After drinking the spiritual water for three days, on the morning of the fourth day, Yun Ye suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the yard.

Several footsteps sounded.

A Xiang spiritual magician dressed in blue pushed open the door and walked in. Before anyone could react, he said calmly: "Follow me!"

Invisible magic spreads.

Directly controlling hundreds of mortals present.

Everyone lost their expressions and followed up mechanically.

Yun Ye was also among them, and he was a little surprised, because this blue-clothed spiritual magician was only in the mortal realm, but he could control hundreds of people, and he had some skills!

Everyone walked through the mansion and arrived at an area with blood pattern formations everywhere and a pill furnace standing in the middle.

An old man stood in front of the alchemy furnace, controlling the flames to refine something.

"Master, we have brought the materials!"

"Well, Chu Shi, please step back. This formation cannot distinguish between friend and foe, so don't be affected."


The young man held up his hands and his figure flashed under the tree in the distance.

Then he waved his hand and divine magic was activated. Everyone stepped into the blood pattern formation uncontrollably. As soon as they entered, their blood began to boil and their bodies began to melt...

What a quick formation!

Blue and yellow spiritual patterns flashed across Yun Ye's forehead, and his spiritual power surged.

The only spiritual realm of the Xiang Clan, as well as the Xiangchu Style, were there. It was time for him to take action to complete a small goal first - destroy the Xiang Clan!


The old man turned back abruptly.


With a radius of 100 meters, all the parts involved in the formation exploded, but the ordinary person standing on it just staggered. The control was so exquisite that it was hard to imagine that Yun Ye could use it - his training in Yuntian Lingzong, It's no joke, there has indeed been great growth.


The old man turned around coldly and stamped his foot to offset the power of the ground vibration, leaving the alchemy furnace standing in the center of the blood pattern motionless.

"It's a small skill, but I dare to..."


As soon as the words left his mouth.

Cracks spread from the three legs of the alchemy furnace, and eventually the whole thing collapsed.

This is a subtle manifestation of the foundation level. The power is beginning to gather a little. The repressive power spread by the old man cannot resist this level of penetration.

"Who are you?"

"No one should know about this!"

The old man's expression darkened, this kind of power was very extraordinary.

Is this a hostile family that discovered their plan and came to stop it?

Yun Ye walked out of the crowd, and the spiritual energy in the air quickly gathered and surrounded him. Then, it suddenly gathered in his hand, forming an extremely compressed black light.

Subsequently, the ground was covered with running water, turning the soil into water.

"The only native method: gravity."

"The only water method is to follow the flow."

Yun Ye appeared in front of the old man instantly and punched him.

This moment.


But a whirlpool of water immediately appeared in front of the old man, with strangulating power to cope with Yun Ye's punch.

The old man's eyes were gloomy and cold, showing no mercy to the enemy. At this moment, his spiritual consciousness emerged and blasted directly into Yun Ye's mind.

Normally speaking, Yun Ye is just a spiritual root resuscitator and has not even practiced any magic. It is impossible for him to withstand the attack of a spiritual magician in the spiritual realm.

But the reality was completely opposite. With one punch from Yun Ye, the vortex of water automatically collapsed, directly punching a hole in the old man's chest.

"Your power..."

The old man's eyes were filled with astonishment. He couldn't understand why this unknown person with no aura of practicing magic could punch through his spiritual magic with one punch, and even ignored his magical magic, as if he had not been attacked at all.


The old man fell down. Although he was in the spiritual realm, he was too careless and could directly divide life and death with one move.

"Surround and kill him!"

Xiangchu Shi gave an order and silently stepped back, trying to escape.

Three spiritual magicians broke in outside the courtyard, with expressions of reluctance on their faces, but they were given a magical oath and had to obey orders.

"Extreme Spiritual Earth Technique·Gravity!"

The irresistible force of gravity spread, and the three of them turned into pieces of rotten flesh as soon as they met each other.

Yun Ye pointed his hand at the corpses of the three people: "Your Majesty, the Whirlpool Heavenly Lord, I respect the immortal lover of red, gather your souls and gather your lives!"

Three rays of light of various colors lit up and were pulled away by Yun Ye and sealed in his arm.

"Earth spiritual roots, water spiritual roots and fire spiritual roots?"

Yun Ye nodded silently.

Yuntian Lingzong has made extensive research on stripping away spiritual roots, and can do it far beyond the level of Baishi Town without the help of magic weapons.

With these spiritual roots, Yun Ye can also use various spiritual techniques. Although they are consumables, they are enough for just a few battles.

Looking at the direction of Xiangchu Shi's escape, Yun Ye activated his secret technique and used the spiritual roots he had just plundered.

All kinds of spiritual power and flames cover the body.

Abundant power comes in a steady stream.

Yunye locked Xiangchu Shi's position and disappeared instantly. The latter sensed it and did not dare to fight at all. He directly escaped into the ground and tried to escape.

But as Yun Ye stamped his foot, the entire ground suddenly changed, and countless spikes erupted.

Xiangchu Shi couldn't utter a word and was instantly killed.

After all, he is a genius from a small clan. Without any special physique or strength, it is completely impossible to fight against Yun Ye in the mortal realm.

The ground roiled.

After the body was delivered to him, Yun Ye once again seized the spiritual roots to replenish his losses.

At the same time, Yun Ye also turned back, took away the spiritual roots from the corpses in the spiritual realm, and took away the magical weapons and resources to cope with the upcoming battle.

"Let's go back to our respective homes, otherwise we won't be able to leave for a while."

Yun Ye forcibly awakened his consciousness and woke up many ordinary people with one sentence.

They all dispersed in fear, but a few of them had stiffened muscles due to fear and could not move, and were moving with little difficulty.

Yun Ye had no time to worry about it. He swallowed the elixir in large gulps and used the secret technique. While awakening his life force, he quickly created the real spiritual space.

Energy meridians are the real spiritual space, which are solid energy lines. At least a small amount of energy meridians must be circulated before it can be called a real spiritual space.

Because at this stage, only the real spirit can use the exclusive ability of Xingfa.

The special ability of Samadhi True Fire is the Samadhi True Fire that is born from the union of three flames. Due to the fusion and unification of the advantages, the power will be greatly enhanced.

At the same time, energy circulation greatly increases the extraction of spiritual energy, and can also store more spiritual energy, greatly improving combat effectiveness.

If Yun Ye wants to deal with the next crisis, he must master the spiritual method, otherwise he will definitely die even if he has mastered the foundation level.

And practicing the Dharma requires a lot of resources, which only the Xiang people have.

"The fate card is broken! Is the master of the family dead?"

"The head of the family is a monk in the spiritual realm. Even he can't defeat him. How should we deal with it?"

The Xiang people were in chaos, but they still launched their formations to resist.

But Yun Ye was unstoppable and directly broke the formation and charged in.

In a short period of time, Yun Ye wiped out the Xiang clan. Then he found the treasure house and gulped down the elixir.

The secret technique circulates, spiritual energy transpires, and Yun Ye's cultivation level rapidly sublimates.

The reason why it is so urgent is also very simple. There is a Taoist weapon volleying in Wenyun Town!

Lan Wuyuan destroyed the Xiang clan and everything was peaceful. That was because of his strength, no one dared to offend him.

But Yun Ye’s killing of the Xiang Clan’s spiritual realm is another matter!

The difficulty this time far exceeds all previous heaven levels, and is a true level of ten deaths and no life.

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