A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 268 The Bloodline of the Taoist Master

"What an exaggerated little girl. Even many Dao Ji and Dao Zi did not say that she wanted to sweep everything. She has no luck and no battle training. Is this just a foolish dream?"

"The Qushuang Dao School has become more and more rampant recently. Anyone wants to be invincible and want to crush? Do you really think that there is no one in the Lingzong?"

The Jade Spirit Lake was full of discussions.

Those cultivators who stayed in the cave and used tokens to watch were also using tokens to communicate frequently.

The name Su Xinshan once again bombarded the ears of all the disciples of Yuntian Lingzong.

Most people do not think that Su Xinshan has the strength to sweep everything.

But there are also some disciples who support Su Xinshan, and the reason is very simple.

Su Xinshan is very beautiful and generous. Even if she speaks arrogantly, she has amazing charm.

This is worth their attention-it is destined to be a big shot that they will never meet, so why bother about the final height?

And people with such confidence, even if they cannot be the strongest, will never be weak.

Defeating a prodigy on the Qilin Ranking and being recognized by the Qilin Ranking, Su Xinshan has at least ranked in the top ten of her generation, and indeed has the possibility of surpassing common sense.

"Let's wait and see. There is a Taoist Ji participating in this trial, so we can see how the final outcome will be."

"Haha, if it's a draw, it's okay, if it's a miserable defeat..."

Some people couldn't help but laugh playfully.

This scene must be very interesting.

You know, the so-called Taoist Ji and Taoist Son are children with the blood of the Taoist master.

Whether it is the son or grandson, as long as they completely inherit the blood of the Taoist master, or even surpass it, they can be called Taoist sons and Taoist Ji. At least in terms of blood, they are completely superior to everyone.

The Taoist sons and Taoist Ji of all generations will at least become extremely powerful beings in the realm of law.

Even those who become the mysterious realm exist, and they are the most worthy individuals to be cultivated in the Taoist system.

Although there are seven peerless people in the realm of law in the Qushuang Taoist system, each of them is comparable to the mysterious realm, but they are by no means invincible.

At least in terms of true Xuan realm cultivators, the Qushuang Dao system is at an absolute disadvantage.

The top three Dao systems all have more than three Xuan realm cultivators, and the sect master's system has six Xuan realm cultivators, which can be said to be the pinnacle.

In the Yuntian Lingzong, where strong people are born in large numbers, even wanting to become a contemporary Tianjiao is almost impossible, not to mention that it is not just the contemporary who are competing with Su Xinshan!

The possibility of her realizing her wild words is very small.

As Su Xinshan sailed away, everyone began to look at other projections.

For example, Yun Ye.

Many people noticed that the flying magic weapon used by Yun Ye was extremely fast, and he might be the first candidate to rush to the core area.

Unlike the completely random transmission of Yingyue Secret Realm, the Rain World Secret Realm puts everyone at the border of the secret realm in a ring.

And entering from different directions of the light column will appear in different directions of the border of the Rain World Secret Realm, which is predictable.

In other words, no one will be very close to the core area at the beginning, at least at the starting point, everyone is competing fairly.

In this case, the red dot indicated by Yun Ye on the large map projection approached the core area at an astonishing speed, which was in sharp contrast with all the others.

"Only one person could barely keep up?"

"He is a true disciple of the Kongmen Dao system. He has mastered the formation and magic of space transmission, but he can only barely keep up. Xiang Ying is too fast..."

The Kongmen Dao system is not ranked high, and there are not many main and branch lines. They all practice space magic, but those who can master it are one in a hundred, which is very rare.

In the Wasteland State, there are still only a few people who master the power of space in the realm of law. From this aspect, it can be seen that the top spiritual masters in the Wasteland State are actually very different from the royal family of the Luo Dynasty.


Yun Ye and his four people moved forward at ten times the speed of sound. The speed was indeed very fast, but it was also assisted by Xiang Qingrou's magic.

In this rainy secret realm, except for the border area, the wind was calm and the sky was clear.

The closer you move to the core area, the more frequent various natural disasters will be.

From the beginning, it was just ordinary heavy rain, which turned into heavy rain, thunderstorms, and even tornadoes.

If you go deeper, the rain will infect your spiritual power, and ordinary spiritual methods will be difficult to resist.

Continuing to fly at high speed will consume a lot of spiritual power, and the range will increase from several times to dozens of times.

So why many areas of the Rain World Secret Realm have not been explored yet, because in this environment, even the Dharma Realm can hardly move forward. If you rush forward, you are likely to encounter thunder that can kill the Dharma Realm and divine rain that can melt the Dharma Realm.

Although Xiang Qingrou's divine method detection has a smaller range as it goes deeper, it can still play a role and will not reduce the flight speed too much.

Unfortunately, even so, after crossing about a quarter of the map and a quarter of the map away from the core area, Yun Ye found that the spiritual energy in the air began to lose control and turned into dead spiritual power or violent spiritual power that was difficult to mobilize.

This is weakening the cultivator's recovery ability. If you want to continue walking, you either slow down or take drugs to fight for treasures.

"Prince, it's hard to mobilize spiritual energy. This kind of place is not only threatened by natural disasters, we should slow down and preserve our strength." Xiang Qingrou also found the problem and reminded him immediately. "Small problem." Yun Ye shook his head, and a transparent ring appeared in his hand. He threw it over his head, and the transparent ring quickly turned white. The three of them were shocked, because the white ring was spiritual energy! Such a terrifying spiritual energy extraction ability, is it a magic weapon?

But that's not right. Magic weapons are different from magic weapons. They need to be sacrificed and refined before they can be effective. With the strength of the spiritual realm, it is impossible to sacrifice magic weapons. This is why forbidden weapons appear.

If a magic weapon is the same as a magic weapon and can be activated by chanting a spell, then why is there a need for a forbidden weapon that seals power?

After all, magic weapons are driven by mana, and mana cannot be transformed by just extracting some spiritual energy. If this is the case, the magic realm does not have to worry about running out of mana.

"This is a formation disk that can be used to extract spiritual energy. With this power, it should be enough for us to arrive."

Yun Ye said something casually, which then raised more questions.

How can a formation with only one formation plate be so powerful?

Xiang Qingrou and the other two are not the only ones who have this question.

The same goes for big shots from outside parties.

Each type of weapon was divided separately after its predecessors made a qualitative breakthrough after reaching the end.

Spiritual weapons simply transmit spiritual power and increase the power of spiritual magic.

The magic weapon has activated spirituality, which can store a certain amount of spiritual power and help the owner automatically convert part of the spiritual power.

The magic weapon is based on the activated spirituality and extends the weapon spirit. With the weapon spirit, the dead object can cooperate with the monk's ever-changing mana to complete the increase in the monk's combat power.

Each step is a qualitative change, from being unable to extract spiritual energy, to being able to extract spiritual energy, to using mana to extract spiritual energy. This is a step-by-step evolution, and the formation actually has the same principle.

Theoretically, if the formation disks and formation flags are created based on the theory of magical weapons, no matter how exquisite they are, there are limits.

At least it's not possible to collect such a large amount of spiritual power with just a circle in the picture.

It's a pity that through the projection, they can't see through the mystery, otherwise they might be able to realize something.

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