A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 273 Mysterious Mode and Innate Spiritual Field


Four lights fell.

Yun Ye and Xiang Qingrou fell into the sea one after another.

"Then it will be up to the three of you to collect the herbs."

"If there's trouble, I'll take action."

Yun Ye threw three gray jade talismans to each of them, "This contains my power. It will explode when encountering danger. This power is enough to sustain me until I come."


The three of them took it carefully, then left and started collecting herbs.

Yun Ye, on the other hand, took out a water lotus-shaped magic weapon, sat cross-legged on it, and let the water lotus float with Xiang Qingrou and the other three, not to stray too far away.

He himself entered a state of cultivation and studied the changes in his own method.

There are a large number of magical medicines in the Rain World Secret Realm.

In addition to taking or refining elixirs, this kind of medicine actually has a passive effect called "power of the law", which can increase the speed of practice.

This is the breath of the magic medicine. The effect itself is very weak, but Yuntian Lingzong has emphatically reminded it.

Each monk can absorb a different part of the magical medicine breath. However, the humans in the Ocean Empire are carved from the same mold, and they all absorb the same kind of breath, and this part of the breath accounts for a very small proportion.

In other words, the magical aura of the Rain World Secret Realm has been accumulated for sixty years.

This is a first come, first served thing, whoever grabs it first belongs to whomever.

Compared with the magic medicine that enhances the cultivation of Dharma realm, Yun Ye needs the power to accelerate the practice of Dharma.

Therefore, he handed over the task of collecting herbs to three people, while he raced against time to practice various secret techniques.

He has never perfected the secret technique of spiritual root sublimation. This is his chance.

Under the cover of the legal domain in the core area, Yun Ye immediately realized the difference as soon as he tried to practice.

He found that his thinking was almost divided into 100 points, and each one was extremely clear, allowing him to think independently. With the help of this kind of thinking, he could easily analyze the secret technique of spiritual root sublimation.

What he didn't understand at first was quickly analyzed, and he naturally mastered the secret technique of spiritual root sublimation in the perfect state, which can increase his all-round power tenfold.

And the time it took was actually only half an hour, and the efficiency was astonishingly fast.

Yun Ye continued to choose other methods for practice.

Awakening Technique, Samadhi True Fire Technique, Ultimate Life Physical Technique, Extreme Divine Divine Technique, Spiritual Technique of Silence of All Things, and even the ultimate meaning of disorder, the only spiritual method of eternal silence...

With one person enjoying the breath of all the magic medicine, Yun Ye practiced these skills at an extremely fast speed.

The first thing to be deduced is naturally the silence of all things. This is a secret realm, and this power can be used at any time.

After reaching perfect proficiency in the Silence of All Things, Yun Ye can change the direction of the extreme cold spiritual power at will and shape its shape, such as compressing the extreme cold spiritual power into a sword to create a more powerful corrosive effect.

And reaching the perfect state is equivalent to possessing spiritual roots. In a single thought, you can complete the combination of spiritual methods, and you don't even need the extremely cold spiritual roots to work.

If extreme cold spiritual roots are added, the power will be even higher, and the destructive power will be enough to penetrate to the atomic level.

In addition, mastering the perfect spiritual method of silence of all things will also be of great benefit to Yun Ye's subsequent practice.

The cultivation of the Origin Method also involves control. The more perfect Yun Ye's Spiritual Method of Silence of All Things is, the more perfect the corresponding extreme cold spiritual power will be, and the spiritual body constructed will naturally be stronger. It can be said that there are many benefits.

The subsequent perfection-level awakening techniques, perfection-level spiritual techniques, divine techniques, and physical techniques also have considerable benefits.

For example, the Perfect Level Awakening Technique allows Yun Ye to forcibly awaken spiritual roots, spiritual consciousness, and life force.

This technique is essentially a form of control during the mortal period.

When you are a mortal, you don't have your spiritual roots awakened, so you can only use difficult methods to control the power of life. The more proficient you are in the awakening technique, the more you can save the loss of life power.

This was a problem Yun Ye discovered after he had perfected the Awakening Technique.

After he awakened the three powers, his power increased countless times, and he no longer needed to use power sparingly.

All the usual moves are completely crushing, there is no pressure at all, and the strength has never been exhausted.

Although this was powerful, it also hindered Yun Ye from moving forward.

He had been stuck in the late third-level spiritual stage for a long time, but with the perfection of the awakening technique, a new path was discovered.

It is true that it is difficult to improve his spirituality, but what about the method of using spiritual power?

He had never practiced this aspect and it was rough.

If it can be deepened, even if it cannot reach the fourth level of subtlety, the level of strength can be greatly improved.

for example……

"Normalized secret mode!"

Yun Ye thought of something exciting.

Mystery is a special realm constructed by the mixture of three forces that spread from one point to the body surface at the same time.

As for the secret mode, the power is only maintained on the body surface and does not spread out, forming a circulation in the body.

In this state, the power of the law will be greatly enhanced, but "mysterious truth" will not be born.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to maintain the state of mysteries. You need to always pay attention to the flow of energy in the body, and there are not one kind, but three kinds. If you make a slight mistake, all your efforts will be wasted.

"This is an excellent move to practice your spiritual power utilization!"

Yun Ye began to practice the secret mode.

Mysteries also have proficiency. His proficiency in mysteries is just an introduction and has not changed at all.

The reason is simple, it's too difficult.

If you want to complete the true secret mode, you must start from the center point and cover the entire body.

The longer the distance and the closer the distance in all directions, the higher the intensity of the secret mode.

He originally discovered the secret because when the three forces surged out of the body at the same time, they were highly stable and did not dissipate as quickly as a single force.

Then he realized that there were some special points when the three forces were intertwined at the same time. After a lot of experimental verification, he found the way to use the power.

That is, the power spreads at one point, like a sphere, covering the whole body. As long as the speed of all the power reaching the body surface is exactly the same, you can enter a state of unity of essence, energy and spirit.

This state is called in the Yuntian Spiritual Sect: the innate spiritual field!

The only difference is that monks who have not truly mastered the secrets develop the innate spiritual field through burning spiritual roots and burning lifespan, but Yun Ye does not need it. He can expand similar things at will as long as he obtains a spiritual body.

One is an innate spiritual field constructed by the integration of pure essence, energy and spirit, while the other is an innate spiritual field formed by manipulating spiritual roots. Their properties must be similar.

It was also through this that Yun Ye realized that spiritual essence is essentially a product of the unity of essence, energy and spirit.

By decomposing it and spreading it into the air, you can do the same thing as the arcane mode, that is, the innate spiritual field.

As for the power of the innate spiritual field, Yun Ye has also experienced it. Although it is vulnerable to him, it has indeed transformed those magic realms from weak chickens into strong chickens that can compete with Yun Ye for a few times.

"However, after all, it is the spiritual root burning of the Dharma realm. The entry-level secret mode is far inferior. It is only about one-tenth of its effect. I don't know how powerful it can be if you practice it to the extreme..."

The three forces converged and continued to extend outside the body. During this period, Yun Ye's understanding fed by the Enlightenment Pill also played a role. They were all the effects of split thinking, and naturally superimposed on each other.

Yun Ye's speed in perfecting the secret mode is rising rapidly.

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