A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 280 Death of Haihao, Nine Masters of Dharma Medicine

Yun Ye fought an unprecedentedly difficult battle.

He uses mysteries all the time and consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

If it weren't for the terrible effect of the first providence, which could control spiritual energy without any conditions, and this spiritual energy did not need to be neutralized by consuming life force, he would have already exhausted his strength and was defeated.


The projection of Yun Tian Ling Sect has almost completely failed, and Yun Ye is constantly launching chaos to fight against Xuan Fa.

But this strange battle not only did not reduce the attention Yun Ye received, but on the contrary, everyone was attracted and did not want to miss any detail.

The more they observed, the more shocked everyone was.

This Xiangying is really incredible. His power seems to have no limit. He has been fighting against the master until now. His trump cards are endless.

Is this the amount of Shuangzhenzhi?


Yun Ye was not the only one to perform brilliantly.

After a day, Su Xinshan finally arrived at her destination.

She was equally powerful and terrifying. She defeated the ocean army by herself, killed three magic realms in a row, and easily crossed the three levels of fire and entered the ruling area of ​​the Seventh Ocean Palace.

The inheritance relic she wants to open is somewhere outside the Seventh Ocean Palace.

When she got close to the Ocean Palace, the Great Master even tried to stop her. But what was shocking was that Su Xinshan used various magic weapons to briefly resist the Great Master with her spiritual perfection.

The seventh opinion was unable to kill Su Xinshan quickly, so he returned in despair and gave up the idea of ​​blocking her.

If time goes on, he can indeed kill Su Xinshan, but this is impossible and the risk is too great.

Staying in the outside world for a long time will give outsiders the opportunity to form a formation to surround and kill.

Only by sitting in the Ocean Palace and having the blessing of the power of the ocean can he not be afraid of all threats.

He couldn't take any chances.

Without the obstruction of the master, Su Xinshan stepped into the ruins and started the opening work.

This scene also made many people secretly look forward to it.

When the ruins are opened, there will inevitably be another fight between dragons and tigers. It is very likely that geniuses from all the secret realms will gather and compete on the same stage.

There are already many terrifying geniuses appearing today.

Take Shuangdao system, the three branches of Xiangying, and the main branch of Tiansheng, Su Xinshan.

Daxuan Taoist system, Daoji Xie Feier.

The Buddhist Taoist system, the fifth true biography, Kongqu.

Combined swordsmanship system, Yin and Yang main line, the first true biography is Sui Jianyong, the second true biography is Wen Shu.


There are so many geniuses in Yuntian Lingzong that if you just count them, they can be counted on five fingers.

These are the existences that are expected to be geniuses in the Dharma Realm, or even the existences that are already Dharma Realm Geniuses.

The most outrageous among them is naturally Xiangying.

At least as far as the current performance is concerned, the most terrifying thing is that only one person, Xiang Ying, overshadows the performance of other geniuses.

In the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Realm, and with all kinds of master's magic weapons, Su Xinshan could only repel the Great Master. It would be an exaggeration to say that she barely supported her. The Great Master had other considerations before retreating.

But Xiangying...

"What a miracle it is to fight against the genius of the Dharma Realm!"

Someone murmured to themselves, indescribable shock, a miracle is happening, right at this moment!

Yun Ye used all his trump cards and used all the robes and swords given by Lan Wuyuan. They were also activated by the heaven-defying talismans and seals and integrated into the formation, making the formation's power rise to an unprecedented level.

That's not enough.

Yun Ye knew that he must not give such an opponent time to react, otherwise all his previous efforts would be wasted.

As soon as he made a move, he immediately started fighting for money and money.

"Spiritual roots are burning!"

"Destroy liberation!"

"The secret of water: Softness!"

"The Mystery of Fire: Discord!"

Yun Ye let the formations enter the state of destruction and release. He had long understood that he was still far from being a genius in the Dharma Realm and needed to make up for it in other ways, so he prepared several sets of formations.

For him who has the spiritual materials to grow in the secret realm, this is not too much.


The power of Yun Ye's moves reached unprecedented heights, and everything he passed was being destroyed.

Faintly, there was a touch of eternal silence.

Yun Ye is in the unparalleled and invincible state. After all, he has used Eternal Silence many times and remembered a few feelings. Now that his spiritual realm has begun to reach a subtle level, he has the conditions to use it. However, this move is too dangerous. With his current strength, he can only use it. We will die together.

Therefore, Yun Ye only imitated the charm.


Haihao stretched out his arms, trying to open up the world and prevent himself from being wiped out.

He was extremely calm. Even when he was on the verge of life and death, he did not get angry at all, nor did he curse Yun Ye.

This is the price for him to be the closest to the master of the mysterious realm. The closer he is to the mysterious realm, the more indifferent his emotions will be, otherwise he will not be able to control this power.

Converted into an understandable part, it is probably that when the Haixin Divine Body is developed to his level, every time it is used, it can burn out the brain of a Dharma Realm person, so changes need to be made to "evolve" oneself.

"The connection with the formation has been cut off..."

Haihao frowned.

The formation he arranged is the resonance body of the Ocean Palace, allowing him to borrow part of the power of the Ocean Palace.

Precisely because of this, he was able to reach the level of genius and continuously activate the Haixin Divine Body.

But as Yun Ye exploded with power, covering four realms, his power was finally cut off.




And, the innate spiritual field with burning spiritual roots.

With the combination of these powers, and the help of magic weapons and talismans, his power was completely crushed.

They have begun to lose and are about to lose.


Yun Ye finally penetrated Hai Hao's chest, and as he pulled out a glowing magic medicine, the battle ended.

"you you you……"

With the medicine taken away, Haihao fell into a stage of self-destruction like a stuck robot.

This is the mechanism of the secret realm.

As long as someone can steal the magic medicine, it will be the failure of the gatekeeper, and destruction will come immediately.


Haihao exploded and turned into an energy storm that blew hundreds of miles away, exposing the entire sea area to a clear sky.

The divine thunder sealing formation that he had been maintaining collapsed.

"The first branch of legal medicine."

Yun Ye looked at the glowing branch-shaped top-level magic medicine in his hand, and his understanding of it naturally emerged.

The one in his hand is the first branch, the branch with leaves, and there are eight branches left. If they are gathered together, their true form will emerge, the nine main medicines.

However, although it is known that the nine main magic medicines can be synthesized, the specific effects are not explained.

Whether it is really effective depends on the situation.

Yun Ye saved it and put it into the space equipment... In this secret realm, his every move was observed. Showing the secret technique can be explained by Lan Wuyuan's teaching, showing strength can be explained by talent, but showing the secret realm with him, then There's no way to explain it.


Just when Yun Ye was thinking about what to do next, the sky suddenly became cloudless and it started to rain. Just when he was surprised, various projections appeared in the heavy rain.

It was the figure of a beautiful girl. She stepped into an ancient tower located among the valleys and rivers, and then opened it, shining light into the sky.


Yun Ye looked around but didn't see the beam of light.

Maybe it's too far away.

Moreover, the visibility of this secret realm is very low. There are clouds, thunder and lightning everywhere. Haihao's death can only drive away hundreds of miles, which is incomparable with the secret realm that can travel at least tens of thousands of miles in a straight line.

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