A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 298 Tomorrow’s assassination plan

"The third trial of Yingyue Tianmen went through ten calamities again, and everything was sacrificed on the ancient battlefield. Now that I think about it, isn't it the moment of reincarnation for the purpose of becoming an immortal?"

"There are also catastrophes hidden behind the echoes... How many times has this reincarnation been experienced, and it has reached the point where everyone knows about it?"

Walking through the clouds at night, sit and watch the clouds roll and relax.

He was shocked as the whole world gradually unfolded.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the "moment of reincarnation" is known to everyone, but the Luo Dynasty is not powerful, and even the top leaders of Yuntian Lingzong know it, which means that the "moment of reincarnation" has not been deliberately covered up.

Perhaps, this is already the order of the Red Sky Realm.

Everyone is waiting for the moment of reincarnation!

This is the era of immortality!

"Target...the first seat of Chaoyue...location..."


Yun Ye suddenly raised his head and looked at the horizon. Lines of Chinese characters flashed before his eyes, and he couldn't help but reveal a look of astonishment.

Is this the message that will be delivered tomorrow?

He immediately spread his magic.

To perceive more carefully.

The principle of the Halo Book is that the Halo Fire is engraved into the spiritual weapon. As long as you master the Halo Fire, this thing has no technical content.

Yun Ye couldn't maintain the halo fire all the time, so he made the halo book as a medium to receive information.

But after his deification was complete, maintaining it at all times was no longer a problem, otherwise it would have been impossible to foresee malice within a thousand miles.

Because of this, part of the internal communication within the Tomorrow Club was intercepted by Yun Ye.


"Very close!"

Yun Ye has tried it. The halo fire will be blocked by soil and buildings, and the limit is about a few hundred kilometers.

And the further away, the less clear it becomes, requiring multiple transmissions, otherwise information may be lost.

He could receive information in the hinterland of Yuntian Lingzong. It could only be that the source of the transmission was very close to him.

Will there be a mole in Yuntian Lingzong tomorrow?

Somewhat incredible.

Could it be that the Taoist artifact cannot identify the information and betray it?

"No, it's not that the betrayal of information cannot be identified, but that only the leakage of secret techniques has been identified. The sale of intelligence has not been written into the Taoist rules at all."

This is not a loophole in the Taoist weapon.

And as long as it is not written clearly, the Taoist instrument will not be executed.

And it is written that, depending on the difficulty, a large number of responses are required.

For example, if they want to eliminate traitors within the sect, they need to set what constitutes betrayal and how they should behave in a way that counts as betrayal.

With this premise in mind, Taoist tools will use the power of rules to make judgments and screen out betrayers.

There will be no errors in this judgment and it will be completely consistent with the settings.

However, rules often require a lot of reverberations, especially rules that directly determine whether to betray from the inner level, the number is astronomical.

Generally, in order to save repercussions, "absolute rules" will not be set.

Even the subsequent punishment of Taoist weapons will be omitted and turned into positioning and marking for the sect monks to take action.

Yuntian Lingzong's punishment for leaking the secret method is to rely on the power to tear apart the space and hunt down.

You must know that even if a powerful person takes action, it is risky, and it is far less convenient than directly erasing it with a Taoist weapon.

The reason for all this is that there is not enough response.

If you want the Taoist weapon to implement all the rules in every detail, it is impossible even if you have enough echoes to become an immortal.

The Taoist tools of Yuntian Lingzong have not reached the level of national Taoist tools. Even if the twelve Taoist masters unite, they can only formulate a few rules.

According to Yun Ye's observation, most of the responses of Yuntian Lingzong are invested in the secret method blockade, followed by sins and achievements, and finally the order of command.

The rest of the rules are very few and basically have no sense of existence.

However, this is enough.

Secret techniques and blood are the source of a powerful force.

Yuntian Lingzong has been accumulated for thousands of years, and countless generations of monks have carved their own Dharma on the heavenly road. As long as it is the true inheritance of the twelve Tao systems, they basically use Xuan-level methods, and the original Tao-system true blood inherits Xuan-level scriptures.

This is enough to prove the superiority of the sequential system.

Yun Ye chose to join the Yuntian Ling Sect precisely to obtain these core secrets, which would disintegrate a powerful Tao system in an instant as long as they were spread...

"It's a pity that Yuntian Lingzong has a total of twelve Taoist systems. Even if you become a Taoist master, you can't obtain the entire Yuntian Lingzong's secret method. This is a deliberate obstacle created by them to prevent Yuntian Lingzong from losing all its power in an instant. Now I It won’t help anything tomorrow.”

Yun Ye felt extremely sorry.

He originally thought that a reincarnated person like himself could not be restricted even by Taoist weapons. He could be reincarnated after death and break away from the restrictions of Taoist tools, and then spread the secret method. At that time, he would be able to directly use the thousands of years of accumulation of a large spirit sect without even a single blow. Vanished.

As a result, Yuntian Lingzong had been prepared for this possibility and actually dispersed its power and formed twelve independent Taoist systems.

It is possible that during the first cleaning war, the "Holy Land" was destroyed for this reason, so Yuntian Lingzong learned a lesson.

"Sure enough, we will meet tomorrow..."

Yun Ye carefully sensed the subtle spiritual energy fluctuations in the air, or light waves, and obtained a large amount of information.

This is the next assassination plan.

The goal is to take one of the seven current top seats of Shuangdao system, Cheyue.

The purpose of assassinating a person of this level tomorrow is also very simple, just to divert attention and create an opportunity for the two sects to fight.

At a time when the conflicts have reached a climax and the two sects are always ready to go to war, tomorrow's meeting will be the first shot and the fuse.

This kind of detonation does not require any subtlety, nor does it require people to be completely suspicious. As long as it is not found, it will be detonated after a few more attempts.

It turns out that this is indeed quite reliable.

In four years, there were only six assassinations, and Yuntian Lingzong was already secretly preparing for war and preparing for a large-scale raid.

Yun Ye can also guess the purpose of doing this tomorrow.

It is nothing more than fishing in troubled waters and creating a safe environment for development.

"We have succeeded six times in a row. To a certain extent, Tomorrow Club has developed to a level that I can't even imagine."

The target of Tomorrow's Meeting is randomly selected. As long as it leaves the range of the Taoist weapon, it will be targeted without any rules.

The only similarity is that their strength is at the peak master level.

These are all the geniuses of the Dharma Realm!

Tomorrow Club can successfully assassinate people again and again. In terms of strength, Tomorrow Club has indeed developed quite smoothly over the years.

"Is it because of Zhuo Qilian..."

"Divinity monks have a huge advantage in research, and it is not surprising that they can do anything. Moreover, if it is a simple sneak attack, it is indeed impossible for the genius of the magic realm to avoid the ultra-long-distance and ultra-large-scale destructive strikes of celestial phenomena."

Yun Ye made some calculations, and found out that even if only the Tianxiang Type 2 was mass-produced tomorrow, he could destroy Huangzhou's guarding orthodoxy at will.

Only a super sect with profound power like Yuntian Ling Sect can suppress today's Tomorrow Society.

There are only two chapters today. The various settings are a bit complicated, and the details of the battle between the two sects are quite difficult to figure out. I have to sort it out in the next few days.

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