A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 300 Zhuo Qilian’s winning rate against Lan Wuyuan

After Yun Ye spread the news, he directly started writing the "challenge post".

Time waits for me.

Five years have passed since the end of the Rain World Secret Realm.

He never stopped studying original law.

Thanks to the assistance of the Nine Lives Divine Law, even after leaving the Tower of Creation, the deduction ability is greatly reduced, but the research efficiency is still good.

In just five years, he has completed the tenth step of the Heavenly Road.

The Silent Origin Method has been expanded to the top yellow level, and the essence of life has reached the limit of the conventional method, nine times.

During the research process, Yun Ye always consulted Lan Wuyuan, and gradually gained a clearer understanding of spiritual bodies.

He also knew that a single zodiac sign could only increase the essence of life to nine times.

For double zodiac signs, the limit is about eighteen times.

The more zodiac signs there are, the higher the limit, and if the limit is reached, it will be extremely difficult to move forward, and the difficulty will increase ten to twenty times.

Yun Ye's extreme cold zodiac is a dual zodiac sign, and the theoretical limit is eighteen times, but the extreme cold zodiac sign still has advantages. Not only is it more powerful, but the improvement of life essence is also simpler than the second zodiac sign.

Yun Ye can quickly reach nine times the essence of life, half of the credit for the second level of Ji Ling's zodiac sign.

And this is the point.

With the deepening of the study of spiritual bodies, the four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow gradually became clear.

Yun Ye discovered that apart from the bonus of magical powers, the spiritual body basically increased its life essence by three times every time it moved up a small level.

The lowest yellow-level low-grade is 3 times the life essence, and the highest heaven-level high-grade is 36 times the life essence.

A single zodiac sign corresponds to 9 times, a double sign corresponds to 18 times, and a triple sign and a quadruple sign correspond to 24 times and 27 times, respectively.

It can be said that every stage has a threshold. Once the threshold is reached, the difficulty will soar.

The development bonus of the second level of extremely spiritual attributes will completely disappear after nine times.

Yun Ye has been actually studying it for a year and has a deep understanding of this, because his progress is approaching zero and there is almost no progress at all.

It was like going in the wrong direction. Yun Ye couldn't find the way forward at all. He had to go back and start from scratch to find a new direction.

Unsurprisingly, the path of Origin Law has come to an end. It will take a long time for him to find a new path with his personal energy and calculations. It is not wise to continue to be stubborn.

Therefore, after Lan Wuyuan informed him of the reincarnation time, Yun Ye simply gave up on the development of the original method and began to prepare for the advanced method.

The first step is to obtain the peerless position!

"Four Peerless Masters in Huangzhou, two from Yuntian Lingzong, and two from Mengze Lingzong. All four of them send invitations. Whoever agrees first will fight."

Yun Ye quickly wrote four challenge letters and then ordered them to be delivered.

Although the two major sects are like fire and water, since they are governed by the Great Wilderness Lingze, they will inevitably come into contact, and this point of contact is the center of the Great Wilderness Lingze. As long as they are in the central Lingze City, they can carry out limited Contact, trade.

If the Four Jueshi accept the challenge, they will also complete the battle in Central Lingze City.

As for rejection…

Since only the top player on the Qilin List can challenge, the rules of the world will automatically judge. If you don't accept the challenge, you will admit defeat.

At dusk, the challenger can automatically obtain the peerless seat.

Compared with Qilin's luck, the peerless luck is one level higher. This is probably the difference between a magic weapon and a treasure weapon. It can't add to the benefits of advanced magic realm.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to give up and you will definitely fight.

"There is no shortage of amazing people among the four peerless people of the contemporary era. I have to prepare carefully, otherwise I may not be able to win surely..."

Yun Ye thought silently in his heart.

Suddenly, he received another message about tomorrow's meeting.

"What is your purpose and how can we trust you?" If you can prove this, we are willing to work with you. 』

The senior leaders of the Tomorrow Club are certainly not idiots.

Yun Ye was willing to warn them, either with good intentions or because he wanted to cooperate with them and seek benefits.

There are some parts worth using, so Tomorrow will think that as long as they can prove that this person is telling the truth, they can cooperate, and even assist "this mysterious person" to achieve certain goals.

Yun Ye thought for a while and gave the answer: "How to trust?" The leader of Cha Yue you want to assassinate is Lan Wuxian's puppet. To be precise, all the leaders of the Shuangdao system are currently Lan Wuxian's puppet. This involves Lan Wuxian's plan that has been laid out for hundreds of years. If you destroy Lan Wuyuan's plan, it will probably lead to destruction. Is this news sincere enough? If you insist on assassinating, this news is enough to cause civil strife in Yuntian Lingzong. 』

"...You are very sincere. So, let's talk about your purpose. If there is no conflict, we can cooperate. ” The answer was immediately given tomorrow.


Yun Ye was a little confused.

Why does Tomorrow suddenly think that he is sincere?

The secret of Blue Infinity?

He can't even prove this kind of thing. Will he believe it after just a few words at tomorrow's meeting?


"Tian Jing is not so stupid. It should be because I have too much advantage and they don't want to think about the conflict, so they are looking for excuses."

As long as Yun Ye reports that there will be a communication device tomorrow, the now extremely angry Yun Tianling Sect will definitely trace the source and uproot tomorrow's meeting.

Even if there is a follow-up method tomorrow that can interrupt the clues, this is an unnecessary loss.

Thinking of this, Yun Ye also had an idea.

"My purpose?" I want Lan Wuyuan to die, can you do it? 』

"What are the chances of killing Lan Wuyuan?"

Tian Jing asked.

"Only on us, Zero."

"What if there are seven seats to assist?"

"About a five percent chance."

"Even if there are seven seats, it's only 5 percent?"

"Lan Wuyuan has the zodiac sign of frost, and can borrow the power of seven disciples at any time, even if they are dead. With the blessing of this power, Lan Wuyuan is invincible in the Xuan Realm, and the essence of his power is about the same as the peak of the single zodiac law realm. One hundred and thirteen thousand times stronger, 10,000 times stronger than the peak of the second level zodiac sign realm, a thousand times stronger than the peak of the second level zodiac sign realm of Ji Ling, a hundred times stronger than the peak of the only second level zodiac sign law realm... Hmm , this is a rough figure, the specifics are not clear.”

"Although Qixi has mastered the only two attributes and all three methods have reached the legal realm, the chance of winning against Lan Wuyuan is still extremely low. The probability calculated by Zhen Tianyi is only the part shown by Lan Wuyuan. If there is still The probability will be further reduced.”

The operator of the True Heaven Instrument said.

"It's a really miserable number."

Tian Jing nodded. Tomorrow Society already has the strength to assassinate Fa Jingjue, but that is based on a sneak attack. If it is discovered, it will definitely fail.

As for Xuan Realm, their sneak attack was completely ineffective, the gap was too big.

Zhuo Qilian in the projection, on the other hand, disagreed: "Lan Wuyuan is not simple. I don't know how far I have gone beyond the mysterious realm. It is not comparable to ordinary mysterious realms. Moreover, the mysterious realm is the upper three realms and is completely different from the lower three realms." Concept, normally speaking, no matter how many Dharma realms are there, it is impossible to be an opponent of the Xuan realm. It is God’s favor that we can have such a high chance of winning.”

Tian Jing said: "That's true, but this person's purpose is already very clear."

"With this as a condition, we should be able to temporarily reach cooperation, and we don't need to give up the spiritual network line of Dahuang Lingze." Zhuo Qilian nodded.

Opinions are agreed upon and information is conveyed:

"Unfortunately, we can't kill Lan Wuyuan for the time being, but if we release your control, we can do it. This should be what you want, right? How about taking this as a trading condition, you pay for the information about Yuntian Lingzong, and we solve your problem? 』

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