A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 269 The siege of the Ocean Empire

The black bird is a flying magic weapon that cannot hover and can only move forward.

On the way, although he saw many traces of medicinal herbs, Yun Ye did not stop picking them.

Go all the way.

Across a long ocean.

During this period, Yun Ye avoided super natural disasters many times and finally entered the core area where the spiritual energy was dense.

There are wonderful scenes created by aura everywhere here, and many places are very contrary to common sense.


The water surface suddenly rose and surged towards the sky, directly reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters, forming a terrifying strangulation net to hunt Yun Ye.

"These are humans in the secret realm?! Your Majesty, hurry up and break out. They are hiding in the ocean. There are divine monks blocking my detection. Fighting here is too detrimental to us!"

Xiang Qingrou shouted fiercely.

Yun Ye frowned. As Xuanniao raised his height, a warm light flashed through his ice blue eyes, and his spiritual eyes opened.

For a moment, his sight penetrated the magic weapon and looked towards the depths of the ocean.

In the ocean, there are indeed a large number of humans lurking with weapons in hand. Their bodies have scales and are naturally able to breathe in the water, but they are not mermaids and still have human-shaped legs.

These are humans whose bloodline is different from that of the outside world. They are still humans in essence. According to the experiments of Yuntian Lingzong, even if these marine humans are forcibly brought to the outside world, they can still survive and reproduce, but they are far less powerful than those grown in the secret realm.

These marine humans are all shrouded in blue light, which is the spiritual root revival of the water spirit root, and there is even an aura equivalent to the Dharma realm.


When Yun Ye swept past a throne, he suddenly discovered that there was a divine magic coming along the line of sight that shocked him.

But it's useless. Yun Ye has the ultimate divine magic to protect his consciousness at all times. Now ordinary divine magic has long been ineffective against him.

"Dragon Transformation!"

Seeing that the divine method was ineffective, the great ocean monk activated his method, and a large amount of seawater surrounding the black bird turned into swimming dragons.

Yun Ye was noticed by the ocean humans when he was crossing the sea, so the Dharma Realm monks had already made arrangements in advance, waiting for Yun Ye to intercept and kill him.

All things in the world are fighting for one line. If the Yuntian Lingzong wants to seize resources, they must face the local forces in the secret realm, the Ocean Empire.

Although it is far weaker than Yuntian Lingzong and is just a training ground, it can indeed cause huge trouble.

The speed of the swimming dragon far exceeds that of the massive sea water, and the possibility of surrounding the black bird increases sharply, entering the racing stage.

However, with Xuanniao's speed, after Xiang Rou reminded him, he had already broken out of the barrier and could not be sealed. Just dealing with the wandering dragon, although there was danger, it was not impossible to escape.


Xuanniao accelerated further and broke away from the surrounding dragon, riding away from the enemy.

Xiang Qingrou and the three of them all looked happy. This flying magic weapon was so amazing. It could maintain extremely high speed in such an environment.

This is the home ground of Ocean Empire. It is much easier for their monks to mobilize spiritual energy here than that of Yuntian Lingzong, and their strength is much higher.

All of them are not in the spiritual realm, but they can easily escape the blockade of the monks in the legal realm?

This experience...

You can blow it for a lifetime!

And the outside world.

The projection shows a close-up of the cloudy night environment.

The projection has three parts. One part is a large map. Yunye is marked with blue dots on it, and is surrounded by dense red dots. As the cultivation level becomes stronger, the size of the red dots gradually increases.

The other part is a real projection from a bird's-eye view. Every scenery in the secret realm can be clearly seen. Yun Ye's battle with a large number of marine humans can be seen clearly from the bird's-eye view.

Finally, there is a close-up of the enlarged picture, where you can see the situation around Yunye more clearly.

At this moment, Yun Ye has indeed escaped from the blockade, and neither the swimming dragon nor the ocean barrier is a threat anymore.

However, is this all?

"Xiangying is too fast..."

"Yeah, he walked too fast."

Many people said.

This is indeed a good thing in terms of speed, but unfortunately, it also represents another situation.


"Now that there is only one person in the core area, the Ocean Empire can mobilize a large number of legal realms to encircle and kill, but only the spiritual realm. Can Xiangying break through the encirclement and realize his situation?"

"One person can't get through it. A certain degree of teamwork is also necessary. Otherwise, why would Yuntian Lingzong have any need to exist? The number of people is the basis for the weak to defeat the strong!"

"Is there a possibility that Xiang Ying is as crazy as Su Xinshan? That's why she rushed into the core area alone?"

"Haha, it is common for a genius to be arrogant. I hope this genius will not stop here."

The monks who stayed in the outside world were all mediocre people. Judging from their worldview, they would naturally never be able to understand the differences between human individuals.

Soon, the first genius taught them a good lesson.

On the screen, the handsome young man in aqua blue clothes suddenly said:

"Get ready, keep inputting your spiritual power and control the black bird."


Xiang Qingrou and the other three subconsciously input spiritual power to replace Yun Ye and become the energy provider for Xuan Bird.

The next second.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Xuanniao out of thin air. Its aura was majestic. A huge water statue stood up behind it and raised its hands to the sky, blocking everything in front of it, causing Xuanniao's speed to drop sharply.

"The flowing spirituality of the water spirit method, this kind of scope? It's actually another law realm, no, it's not just one person!"

Xiang Qingrou was horrified, sensing a large amount of Dharma Realm aura emerging, constantly stimulating her senses.

The strongest and most common spirituality of the water spirit method is the flowing spirituality. It can not only remove toxins and diseases, but can also reverse the flow of blood and even cause the person's blood to flow backwards, causing death in an instant.

When developed to the extreme, one can either practice the secret art of blood spirit or become a dual zodiac sign: blood zodiac sign.

This is an absolute offensive and defensive power!

Moreover, this is the opponent's home field, with inexhaustible spiritual water to use. Even ordinary spiritual methods can obtain power similar to natural spiritual water through spiritual water, let alone the magic realm technique? !

Xuanniao, who is just a magic weapon, has no power to offset this qualitative gap!

Not to mention the plural realms of law!

The prince can indeed fight against the law, but if one person can do it, what about two, three or even more?

They are in big trouble!

"Don't panic. Although the black bird is not a magic weapon, it can barely resist the magic realm."

"I'm not flying away now...it's just that I don't want to waste time."

Yun Ye's figure flickered and appeared outside the black bird cabin.

Just like this magic realm uses the formation and the environment to create a space transfer effect, Yun Ye's control of his own magic weapon is enough to allow him to appear across matter.


The giant hand pressed down, with a huge force, shattering the hundreds of miles of sea under the black bird. The power was so terrifying that it was unbelievable.

But the black bird did hold on, and a mysterious light bloomed, resisting the aftermath.

The main body of the giant hand suddenly pressed down and faced Yun Ye.

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