A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 281 The Secret Realm is Deficient

"You actually won?"

"Quishuang, this disciple of yours seems to be your most promising disciple ever to break through to the profound realm."

The Tao palaces of the twelve Tao systems all have their eyes on Qishuang Tian.

The seven disciples of Chushuang were unable to break through to the Mysterious Realm. They didn't think it was abnormal. Rather, it was the real abnormality that some geniuses from small families could reach the level of peerless Dharma Realm.

It is almost impossible to continue to break through to the profound realm without the corresponding Tianlu bloodline and profound realm methods.

Qishuang just has his own mysterious realm method and cannot open up a path for his disciples.

It's natural to be stuck in the legal realm.

But seeing that a mere entry-level spiritual realm actually defeated a prodigy from the Dharma Realm, they couldn't help but think that this person might be able to go against the will of heaven and, like Lan Wuyuan, break the boundaries and achieve the Mysterious Realm?

"It's not easy, it's very not easy. Even if he can't continue to walk a new path, he still has every hope of becoming the opponent of the True Blood Daozi. Toshuang, you are simply admirable in terms of recruiting disciples!"


Kui Xin felt bored.

His judgment was wrong. A spiritual realm actually broke his common sense?

It feels bad, like being shot to death on the beach by a new generation.

I hope I can watch a good show when the battle for the secret realm is over, otherwise it will be too boring and a waste of emotions.

Watching Kui Xin leave, Qishuang still stayed where he was. He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be answering many powerful people.

"If you repeat it seven times, you can always learn from experience. This time, you will succeed."

"Hai Hao is indeed dead, and the Nine Masters' magic medicine was also taken away."

Ocean King still looked unhappy.

If it was a peerless magic realm that killed Hai Hao, he would admit it, but the problem was that it was a spiritual realm that accomplished all this.

As the Ocean King, he has memories that have been passed down for thousands of years. However, in these thousands of years, there are only a few people who can do this, and almost all of them have the qualifications of a real person.

What they fear most is real people.

Every time a real person appears, the secret realm will be forcibly ruled for thousands of years, and it will enjoy darkness until its death.

As beings in the secret realm, they are almost human, and they also want to live and enjoy, so they established an ocean empire.

But if a real person appears, his power will ravage everything, even the rules of the secret realm will be ignored.

They had no recourse but to die, or become complete slaves, hopeless.

In the memory he inherited, he could feel the despair personally, and he would not accept it even if he died.

They pursue immortality, not to be slaves forever!

As for not dying...

Although they die, they will be resurrected.

But that's not them anymore, just another person who inherited the memory, with completely different personalities and emotions.

If not, they would not establish self-restraint and prolong the moment of self-destruction as much as possible.

"We must find a way to solve this problem..."

"What do you think?"

Xiang Qingrou's consciousness emerged from the darkness. She opened her eyes vaguely and felt a splitting headache.

"Qingrou, the prince has given you the elixir. I wonder if you are okay now?" Xiangxiang's voice sounded.


Xiang Qingrou's consciousness cleared and she opened her eyes suddenly: "Great cultivator of divine law!"

Everything is clear.

Xiang Qingrou found that she was already on the black bird, and there was no tension among everyone. It didn't look like they were running away.

"This is?"

"Your Majesty has already dealt with the enemy."

"Is it solved... Hey, my subordinate was too weak. He had no power to resist and was seriously injured by the backlash."

Yun Ye supported his face with his right hand, looked at the scenery outside Xuanniiao, and said casually: "It doesn't matter, our Xiang people are indeed unable to compare with the Yuntian Ling Sect. If you regret it, just cherish this opportunity. This place can increase your heritage. "

"Yes!" All three of them said in response. They felt deeply that although it was extremely dangerous here, there were precious magic medicines everywhere, and there was also the power of the magic domain to speed up their cultivation, which indeed allowed them to overcome some obstacles and increase their steps. The probability of entering the legal realm.

"Next, we are going to the ruins, Xiang Qingrou, can your magic still be used?" Yun Ye said.

Although he also mastered the divine method of deduction, the results were disastrous.

The current direction of travel is only a rough approximation, and it is impossible to find the true location of the ruins.

Obviously, if you want to participate in this grand event opened by the ruins, you must first overcome the difficulty of finding the ruins.

It would probably be difficult without a team of divine magic monks.

"no problem."

Although the pain in her mind continued, Xiang Qingrou didn't hesitate at all. This was when she came into play!

Soon, Xiang Qingrou activated the magic weapon and made a rough positioning. After Xuanniao changed direction, she began to position it more accurately.

The closer you get to the location, the easier it becomes to locate, and you start to meet other people from the Yuntian Ling Sect.

At this stage, you only need to follow a certain person to find the ruins.

Yunye handed over the energy supply of Xuanniao to the three people, and started practicing again.

In the battle with Hai Hao, he lost a lot of energy meridians, and now he needs to race against time to recover.

Fortunately, Yun Yeling had many pills, and the only one who could eliminate the erysipelas was the immortal fire, so the lost cultivation level was quickly restored.

During this period, Yun Ye also felt that his strength was insufficient. He wanted to climb to the first level of Heavenly Road again to increase his strength.

But it failed directly. In the secret realm, Yun Ye could not sense Tianlu at all.

"Speaking of which, Hong Tian didn't have any spiritual skills when he became an immortal, right?"

The secret realm is created by the fusion of the five elements.

Although it is far from the Red Sky World, it is indeed a small independent world.

When Hong Tian became an immortal, the human race only had physical methods and no spiritual methods that used spiritual energy at all. Naturally, there was no such thing as the so-called fusion of five elements to create the world. Perhaps it was for this reason that Tianlu left out the secret realm?

Wait, the first providence was born in the Hongtian era. Isn’t this earlier than the origin of the spiritual root method?

If humans do not have the talent for spiritual magic, it is impossible to create spiritual magic, let alone spiritual roots.

The spiritual talent should appear before the spiritual root, and the emergence of spiritual magic should come after the spiritual talent. Before the so-called starting point of spiritual magic, there should be someone adding spiritual talent to the human race.

Although it was passive, and even after countless years someone discovered the spiritual method due to weakness, there must be such a source.

Yun Ye felt that this source was probably the first providence.

In today's era, the first Tianyi can control spiritual energy regardless of any conditions. This ability can work even in areas where there is no spiritual energy. It can be said to be something out of nothing, which is really "abnormal".

This history is getting more and more interesting. The intertwined stories of countless people lead the ending to the present. This sense of heaviness, this weight through time, makes people want to participate immediately.

"I don't know what will happen tomorrow. There has been no movement in the Halo Book...Did they modify the operating logic?"

Yun Ye did not bind the Halo Book to the Taoist artifact, because after the Halo Book was upgraded, there was no need to pursue the original, but he had an account and password.

He only needs to create a new halo book and log in to his account to receive information.

Yun Ye has already produced the Halo Book after his reincarnation, but unfortunately, it may be that Tomorrow Club did not appear nearby, or it may be that Tomorrow Club has modified the logic of the Halo Book.

As far as results go, nothing happened to his Halo book.

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