
Yun Ye poured out his power, covering a kilometer range.

As he advanced to the spiritual realm, Yun Ye's mysteries also strengthened, his scope expanded, and his power increased.

Not just for aura chaos!

Must bring mana!

Will space!

Confuse all possible elements!

"It's useless. I am the master closest to the mysterious realm. I am the ocean, and I am the heartbeat of the ocean."

Haihao stretched out his hand, pointed it at Yun Ye, and clenched his fist again.

But Yun Ye did not sit still and disappeared in an instant, followed by countless figures, confusing Haihao.

With the existence of divine law and the perception of the heart of the ocean, Haihao was not confused at all.

"Bury yourself in the sea."

Once again, invisible fluctuations broke out.

The first time he sensed it, Yun Ye thought it was an extremely subtle fluctuation.

But this time, he was in the state of activation of mysteries and had formed an innate spiritual field. His perception of this breath became several times clearer again, and he overturned his previous thoughts.

This is not spiritual power, nor is it magic power, and it is not subtle at all. What he once thought was weak was just a wrong method, or a gap in dimensions.

Just like a life in the second dimension cannot perceive a life in the third dimension, so a person in the third dimension cannot perceive the situation in the fourth dimension.

Let’s not mention what this dimension actually is.

But Haihao's power is similar to the difference in dimensions, which cannot be sensed unless one has mastered the same power.

That so-called weakness, when the perception method is correct, is simply the god of death waving a sickle.

With the power of the spiritual realm, he can't even perceive, let alone resist.


"I seem to be able to do it."

Yun Ye's perspective entered the ultimate microscopic level, and the entry-level microscopic skills he had just learned were put to use at this moment.

The chaotic interference force suddenly gathered and collided with this fluctuation.


It was like a sudden flash of sparks.

There was a sudden flash of light at the macro level of the area where Yun Ye was, and the Lingzong projection suddenly dimmed. It took a few seconds to return to normal, revealing Yun Ye whose body had exploded.

"Huh? Did the projection fail for a moment just now?"

"It seems so. I have never heard of this happening. Is it an accident?"

A large number of Yuntian Lingzong disciples were in an uproar.


"Interfering with the mysterious magic of the Mysterious Realm?"

Ordinary disciples may not understand what is happening, but the head of the branches, the main vein, and the peak master know it very well.

They couldn't help but be surprised. Xiangying, who was only in the spiritual realm and had not even taken the first step, could actually interfere with the mysterious method and cause it to temporarily malfunction?

This is simply unheard of.

Not to mention the spiritual realm, even in these high-level Dharma realms, only a handful of people can interfere with this projection magic. This is something that requires the realm to reach a new height.

A spiritual realm, why?

Everything Yun Ye had shown before was within the scope of a normal genius. It was just a matter of practicing faster. This was not worthy of the attention of these big guys.

However, being able to interfere with the mysterious method cannot be explained by fast cultivation speed. It requires extremely powerful accumulation. Otherwise, even if you understand that the other party is activating the mysterious method, there is absolutely nothing you can do.


A spiritual realm, this is really beyond common sense, mastering power that does not belong to the spiritual realm.

"This Xiangying will be raised to a higher level of attention in the future."


Similar scenes kept happening, and power was everything. Yun Ye went from the perspective of ordinary disciples to the perspective of the senior leaders of Yun Tian Ling Sect.

"It was just an injury, didn't you die immediately? You shouldn't have survived if you heard the heartbeat of the ocean."

Haihao clenched his fist again.

Yun Ye heard Hai Yang's heartbeat again, and then he activated his secrets to collide with the power from higher dimensions.

This time, the injuries he suffered were less serious, and he only consumed a lot of spiritual energy to activate the secret.

"Sure enough, any power has its solution. If it were me before, I would probably be helpless, but it's a pity that you came one day late..."

Yun Ye completely understood the situation. Although Haiyang's heartbeat was extremely terrifying, it was no longer possible to kill him instantly due to the counterattack of mysteries.

Haihao's courtesy once again gave him life.

Is this a coincidence?

of course not.

This is luck, this is the possibility of Yun Ye.

(Continuous A+ level luck, to some extent, is not weaker than the disaster.)

(How terrible.)

Yun Ye clenched his fist, and the vast spiritual energy gathered, all turned into gray cold air.

The first step into subtlety is "no loss of spiritual power".


Yun Ye got closer, waved his fist, and the ultimate power of silence exploded, knocking Haihao away.

"Two days of glory!!!"

Two days passed across the sky, dividing half of the world, and the other half was firmly occupied by the ocean of the Sea Heart Divine Body.

But Yun Ye didn't care either, his power was rapidly rising, and that was enough!

The next second.

Yun Ye approaches Haihao again.

The latter glanced at him and slowly raised his hand, as if it was extremely heavy and there was blue water flowing through it.

It contains the weight of the sea, and Yun Ye seems to collapse just by its mere appearance.

Mysterious methods are ineffective.

Then use force to suppress it, this is powerful visible to the naked eye.

Even so, Yun Ye still punched, gray power erupted, and at the same time...

"The secret of water - the most tenderness!"

The softest can overcome the strongest. Although water is ordinary, it can penetrate mountains and earth, and dominate the changes in the entire world.

Mystery: Softness, can penetrate everything on the premise of understanding the nature of the target.

"Although I don't understand those wonderful secret techniques, I can still understand it if it's just water."

Yun Ye punched out, and wherever it passed, the water magic containing infinite weight instantly decomposed and suddenly hit Haihao's chest.

After the clear sound of shattering, Haihao bowed and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his expression ferocious with pain.

But the next second, the sound of broken bones also spread to Yun Ye's arm.

Haihao counterattacked without delay and made the most rational judgment. When Yun Ye penetrated his spiritual technique, he suddenly grabbed his arm with his hand and crushed it directly.

The terrifying magic power instilled in it almost evaporated the bones and flesh of Yun Ye's hands. The pain was no less than that of his chest being beaten to pieces. Yun Ye couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.


Yun Ye kicked him away, and with a flick of his finger, the extreme cold power froze his right arm, erasing the magic power instilled by Hai Hao.

As it thawed, Yun Ye used the water method to repair it again.

"Mysterious meaning?"

"The secret that has not evolved can actually produce power close to the mysterious method?"

Haihao's chest injury also recovered instantly.

The two looked at each other.

The breath bursts out, and a new round of war begins again.

At their current state, it is difficult for the battle to end in a short time, and a time is needed to determine the outcome.

"This is it, Tianjiao?"

As the battle intensified, everyone in the Yuntian Lingzong was completely stunned by the various scenes.

Once again they became aware of the differences between people.

In their view, it takes hundreds of years to pursue a goal, a state that takes a long time to hone...

In all these difficulties and hardships, a peerless genius will always appear and easily break their cognition.

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