A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 296 Premonition of War

"I want to transform from spiritual consciousness to spiritual thoughts..."

"It requires Yin elements, heavenly materials and earth treasures to assist the transformation, plus Yin elements treasures as sustenance."

"The strength of heavenly materials, earthly treasures and entrusted objects directly determines the upper limit of strength and potential after achieving the Dharma Realm. Qilin Luck is something similar to the entrusted object, which can provide evolutionary possibilities out of thin air, making the Dharma Realm's foundation stronger and more powerful. Strong.”

The advancement method of the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony is no different from that of the Yuntian Ling Sect.

The only difference is that the requirements of the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony are higher.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are at least top-notch magical medicines, and Yin treasures must be at least treasures. If you pursue the strongest, it is best to use mysterious treasures. If the magic realm is higher, it will not be able to withstand it.

Yun Ye looked at the three ways to advance, and found that the divine method was the most difficult to advance. It was far more than these two, and there were many details that needed to be paid attention to, otherwise it would not be called the strongest at all.

Compared with divine methods, spiritual methods are much simpler.

If you want spiritual power to transform into magic power, you only need magical medicine-grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or a magic weapon as a sustenance object.

Similarly, the higher the level of the magic medicine and the higher the level of the entrusted item, the stronger the power and potential will be after achieving the legal realm.

It is best to choose magic medicines of the same zodiac sign, and it is best to engrave your own magic on the sustenance objects.

Generally speaking, whether it is a magical medicine or a sustenance, it must be specially customized according to the monk's different situation, otherwise it will be difficult to successfully advance.

It can be said that the cost of the magic realm is still very high. Those monks who do not have enough magic medicine and sustenance items will still be incomplete even if they successfully advance to the magic realm.

The most intuitive example is the divine adjutant of Baishi Town. The detection range of his spiritual consciousness is actually several hundred kilometers, but that's all. The rest, whether in terms of accuracy, perception, or attack range, is far inferior to those in the spiritual realm. Cloudy night.

The cultivation method given by Lan Wuyuan can create a mysterious level spirit body. Even if it does not reach the realm of magic, and even if the focus is not on attack, it is far beyond the magical adjutant of Baishi Town.

It can be said that magical monks are the group that needs the most resources and is the most difficult to advance. They are not something that a small family can play around with.

"Nine Masters of Dharma Medicine!"

After Yun Ye learned about it in detail, he finally understood the role of the Nine Masters' magic medicine. This was the heavenly material and earthly treasure prepared by the Disaster Source Tianzong for the Nine Life Divine Magic!

In this case, he is bound to win!


The black bird soared into the sky.

Next, Yun Ye began a jaw-dropping sweep.

He directly broke into the nearest Ocean Palace. After a fierce battle, he killed the great master blessed by the formation and obtained the second nine master medicine.

Then, Ocean King, who had been preparing to surround and kill him for a long time, activated the entire formation of the secret realm and ambushed Yun Ye at a certain point.

He only came with one person. Gathering the power of the entire secret realm was a big project. The other seven masters had to be stationed in the Ocean Palace and could not ambush Yun Ye with him.

But this is enough, he has been promoted from the genius to the point where he is close to being unparalleled.

In this secret realm without a mysterious realm, it is already the strongest force that can run rampant and invincible, and there is absolutely no possibility of failure.

As a result, he was completely defeated and was suppressed by Yun Ye in the fight.

Half-step Peerless is indeed very strong, but Yun Ye holds a treasure, various resources and secret techniques from Yun Tian Ling Sect, and his own background is also incredibly strong. Ocean King is still a bit behind and unable to win.

Yun Ye struck while the iron was hot, killing two great masters in a row and seizing the nine masters' magic medicine.

Seeing that Yun Ye was unstoppable, the remaining masters completely lost their will to resist, and took the initiative to offer the nine masters' magic medicine in order to survive.

At this point, the first complete nine-main magic medicine in the history of Yun Tian Ling Sect was born. It has power far beyond the top magic medicine, and contains nine attributes. No matter what method Yun Ye practices, he can use it to advance.

It can be said that with such a nine-master magic medicine, Yun Ye's path to the advancement of the three major magic medicines has been smoother. It is worthy of being a special medicine specially cultivated by the Disaster Source Tianzong and surpassing the top magic medicine!

After getting the Nine Master Medicine, Yun Ye put it into his body, made it into a refined state, and stamped it to avoid more trouble.

Next, Yun Ye began to practice silently.

There is still a lot of legal power left here, which can allow him to go further!

During practice, the ten-day time limit for opening the Rain World Secret Realm is fleeting.

During this period, Yun Ye really kept his promise and did not plunder again until the end of the ten days in the secret realm, which made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

With the secret realm closed, the real event begins in Emerald Lake.

Yuntian Lingzong held a large number of activities to congratulate the successful conclusion of the Rain World Secret Realm, and the celebration lasted for a full month, which could be called a carnival within a carnival.

Yun Ye did not hide away to practice. Instead, he went around with Xiang Qingrou and the others and saw the grand scene of Yuntian Lingzong.

It has to be said that Zhenzhuan is already a core figure, and he can enjoy the event freely everywhere.

During this period, Yun Ye also came into contact with many talented people.

For example, Su Xinshan, Yun Ye only knew after getting to know her that this super genius was really ordinary. If it weren't for her outstanding appearance, some people would believe her even if she was a village girl.

Apart from this, only Jie Fei'er is always staring at Yun Ye, trying to get back the treasure that Yun Ye took away.

Although she already had a treasure as a sustenance to achieve the Dharma Realm, the treasure that Yun Ye took away was her preparation for the Physique Dharma to advance to the Dharma Realm. It was lost. Even though she was a Taoist Ji, she was very It's hard to get a second one.

After all, resources such as low-level renewable elixirs are unlimited in Yuntian Lingzong, and she can control them at will. But when it comes to magic weapons and treasure weapons, they cannot be made with ordinary materials. Even Yuntian Lingzong can't make them. Not much, need to budget carefully.

If she wants to obtain the treasure next, she can only get a huge contribution. She doesn't know how long it will be delayed. Naturally, she is extremely unwilling to do so.

But it is a pity that Yun Ye reached the top of the Qilin Ranking and even defeated the half-beat Ocean King. He has been proven to be close to the top of the main line.

This kind of strength can no longer be said to be a genius, but a grown-up big shot, and this...

Xiang Ying was still only seven years old.

Want the treasure back?

No need.

It's completely unnecessary. It's stupid to have a conflict with such a person over a treasure.

Even if you want to take it, it will be a one-hit kill, and the matter will be solved neatly. How can you ask for it back in a big way, or threaten it secretly?

So except for knowing that Feier was extremely unhappy with Yun Ye and always wanted to kill Yun Ye, everything was calm.

Yun Ye ushered in a long period of cultivation time.

One year to be exact.

After he had studied the Silent Spirit for a full year, and when he reached the fourth level of the Pilgrim's Climb, something big happened suddenly.

Kong Qu and a group of disciples who were performing sect duties outside were suddenly attacked. A total of three Dharma realms and ten Spirit realms, none of them survived, and they were all destroyed on the spot.

Although Kongqu is only a true legend, it has been speculated that he has a strength close to that of the Branch Peak Master, that is, he is a Dharma Realm genius.

His sudden death in battle due to his strength really caused a sensation in the Yuntian Lingzong, and even the first member of the Kongmen Taoist Department in the Xuan Realm sent out a thorough investigation.

Kong Qu's combat power was only of concern to his family in Yuntian Lingzong, and he could not disturb the mighty ones.

But the problem is...

This is provoking Yuntian Lingzong!

Kong Qu escaped all the way to the border area of ​​Yuntian Lingzong's Taoist weapons, and died just a hair short of being able to directly locate the murderer!

In this situation, no matter what the other party thinks, Yuntian Lingzong will only define it as a provocation and must investigate thoroughly.

However, what is surprising is...


The line of cause and effect was cut off, and all traces of the attacker were wiped out at the cost of erasing his own existence!

This kind of death leaves no name or memory, and even acquaintances who know them will gradually forget about them. It is the most commonly used magic and secret technique in the dark ages, which can make even the powerful helpless.

And this is just the beginning.

In the following four years, the super geniuses of Yuntian Lingzong suffered a total of five carefully planned assassinations.

The reason for saying precision is not that they deduced the assassination process... It's just that there was no survivor and they found nothing.

If this cannot be called precision, what else can be called precision?

The death of six Dharma Realm geniuses in succession was beyond the tolerance limit of Yuntian Lingzong.

It can assassinate the genius of the Dharma Realm many times and directly destroy itself in the form of consumables. Is there a second force in this barren state?

"Mengze Lingzong!!!"

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