doubt that it is not the power of ordinary divine magic, but divine thoughts, or a higher level of divine power.

What is the purpose of such a huge magical power suspended in the sky?

"It is a magical ritual that can interfere with the secret realm to a certain extent. It is made by the sect's great master and can project everything that happens in the secret realm. This is the first option, express yourself and bring honor to the sect."

"If you choose this path, all geniuses and all powerful people will become your opponents. You must fight, otherwise you will be unconvincing."

Feng Gongyuan said.

"Isn't the Rain World Secret Realm used to collect resources? It is said that there are many magical medicines and treasures. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to find people to fight with."

Yun Ye said.

“There’s no time wasted when you can steal the harvest from everyone else.”

Feng Gongyuan smiled faintly.

"Can it still be like this?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

"It is natural law that treasures and resources should be kept by those who are capable. This secret realm of the Rain World is originally a training ground for testing disciples. As long as you can defeat the opponent, you can naturally take whatever you gain."

Feng Gongyuan takes it for granted.

"What about the other options?"

Yun Ye nodded and asked.

"The second option is to avoid fighting and collect medicinal herbs silently. If you can protect yourself under the search of the strong, you are considered to be the best among the weak. You can get one-tenth of the medicinal herbs collected."

"The third option is to go deep into the Rain World Secret Realm to obtain the inheritance of the Rain World Secret Realm and ignore other things. The inheritance here does not refer to the inheritance of stone tablets, but some relics buried deep in the secret realm. To this day, the secret realm is still There are a lot of areas that haven’t been explored yet, and from time to time someone will get inheritances and treasures.”

Feng Gongyuan said.

The inheritance and treasures from the Immortal Age are naturally extraordinary, and their value cannot be measured by renewable resources at all.

Geniuses who have absolute confidence in themselves often go deep into secret realms, search for relics, and try to obtain the inheritance of the immortal generation.

This is something that can become the foundation of a clan. Even if many inheritances cannot be learned at all, it still has great reference value.

After listening to the explanation, Yun Ye silently looked at his destiny and nodded calmly: "It seems quite difficult. It all depends on luck?"

"You can say that, but luck is not false. If you have practiced divine law, you will understand that the so-called luck is a real thing that does not appear or disappear out of thin air. Junior brother, you must be He has great luck." Feng Gongyuan said with a smile.

"So, a weak person will not have great luck to complete a counterattack?" Yun Ye said suddenly.

"Of course, it is almost impossible for a weak person to have great luck. Even if he has the decisiveness to make the right choice at all times, there are always some things that cannot be overcome. Otherwise, why has the situation in Huangzhou not changed since ancient times? Change?" Feng Gongyuan affirmed.

Yun Ye was thoughtful.

Lan Wuyuan's luck is S+, which is already the most terrifying luck in the entire Huangzhou. He is only one step away from being the strongest.

According to this rule, if the guess is correct, the person with the strongest luck in the entire Huangzhou is either the leader of the Yuntian Spirit Sect or the leader of the Mengze Spirit Sect, and there cannot be anyone else.

You have to ask why...

Lan Wuyuan's luck did not come from himself, but was extracted from the entire Fetching Dao system, and he obtained S+ luck.

In the same way, the luck of the leader of a sect also comes from the entire sect, not just himself.

In this case, one's personal luck cannot compare with theirs.

At least in the thousands of years of Yuntian Lingzong's rule, there have been no challengers from the bottom.


Someone suddenly made a sound, and everyone couldn't help but lower their heads and look towards the Emerald Lake.

At one point in the Emerald Lake, the water surface collapsed, revealing a huge hole. The light pillar rose from the hole, standing hundreds of meters high, which was very conspicuous.

"This is the door to the secret realm, so conspicuous?" Yun Ye said a little strangely.

"This is probably the secret realm built by the Lingze Sect in the ancient wilderness. Since it was built within the sect, there is no need to hide it. If something goes wrong in a place like this, it can only be the moment of destruction." Feng Gongyuan explained.

indeed so.

Yun Ye can understand.

Afterwards, the two said a few more words, and then suddenly stopped talking.

"It's time to enter, I look forward to seeing your performance."

Because several huge mental fluctuations came from afar, notifying everyone.

He is the Taoist master of each department.

They didn't show up, but they could see the entire Yuntian Lingzong just by staying in their respective Taoist palaces.

After receiving the order, everyone bowed to the sky and then stepped into the secret realm of the Rain World.

The beam of light had a huge range and there was no such thing as crowding. Feng Gongyuan entered together with Yun Ye and Xiang Qingrou.

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