A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 274 Haihao of the Nine Lords

Yun Ye must practice very hard, so time flies by.

As the whole day passed, a few people stepped into the core area and began to fight against the Ocean Empire.

Yun Ye's boring practice could not be seen through the projection, so everyone's attention turned to other geniuses.

The entire Yuntian Spirit Sect is too huge.

Even if not everyone is involved in this secret battle, there are countless well-known figures.

These powerful men who had already become famous restrained the power of Ocean Empire, preventing Ocean Empire from sending stronger forces to encircle Yunye.

All their high-level combat forces need to protect top-level magic medicine.

Although Yun Ye had killed seven Dharma Realms in a row, Dharma Realms were not rare in the secret environment and were not worth a big fight.

The only one who can really deal with Yun Ye is the more special Lord Haihao.

However, even Lord Haihao, who was confident that his power was invincible, was wary of the master's methods in Yun Ye's hands.

He spent a whole day arranging it before completing the killing round.

"If you fall into this formation, it will be difficult for the gods to save you."

Lord Haihao bowed to the sky and burned incense to worship something.

A large number of soldiers disappeared during the sacrifice.

As if being eaten.

When only Master Haihao is left, the formation is completed.

Murderous intent emerges.


Yun Ye suddenly opened his eyes.

Luck warning!

A murderous plot involving him began.

He was not afraid, but there were still Xiang Qingrou and others who needed to be taken care of. Yun Ye stood up from Shui Lian, waved his hand and released the black bird, quickly accelerated to twenty times the speed of sound, and went straight to the location of Xiang Qingrou and the others.

"Young Master? What happened?"

Xiang Qingrou's face changed slightly when she noticed Yun Ye coming towards her, and she immediately asked using magic.

This is the terrible thing about divine law.

As long as the connection is maintained, there will be no information delay. Without the help of divine magic on the battlefield, they will inevitably be defeated. Even if the opponent's overall strength is weaker, the weak can defeat the strong by dividing the battlefield.

"Gather towards me, there is danger. How many magical medicines have you collected?"

"There are more than 400 ordinary medicinal herbs and five high-level medicinal herbs. We have not seen any top-level medicinal herbs yet."

"I see. If you want to get the top magic medicine, you may have to ask the people in the Ocean Empire. Let's not talk about it for now. You first use divine magic to detect the surroundings and see if you can find any clues."


There is almost no delay in spiritual communication, and a large amount of information can be exchanged in one go.

After a moment of silence.

"not good……"

Xiang Qingrou groaned, the magic was interrupted, her vision almost went dark, and she fell straight down.

"Xiang Qingrou!"

"This is a backlash from divine magic, and the opponent also has a master of divine magic!"

Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang instantly deployed their spiritual power to form a barrier to protect Xiang Qingrou, who was close to coma and whose power had dissipated.

The blood quickly dyed the water red, and Xiang Qingrou knelt on the water, bleeding from all her orifices, looking very scary.

The legal realm backfired on the spiritual realm, naturally bringing Xiang Qingrou to the point of death in an instant.

No matter how Xiang Qingrou tried to regain her consciousness, her consciousness could not stop moving towards darkness.

"Dharma Realm is too strong..."

This was Xiang Qingrou's last thought.

She deeply understood the gap. The Dharma Realm that the Crown Prince had wiped out like mowing grass was a huge monster to her, completely invincible. Just a casual counterattack caused her to withstand the backlash that was enough to shatter the sea of ​​consciousness.


Yun Ye fell down, pointed at her head, and a gray aura enveloped her forehead, freezing her injuries. If it wasn't perfect before, Silence of All Things would definitely not be able to be so accurate, but it is indeed possible now.

Yun Ye threw a magic pill into Xiang Qingrou's mouth, and her injuries stabilized visibly. He nodded and said, "Take her out of here."

"Your Majesty!"

The expressions of the two of them changed. This time, the other party had been preparing for a long time before coming. Even if the Crown Prince could deal with it, he would have to fight tooth and nail. It would be too dangerous to stay.

As for another possibility, the prince used them as bait...

They are only in the spiritual realm, and the opponent's divine magic monks can be destroyed with a single thought, but they are not of this value.

"I said, if you want to go to hell, come find me."

The clouds rose into the sky, and the cyan cloak spread out in the wind, providing him with the power to fly.

Water and fire can be fused to create the element of wind. After Yun Ye completed the fusion, he made it into a magic weapon and gained the right to use a spiritual method. Although it was very stiff, with only the power of flight and a small amount of power to control wind, There is also a qualitative change in Yun Ye's mobility.

He used to rely on physical skills to fly through the air, but now he can fly directly, and his utilization of power is different.

Even if he is still walking in the air at full speed, the wind spirit power can assist him and increase his muscle flexibility.

"Unfortunately, none of you can escape."

A voice suddenly sounded.

echoed throughout the sky.

Under the dark thunderstorm, the barrier shrouded the place, forming a cage with nine days of thunder and lightning.

The environment in this core area is too harsh, and there is no way to know the changes in the surroundings without divine magic.

Tap tap tap tap!

Following the sound of footsteps, the enemy came. The man in blue armor walked step by step from the sea level. The sound of waves echoed on the sea surface, and his figure quickly approached, several kilometers at a time.

This is not movement speed, but spiritual magic, instantaneous high-speed movement created by the flow of water.

In this ocean, water spiritual power is everywhere, and Yun Ye can do similar things.

This is indeed very magnanimous and worthy of the title of Great Monk.

During the movement, the water flow rotates, as if the entire ocean is welcoming it.

Yun Ye was also very moved when he saw it. This was really a good idea to be cool, but this did not affect the strength of Yun Ye's punch.

Everything is silent gray, highly compressed, and unprecedented energy concentration.

As soon as the man in blue armor arrived, Yun Ye punched out. The spread of silence in all things had never been so rapid, and the power was only spread in a straight line in one direction, and the power was greatly concentrated.


The frozen power of the silence of all things hit the man in blue armor, as if two boulders collided, making a muffled sound.

This is very bizarre, it has never happened before, the opponent has a very strange defensive power.

"As expected of a member of the Demon Sect, he is extremely rude."

The man in blue armor judged, and then he talked to himself, "Let me introduce myself. I am one of the nine lords of the Ocean Empire. You can call me Lord Haihao. Can you kill seven magic realms in a row? To do all this with the power of the spiritual realm is very powerful, and I recognize this power.”

"So, tell me your name. Although you are destined to die here, I allow you to tell me your name!"

Follow the introduction sentence by sentence.

Yuntian Lingzong was detonated.

Countless people are emotionally disturbed.

"The Nine Lords, the strongest combat power of the ocean empire, are the symbol of natural disasters in the entire ocean. They also represent the nine trials of the Rain World Secret Realm. It is said that the winner can obtain the "evolution" to be crowned king. Those ocean empires Not to mention the rumors, each of the nine masters is equivalent to the Branch Peak Master, at least comparable to the Tianjiao Dharma Realm, and the powerful one is even comparable to the Peerless Dharma Realm! "

"Unlike those weaklings who have not fully cultivated the power of the Dharma Realm, this is a completely different level of power!"

"Xiangying is actually targeted by such a being. How is this possible? The nine masters should be guarding the top magic medicine!"

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