A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 272 Everyone can retreat

"If you want to go to hell, come find me."

This sentence is neither passionate nor harsh, and the tone is calm.

But everyone in the Yuntian Lingzong who witnessed this scene, for some reason, only felt two words.


The domineering here does not mean being brave and aggressive, but a strong demeanor that is closer to praise.

Xiang Ying is only seven years old, and his words and deeds are calm and there is no trace of cruelty at all.

But when this peerless genius stood in black and white time and space, everything and everyone was silent and did not dare to speak.

There is no need to describe his domineering power in words. Once you see it coming from your heart, you will admire him from the bottom of your heart.

Stepping on the corpses of the Dharma Realm to show off one's own power cannot even be described as domineering!

This is simply unique!

"This is the scenery we dream of, and a man should be like this!"

Some people say to themselves, with infinite longing.

Fame and fortune are the eternal pursuits.

Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade at night!

With such an invincible demeanor, most practitioners who still have desires will long for it, hoping that they can also become that invincible person!

Take Shuang Tiandao Palace.

Two figures stand in the clouds and mist, looking at the projection of the secret realm from a distance.

Among them, a demon-like figure spoke: "Taishuang, this is very interesting... The extremely spiritual zodiac sign is a rare encounter in hundreds of years. There is no written spiritual method at all. Are you confident that you can help him walk the road to heaven out of thin air?"

"Kui Xin, how many heroes with extremely spiritual signs have appeared throughout the ages? They are all blooming with their own light and taking a path that has never been taken by their predecessors. This is where their great luck lies. Since Xiangying has this talent, there is no need to worry about him leaving. Don't come out." Lan Wuyuan stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"It's just what you saw. Those who did not succeed have disappeared into history just like your predecessors, and no one has remembered them. I hope that you, the disciple, will not become the next one. Exposing the extreme spiritual attributes will inevitably become a problem for the entire sect. The vortex of the door is the only one that can survive this disaster," said the man named Kui Xin.


After that, there was no more sound in the sky, and Lan Wuyuan didn't reply, just watching the sunset in the sky.

Kui Xin couldn't see through Lan Wuyuan's thoughts, so he just laughed a few times and continued to watch with Lan Wuyuan.

Ocean empire.

Ocean Palace.

The map model of the entire Rain World Secret Realm appeared in front of the ten Ocean Empire executives, and reflected the reality in real time. Through this secret technique, they saw the results of the seven Dharma Realm siege on the spot.

"It's so bleak. Is this the leader of my ocean empire?"

The Ocean King, wearing the Pearl King costume, said coldly.

"Have home field advantage."

"With the help of formation."

"There are also a large number of secret techniques inherited from the Disaster Source Tianzong."

"These are all conditions that can greatly increase combat power, but what are the combat situations like?"

"For those who don't know, I thought this Demon Sect member was just killing a chicken. It's so effortless!!"

"This is the spiritual realm! It's not the genius of the Dharma Realm, let alone the peerless Dharma Realm!!"

Most of the top executives were silent. This scene was indeed too outrageous, and they could hardly admit that this was the fact despite all the hardships.

Two Dharma Realms were frozen in the opening scene, one Dharma Realm was instantly killed after the vision took off, and then the last four Dharma Realms were wiped out with one move.

As Ocean King emphasized, this is just a fucking spiritual realm, not a legal realm. Are you kidding me?

If the spiritual realm can kill the legal realm so easily, why should we open up a forward realm?

Just stay in the spiritual realm!

"King, Yuntian Lingzong has existed for thousands of years, and its power is constantly rising, but we are standing still. This situation may be inevitable."

"Moreover, the time of reincarnation in the outside world has arrived, and it is not surprising that monsters beyond common sense will be born. I am afraid that this child is no longer something that can be defeated by ordinary magic."

"If the king wants to take his life, I am willing to help!"

A man in blue armor came out, knelt on one knee, and asked for orders from the king.

"Haihao! This is your subordinate's fault, and it's up to you to make up for it. Do you want me to thank you for this gesture?"

The Ocean King was furious and punched the throne. The entire Ocean Palace was shocked.

"I don't dare. In that case, let's leave this matter to the guilty minister."

"I will kill him."

After Haihao saluted, he stood up and left the table. Although his words were consistent with his status, his actions were completely opposite. He didn't take Ocean King seriously at all.

This scene completely angered Ocean King.

His pitch-black vertical pupils almost turned into a line. Being stared at by these eyes felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his whole body was as cold as ice.

"You simply don't take me seriously, but you just awakened the Haixin Divine Body and want to challenge the authority of Ocean King? Okay, okay, okay! I want to see whether the Haixin Divine Body is invincible or the Demon Sect is more powerful. One chip!”

"Pass this order, all the troops should avoid this man when they encounter him, and leave all the authority to the Lord Haihao!"

Many senior officials half knelt and responded: "The king is right, Lord Haihao is too conceited."

They are secret realm humans, and their growth height is fixed since they are born.

But it is precisely for this reason that natural bloodline is highly respected.

Haihao awakened the Haixin Divine Body and received too much favor, and his arrogant character has become deeply ingrained.

His trip to obliterate the Demon Sect's genius, regardless of success or failure, is a good thing for the Ocean Empire.

As a human being in the secret realm, the ocean empire is meant to last forever, and there is no need for characters to break the balance.

The black bird flies across the sky, leaving a white rainbow, which is very obvious.

As we go deeper into the core area.

More and more magic medicines appear, so densely packed that you can almost see one from a few miles away.

In terms of the preciousness of medicinal herbs, this can already be described as being found everywhere.

And for each of these magic medicines, there are people from the Ocean Empire or powerful demons waiting for them.

If you want to obtain magic medicine, you have to cross this threshold.

If people from the Ocean Empire or demons want to swallow the magic medicine, they need to use the blood of outsiders as a sacrifice.

One person's blood can unlock a magical medicine.

The stronger the blood, the higher the level of magic medicine that can be unlocked.

These are the rules set by the secret realm. The result can only be obtained after a bloody battle.

According to the rules of this secret realm, the blood of the spiritual realm can only unlock ordinary magic medicine, and the blood of the magic realm can unlock the advanced magic medicine. The most powerful top magic medicine requires the blood of the genius, and even the blood of the mysterious realm.

The Yunye District Spiritual Realm can bring very little benefit to the Ocean Empire, but the risks are extremely high.

Going to war at this time is just a loss of the power of the Ocean Empire in advance, and it doesn't make much sense.

Although after a large amount of magic medicine is taken away, the power of the legal domain covering the sea will be greatly reduced, and their practice will be greatly slowed down. However, this is a necessary trade-off. They are not strong enough to guard the most critical magic medicine, and the rest of the ordinary magic medicine will be greatly reduced. The medicine can only be taken away by the Demon Sect.

Therefore, Yun Ye discovered a very wonderful thing.

Wherever he passed, whether they were monsters or people from the Ocean Empire, they all retreated and gave up the magic medicine.

Most of the demons have no intelligence. They are obviously controlled by the Ocean Empire and want to preserve their combat power.

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