A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 301: Obtaining the Frost Spirit Technique! The war begins!


Yun Ye pressed his forehead and took a breath of cold air to contribute to climate warming.

what happened?

Is there something he's not aware of?

Tomorrow Meeting seems to have completely seen through his purpose, at least the apparent purpose.

Based on the few words just said, we can infer that he is controlled by Lan Wuyuan. This is really scary. Did he reveal so much information?

He frowned and thought for a moment.

Yun Ye clapped his hands and suddenly reacted: "I forgot, the Tomorrow Society has mastered the ultimate spirituality and the only spirituality. Lan Wuyuan's frost zodiac sign is, to put it bluntly, just the result of the fusion of divine law and water law. I'm afraid there will be someone in the Tomorrow Society. Is it done? Zhuo Qilian?”

Under the premise of understanding the nature of Lan Wuyuan's power, they will predict Yun Ye's thoughts and think that it is natural for Yun Ye to be sincere.

After thinking about this, Yun Ye asked directly: "Have you completed the frost spirit method?" There is no need to hide it. I am not relying on divine law to forcibly intervene in communication, but using halo fire. I can tell you directly that I have obtained the inheritance of rice and have mastered the ultimate spirituality and the only spirituality, so I can also synthesize the frost zodiac sign myself. , it’s just that I didn’t have time to do it before. 』

"The concept of Silent Spiritual Technique should be familiar to you, right?" I was born with Silent Spiritual Eyes and Silent Spiritual Body, and therefore received part of Dao's inheritance. Therefore, I agree with your ideas and can also help you disintegrate Yuntian Lingzong. I have only two purposes. One is to break away. Lan Wuyuan’s control, the second is to build the Kingdom of Tomorrow, our cooperation can definitely go deeper! 』

"I believe my name also has this weight. My name is Xiang Ying." 』

Lines of words emerged.

The entire Tomorrow Club headquarters fell into silence.

"Dao, you actually left a back-up? If I remember correctly, Xiangying was born twelve years ago. In other words, he was not a disciple taught by Dao himself?"

Zhuo Qilian sat up straight. In this case, can the rules of tomorrow's Taoist weapon be triggered?

Although the binding force of tomorrow's Taoist tools far exceeds that of Yuntian Lingzong, the difference in total reverberation still makes people worry about the final effect.

"That's enough. The rule of tomorrow's Taoist tools is that the more valuable the knowledge given for free is based on the general environment, the stronger the binding force! The ultimate spirituality, the only spirituality, how much is this level of knowledge worth in the wilderness?"

"Priceless treasure!"

After many contacts and confirmation that Yun Ye really mastered the ultimate spirituality and the only spirituality, Tomorrow Club and Yun Ye reached a cooperative relationship.

For the purpose of stabilizing the relationship, they also informed Yun Ye about all the characteristics of the frost zodiac sign.

"Water is the ultimate spirituality, flowing. Divine law is the ultimate divinity, control."

"The structure is structured in the ratio of four to six to form an invisible and colorless control line, which is the 'Yin Zodiac Sign·Taking Frost'."

"Taking frost is consistent with silence, and there is only one power."

"Silence is the freezing of concepts at the level of material movement, and taking frost is the manipulation of concepts at the level of the soul. The power that is extracted is actually the soul, so no matter how you check, you will not be able to detect anything strange, even if you advance in cultivation. There is a difference, but it is limited to the legal realm. It is no longer possible for the controlled individual to advance to the mysterious realm, even after recovery, because the soul is contaminated. "

Tomorrow will not know the last part.

But Yun Ye, who mastered the Grand Ceremony, knew that once the soul was polluted, it would no longer be possible to advance to the profound realm. In this life, he could only reach the peak of the legal realm, or even forcefully take half a step to the mysterious realm, but it was absolutely impossible. Enter the complete mysterious realm.

Some regrets.

But it was too far, and Yun Ye didn't even know if he could survive until then.

"In short, set up countermeasures first."

With Yun Ye's strength, only by first erasing Lan Wuyuan's share of control can he fight against Lan Wuyuan when he activates the frost spirit method.

Otherwise, just knowing is useless. Even Yun Ye would need years or even decades to erase the control methods of the mysterious realm.

It all starts today.

With the complete practice method that will be provided tomorrow, Yun Ye’s mastering of the Frost Spirit Technique will not be more difficult than the Silence Spirit Technique.

In the final analysis, ultimate spirituality is the most powerful cheating tool for practicing the second zodiac sign.

With ultimate spirituality, the danger of cultivation will be greatly reduced. Yun Ye relied on this to get started. He can try countless times, but others can only try a few times, struggling on the edge of life and death. The difference in difficulty is obvious.

Central Lingze City.

The towering city wall is like an iron wall holding up the sky, blocking all possible demons. Teams of monks patrol and train on the city wall.

The city is prosperous, with a population of tens of millions, and a very high proportion of monks.

With the central Lingze City as the center, the monks here are exploring the vast wilderness of Lingze, constantly collecting various elixirs and spiritual materials in the hope of reaching a higher realm.

If Yun Ye starts from here, he will be a mortal cultivating immortality who is struggling to survive. He has to rely on himself for resources, skills, and connections.

Moreover, they have to be exploited multiple times.

Spiritual elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, formations, the road ahead for casual cultivators is too gloomy. Everything they want requires hunting down monsters, finding elixirs and accumulating money.

How can a mere person, with his energy so distracted, cultivate to the corresponding realm in a limited time, break through the obstacles of the heavenly path, and advance to a higher realm?

The path to heaven in the spiritual realm, the magical medicines and magic weapons in the legal realm, these fundamentally eliminate the possibility of mortals becoming immortals, unless they are extremely lucky and obtain an entire relic, and there happens to be a formation or divine method to deduce the original law...

This is so nonsense. There is no room for spiritual practice novels in this world. They are all stories about geniuses appearing out of nowhere and entangled with their lovers, which is a headache to read.

The central Lingze City is already considered a place of opportunity, because the chance of developing a spiritual family for several generations here is much higher than in other places.

Even though there are still countless casual cultivators lamenting the misery of their fate every day, they are unwilling to leave and will continue to work hard to save their family.

And on such a sighing night, a shooting star streaked across the sky, bright and beautiful, getting closer and closer.

"Is that... a meteor? Did some great monk fall?"

The shooting stars are very beautiful and attract a lot of attention.

By the time these monks discovered something was wrong, it was already too late.


A terrifying explosion covering hundreds of miles erupted in the central Lingze City, and many of the Mengze Lingzong Peak Masters stationed here were directly annihilated.

As the central Lingze City was reduced to ashes overnight.

The war officially begins.

The following month, a full-scale war began in the Great Wilderness Lingze. There were horrific and devastating blows everywhere. It was common to cover hundreds of miles, and even thousands of miles were not uncommon. In a short period of time, the earth changed. It is riddled with holes, and with such destructive power, modern nuclear bombs can only shed tears.

Before I knew it, it was already 300 chapters long. It’s ridiculous. I’m a frequent fan of this book, and I can actually keep up with three updates for so long.

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