A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 297 The moment of reincarnation, the era of immortality!

"Be prepared in advance, I'm afraid there will be no peace for decades."

Yun Ye sighed and prepared to hoard various cultivation resources.

Today, the atmosphere in Yuntian Lingzong is still the same as before, and most of the monks are ignorant of the general environment.

But Yun Ye is already the number one true successor of the Sancai branch, and is considered a high-level person. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be unaware of the recent situation.

In the past four years, six consecutive great monks whose combat power was equal to that of the branch peak masters died. This was a great shame and humiliation for Yuntian Lingzong, which was completely unbearable. Therefore, Yuntian Lingzong had already begun to mobilize combat supplies and transport them to Yuntian Lingcheng.

As a veteran who has been fighting against the Mengze Lingzong for almost a thousand years, the Yuntian Lingzong is not a good opponent. They often make sudden attacks and start a new round of war.

No one cares who started the two wars first. Who can win and who can gain the benefits is what matters.

The war a hundred years ago lasted for decades. A large number of Dharma realms died, and even Xuan realms fell. This was what both sects needed.

Every war will cause the two sects to greatly advance in strength and gain a lot of benefits. Regardless of whether there is an assassination incident or not, a war will eventually break out.

Therefore, there is no need for reasons, no need to investigate the reasons, the various Taoist systems of Yuntian Lingzong directly take this opportunity to push the gears of the entire era.

"The war is about to begin!"

"Xiang Ying, do you know why the two major sects have been at war, even at the cost of Xuanjing's lives?"

Lan Wuyuan sat high in Shuangtian, hidden in the aura of white mist, and he was testing Yun Ye.

Yun Ye knelt down on the futon in the center of the hall, lowered his head and closed his eyes, saying: "The benefits are enough to make the Xuan realm break through to the benefits of a real person."

"Sure enough, he is extremely smart... You are right. Different from the competition for resources imagined by the outside world, the only thing that can make Xuanjing fight for everything is the possibility of becoming a real person!" Lan Wuyuan nodded, worthy of having passed the sixth level trial. The monster saw through the essence of the problem at a glance.

"The three states of the Luo Dynasty are Luozhou, Shuizhou, and our Huangzhou. Luozhou has the royal family and saints, and Shuizhou has the Holy Land of Pure World, but our Huangzhou only has two major spiritual sects, and no saints or holy places. , Holy Sect.”

"This is a huge shortcoming. If it cannot be made up for, it will be difficult for Huangzhou to give birth to real-person monks. The thousand-year war between Yuntian Lingzong and Mengze Lingzong is to unify Huangzhou and return to the position of Holy Sect."

"Master, what do you mean by returning?"

Yun Ye opened his eyes.

"The first cleansing war launched by the Luo Sheng Clan led to the destruction of a holy land. The remaining power combination of this holy land became the current Yuntian Ling Sect, while the Mengze Ling Sect was just a small sect during the Holy Land period. It was only through luck that we were able to compete with our Ling Sect."

"But there is no doubt that no matter who wants to fight for the legitimacy of this land, the purpose of the two sects' wars has always been to complete the unification. And this time, I am afraid it will be the last battle."

Lan Wuyuan said straightforwardly that he was not a participant of that era. He was born after the two sects had stabilized and had no idea about the former Holy Land.

He pursues unity simply because it is an opportunity to become a real person.

"The last battle? Master, why do you say that?"

Yun Ye didn't feel any imbalance in combat power. Why did the thousand-year war suddenly usher in the final battle during this period?

"You don't understand that it's natural, because time is limited. If the unification cannot be completed at the last time, even if it is completed later, it will be meaningless... This is the moment of reincarnation of the times. The reason why I try my best to cultivate you to become talents. , just so that you can contribute to the unity.”

"This time, even if everyone in the Xuan Realm is dead, the winner will still have to be decided. No one has a way out. Xiangying, you don't have much time. Within a hundred years, you must advance to the Dharma Realm and reach the peerless position. , otherwise you won’t be qualified to participate in the final battle.”

Lan Wuyuan said.

Yun Ye felt a chill in his heart. He knew that Lan Wuyuan was dissatisfied with the fact that he had only completed the tenth level of the Pilgrim Climb in four years, and wanted him to give up his potential and speed up his cultivation.

With Yun Ye's current foundation, as long as he advances to the Dharma Realm and reaches the Dharma Realm Perfection, he will be truly peerless in the Dharma Realm. This is enough for Lan Wuyuan to complete his plan.

"Master, it is not difficult for me to achieve unparalleled achievements within a hundred years. Please rest assured... It would be better to say that within fifty years, I will sweep across the Dharma Realm and become the number one person in the Dharma Realm of this deserted state!"

Yun Ye showed the arrogance of a monster, but he spoke calmly without losing his bearing.

"I hope so. The moment of reincarnation will not wait for anyone. It will start at a fixed time and on a fixed stage. No matter who it is, even if it is me, they are just struggling with all their strength... You need Understand the weight.”

Lan Wuyuan said lightly.

"Disciple understands!"

Yun Ye said.

He has deep doubts.

Is the Moment of Reincarnation a rule of heaven and earth similar to that of the Qilin Ranking?

Why do we need unity to face it?

"The moment of reincarnation occurs once every ten thousand years or tens of thousands of years. This is not a rule of heaven and earth, it's just that the time has come..."

"The time has come for the Taoist tools to be reunited!"

Lan Wuyuan saw through Yun Ye's thoughts.

And this sentence made Yun Ye understand the situation.

The moment of reincarnation is not just a narrow change limited to Huangzhou or the Luo Dynasty.

This is the moment that affects the entire Red Heaven Realm and represents the opportunity to become an immortal!

The unification of the barren states is nothing more than an opportunity and a qualification!

It means that Yuntian Lingzong can join this battle to become an immortal, cheer for these big forces, and then share the fruits of victory after victory!

Real person?

More than that, unifying the barren state really only has the chance to become a real person, but if you add the merits of supporting the Immortal Dynasty, it is possible to achieve even a distinguished position!

"Tao tools are tools for becoming an immortal. Only by gathering a huge echo that cannot be added can the basic conditions for becoming an immortal be achieved."

"Ten thousand years have passed since the future Dao Lord became an immortal. Today's echoes have accumulated to a scale that is enough to become an immortal. This special moment is called the 'moment of reincarnation.' The entire Red Heaven Realm needs to decide what to do." The winner will gain the possibility of becoming an immortal."

"We in the Huangzhou are only one-third of the power of the Luo Dynasty. We have no chance to participate in the battle to become an immortal. However, it is more than enough to obtain a few seats of real people in the Immortal Dynasty... And this can only be enjoyed by those who unify the Huangzhou."

The conversation ends there.

Yun Ye left.

He didn't ask what would happen if Huangzhou picked the wrong team.

The current Yuntian Ling Sect has not even unified the barren state, so this question is meaningless.

"The moment of reincarnation, the moment of reincarnation..."

The two are very similar, but the scale is vastly different.

When he was in the Yingyue Secret Realm, Lei Zhenyu mentioned that it was not a good time and he was not born at the right time. This probably meant that the moment of reincarnation was coming, right?

For the truly strongest forces in the Red Sky Realm, this is indeed an opportunity to become immortals, a day of relief that they have endured for countless years.

But for the vast majority of people, no, it should be said that everyone except a few people, this is just a catastrophe, a catastrophe of struggling to survive...

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