A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 299 Seven Seats Tomorrow·Zhuo Qilian

Yun Ye tried to locate the location and wanted to know who the members of the Tomorrow Society were lurking in the Yun Tian Ling Sect.

However, the logic of the Halo Book changed. He was unable to locate it accurately and could only find the source area of ​​the message through the Nine Lives Divine Technique.

That is the last of the twelve Taoist systems, called the Death Curse.

This system can be regarded as an eccentric swordsmanship, a mysterious realm achieved through the method of curse. Although it ranks the lowest, its power and difficulty of cultivation are daunting.

Curses can kill people across levels of power to a certain extent. If there is no protective means, strong people will also fall victim to the curse, which makes them very difficult to defend against.

However, curse cultivation is extremely difficult and the resource requirements are extremely high, so there are not many people in the entire Tao system, and the sense of existence is not strong.

It makes sense that the people from the Tomorrow Meeting are hiding in the Death Curse Taoist system. After all, this Taoist system is particularly good at collecting intelligence and is more effective in planting spies.

Precisely because of their emphasis on intelligence, the Death Curse Taoist system may have spontaneously learned about the Tomorrow Society, and as long as they understand it, they may be influenced.

The probability is at least higher than other Tao systems.

After some deductions, Yun Ye decisively gave up after discovering that the Death Curse Taoist system had a powerful barrier that isolated the deductions.

Today's Nine Lives Divine Law is purely activated by the Nine Lives Ceremony. If you want to break through the barrier of the Xuan Realm, you will inevitably be discovered, and then there will only be a cool song.

Since it was not possible to deal with the Yuntian Ling Sect, Yun Ye changed direction and began to deduce the other side——

Meeting tomorrow!

Based on the spiritual waves, he continued to deduce and narrow down the scope, and then he found the source.

A halo fire weapon placed on the top of a mountain.

This magic weapon is very miniature, and its shape is no different from ordinary stones. It is very inconspicuous. Because it is a magic weapon, this device can operate on its own, emitting and receiving aura fire.

In terms of fluctuations, the halo fire weapon is only at the level of the mortal realm. It is almost non-existent in the Yuntian Lingzong where the spiritual energy is extremely rich, and it is impossible to be discovered.

Not surprisingly, this is the arrangement for tomorrow’s meeting.

Yun Ye found hundreds of such magical weapons along the way, and they were densely distributed throughout the Yuntian Lingzong area.

When Yun Ye looked outside, he discovered that these devices were densely distributed in Dahuang Lingze, forming about three "spiritual power network lines" connecting to the outside world.

The Tomorrow Society has been developing for almost 20 years. As for magic weapons, they can naturally make as many as they want. It is no problem to cover the Great Wilderness Lingze, but many areas of the Great Wilderness Lingze are very dangerous and corrosive. Throw them away casually. A magic weapon will definitely be corroded in minutes if it enters it.

In this case, Tomorrow Society only built three spiritual power network lines, also out of risk considerations.

Aura fire weapons require maintenance from time to time. The more lines there are, the greater the chance of being discovered.

Then, Yun Ye continued to deduce, hoping to find the headquarters of Tomorrow Club directly.

The result is naturally in vain.

When laying out these lines, Tomorrow Council must have considered the filing after being discovered, so as soon as Yun Ye left the Great Wilderness Lingze, he immediately became a headless fly. Either the divine method was blocked, or the causal line was broken, and the deduction could not be established.

In the final analysis, divine law is just an extension of divine consciousness, which requires enough information and logic to perform calculations and finally obtain the result.

When you don't know the rules, if you force the deduction, even if you have the nine-life divine method, the effect will not be good.

Only in the mysterious realm, after stepping into the level of concepts and truly seeing the power of rules and regulations such as causal lines, can the effectiveness of divine deductions be close to "reality". If you want to avoid the detection of these powerful divine spells, you can only Use the mysterious and mysterious method of cutting off the line of cause and effect to block it.

Once the assassination of Che Yue is successful, Lan Wuyuan will definitely be alarmed. With Lan Wuyuan's attainments in divine magic, if he finds the halo fire weapon like Yun Ye, then if he follows the line of cause and effect, he will almost certainly be able to find Tomorrow Meeting.

"Is it possible for Lan Wuyuan to discover the halo fire weapon?"


Yun Ye fell into silence. He didn't dare to gamble, so he activated the halo fire and directly sent the message to Tomorrow Club.

"Give up the assassination of Cha Yue immediately. The Shuangshuang Taoist system has magical methods from the grand ceremony. If you continue, you will be discovered."

"Meanwhile, the war is already about to begin."

"Chief, there is an unregistered person in the optical communication. According to the reverse positioning, he is within the range of Dahuang Lingze and Yuntian Lingzong. I am afraid he is a member of Yuntian Lingzong! The message he sent is as follows - how should we make a decision?"

"The deduction result of Zhentianyi?"

"The destiny has been completely confused and cannot be deduced. The probability of a war is already 90%! This situation can only occur if the two divine powers interfere on the eve of the war."

"I see."

The wheat-skinned man turned his head and said, "Then give up the Cha Yue assassination plan and detonate the internal conflicts of Yuntian Lingzong, not later than now. Inform everyone immediately and shrink the scope of activities. We need to be more careful next time."

"Yes, chief!"

The liaison officer leaves.

The wheat-skinned man rubbed his eyebrows, slid his fingers, and a projection appeared in the room.

A woman in a white coat who is always experimenting appears.

"Zhuo Qilian Seven Seats, don't you need to rest?"

"What does it matter? If a Dharma Realm monk doesn't rest for a few years, it won't affect his condition. It's better to say that my spirit is getting better and better."

Zhuo Qilian sat down with her legs crossed, "Why, Chief Tian, ​​do you have anything to ask me about again?"

"The war is about to begin, and the Cha Yue assassination plan needs to be temporarily stopped." Tian Jing said.

"Okay, I don't care, just stop. I'm not very interested in taking the frost path now." Zhuo Qilian said casually.

As a divine magic cultivator, although she joined a Taoist system other than Quoshuang, she also knew the reputation of Quoshuang, a powerful divine magician.

She hasn't had a few encounters with the Taoshuang Dao system, but she can always feel something weird that makes people care.

Later, she chose to leave Yuntian Lingzong because she was weak, and temporarily forgot about the Shuangdao system.

This assassination was considered a deliberate test by her. She could be sure that Lan Wuyuan would go crazy because of this and cause civil strife in Yuntian Lingzong.

But forget it if Tomorrow Club gives up. Anyway, after being exposed to the alternative thinking of Tomorrow Club that observes the world, it will be too late for her to explore the existing ones, let alone those old things?

"If nothing happens, just leave. I'm very busy and have researched the key points."

"Seven seats, don't you need help?"

"If you think that the assistance of the spiritual realm will be more useful than the help of spiritual thoughts."

"...In this case, I won't bother you."

Tian Jing shook his head and the projection disappeared.

Zhuo Qilian got a break and continued her research. Her research room looked small, but it was actually expanded by a space formation. There was a large amount of invisible space. She grabbed it casually, and an ordinary demon appeared in it. before.

Then, a large amount of silk thread appeared in her hand and was inserted into the demon's body. At first, the demon was still roaring and struggling, but as soon as the silk thread entangled the opponent, its consciousness was immediately broken. Then Zhuo Qilian flicked the silk thread, and a large amount of white frost-like things were Pull it out and gather it in the palm of your hand.

"Is this the principle behind the power of ordinary monsters?"


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