A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 307 The frost is gradually getting colder

"Someone killed members of the ascending family in the guard?"

In the Chen family's land, a man suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Xiang family.

His divine magic has not advanced to the legal level, so he cannot know the situation immediately, but the Taoist tools will not make mistakes.

As long as it is within the guarding range, not even the Taoist user, not even the Supreme, can shield himself from the crimes he has committed.

Just now.

Someone is indeed openly violating the rules set by his Chen family!

"Does he have a big background and be so arrogant?"

The man didn't know, so he issued a few orders for the family monks to go check it out while he observed from behind the scenes.

In the Luo Dynasty, there are countless capable people, and no one can be too careful.

If the other party has a big background, no matter whether it is right or wrong, he should avoid it. This is the wisdom of the Chen family that has stood outside the Great Wilderness Lingze for thousands of years.

After Yun Ye killed the old man in the spiritual realm, he was marked by the Taoist weapon, and an unblockable red light appeared above his head.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a spiritual practitioner, as long as they see this red light, they will immediately know that Yun Ye is a criminal who has committed a capital crime.

For a criminal of this level, even turning a blind eye is considered to be protecting him, and he will be guilty of the same crime. He is a type who is not given the opportunity to play latent at all.

So Yun Ye can only use Wushuang to seize resources!

"Xiaocheng... Dacheng!"

Yun Ye burned his lifespan and practiced forcibly. Both methods were cultivated to great perfection, one was the water spirit method and the other was the divine method.

The two practices blend in the body, forming a very special form——

Fusion practice!

This is a method more powerful than Yun Ye's body.

His body is only a water and fire method, not a fusion method, and the power of the silent spiritual body has not been reached to the limit.

But the current method of taking the frost is different. It will be researched tomorrow and will be a method that can perfectly exert the power of taking the frost.

Swish, swish, swish!

Many of the fallen bodies of the Xiang people stood up and turned into Yun Ye's puppets.

Only some of them were severely mutilated and could not be turned into puppets, and Yun Ye extracted the power crystals.

This is the crystallization of power that includes their behavior and physique. Although it is a consumable, it is much stronger than extracting a single spiritual root.

The most important thing is that this is controlled by the frost-taking spiritual method, and its precision is far greater than that of the captured spiritual root.

"Each puppet can serve as the center of the formation, and it is also a living center of the formation. The stronger the strength, the stronger the effect! Lan Wuyuan has gathered eight peerless magicians to arrange it, and he will definitely be able to exert earth-shattering power!"

Yun Ye swayed his spiritual ink and drew formation patterns on the puppet. He was hastily making formation flags, which could further enhance the effect of the formation.

After all, he has been in the Sancai branch for almost ten years, so he has naturally learned a lot.

This is integrating the skills of making talismans into the formation.

If you go one step further, you can open the formation out of thin air like Xu Yue, but it is a very profound secret technique. It was lost immediately after Xu Yue's death, and even his disciple Wei Jiuqing did not master it.


Huge rocks fell from the sky, directly destroying the entire Xiang area.

Yun Ye moved his fingers, and the eight puppets shrank and fell into his hands. He himself left the area and went straight to the source of the spiritual power fluctuations.


This is a group of spiritual realm monks. They are also facing a formidable enemy and have deployed a very sophisticated illusion array to trap Yun Ye.

Yun Ye was not polite to them and broke into the formation.

"A period of liberation!"

Seeing Yun Ye rushing towards the spirit realm, he didn't feel any murderous intent. This strange situation made people feel frightened, and the magic weapon was instantly released.

The man in the spiritual realm roared, and the fan-shaped magic weapon in his hand burned with fierce flames. Then he was fanned out, and the flames rolled out hundreds of meters in size.

"The frost is falling and the cold is getting colder!"

But it was meaningless. Yun Ye's silk thread came first and penetrated the flame, connecting it to his body.

In this process, no matter whether it is spiritual power or magic weapon, as long as it comes into contact with the thread, the control will be transferred visibly to the naked eye.

"what have you done!"

This person in the spiritual realm was extremely horrified, struggled violently, and entered the spiritual root sublimation state, but he was still controlled and watched helplessly as he killed others.

The frost is gradually getting colder. This is the move name taken from the frost spirit method, which is similar to the silence of all things.

As long as it is entangled with silk threads, it will be quickly controlled. This control can even go unnoticed and remain dormant until it reaches its peak and then explodes.

Yun Ye is not in such trouble. He is controlled by force. He is only in the spiritual realm and does not need to hibernate.

"wake up!"

Someone in the spirit realm roared, thinking that he was controlled by divine magic, and wanted to wake him up through the roar.

But it had no effect. The man in the spiritual realm raised his fan and fanned it violently.

The only inextinguishable fire rolled out, and the entire illusion array was burned.

This is the scariest part of the frost spirit-taking method. If Yun Ye can be distracted and micro-managed, the puppet can exert about 80% of his own skills and experience. Whether it is the spiritual realm or various techniques, he can use it to take the frost spirit. The frost spirit method is forced to simulate.

Yun Ye's true body has the multi-tasking ability cultivated by Cang Qingye making tea, and it is only slightly difficult to control eight people.

But here, he has lost his natural talent, and his divine magic has fallen to the mortal realm. Now he can only control two people to use his experience, and he doesn't know how powerful the final formation is.

Soon, Yun Ye solved all the spiritual realms and made them all into puppets, replacing the previous mortal realm puppets.

The Chen family is very powerful, and they sent five people from the spiritual realm, which filled most of the formation's manpower.

Although the five spirit realms died, Yun Ye's situation was exposed.

It’s not the blood of a noble family!

The road to heaven has not been opened!

Under this premise, it is almost impossible for Yun Ye to have a background. He is just a lucky person who suddenly became powerful.

And this lucky guy is so lucky that he can defeat the spiritual realm in the mortal realm, which is so powerful that it feels weird!

"You have a big secret, hand it over!"

Yun Ye raised his head and felt the strong invasion of divine magic.

In the sky, he saw an ancestor of the Chen family looking down at him. He was a middle-aged Dharma Realm with a magical weapon floating beside him. When he appeared, it was like golden clouds filling the sky, which was very extraordinary.

"A mere mortal actually resisted my divine method?"

The ancestor of the Chen family was slightly startled when Yun Ye didn't reply, and then showed a look of greed.

Although he is not in the realm of divine magic and magic, he has also reached the perfection of the spiritual realm of divine magic. With the help of the power of magic, it is still possible to temporarily exert power beyond the perfection of the spiritual realm.

This person can easily resist his magic, so isn't it more likely that he has a valuable treasure?

Involuntarily, the ancestor of the Chen family breathed a little faster.

We can’t let this fat sheep go!

The secrets of defeating the spiritual realm with the mortal realm, and the secrets of resisting his divine magic, are all priceless!

"This history is too real, and you actually know the secret of interrogation."

Yun Ye commented as the formation unfolded and instantly enveloped the ancestor of the Chen family.

Playing Divine Magic Invasion with Frost Spirit Magic is just a joke.

It just so happens that if you want to solve the subsequent legal situation, you must have the same power, so I will use you to operate!

As Yun Ye's fierce and burning spiritual patterns covered his whole body, an astonishing power suddenly exploded. The eight puppets also entered the spiritual root sublimation state at the same time, and their powers merged into one, erupting with a jaw-dropping power.

"Everything is silent!"

"One thought of Bing Tian!"

"The frost is falling and the cold is getting colder!"

"The secret of water: Softness!"

The overwhelming explosion of various fusion spiritual techniques reflects Yun Ye's accumulation over several lifetimes.

Why do we say that a well-informed person has a greater chance of passing the Heavenly Road?

You can see it from this level.

Whether it is the secret technique of digestion, the secret technique to quickly increase strength, or the history of the Xiang clan, the formation that gathers the strength of everyone is meaningful and even indispensable.

After the original failure, you can study and arrange in a targeted manner to greatly increase the possibility of passing the level.

It's a pity that the road to heaven is blocked and the memories cannot be brought out. Yun Ye's book of reincarnation can only protect him. To be honest, Yun Ye can already think of how hard it will be for everyone to climb the road to heaven tomorrow. I'm afraid they will fail countless times. It may not succeed even once.

Writing novels is too closed-minded, and I have forgotten about the holidays. Children’s Day, and the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. I wish everyone a happy holiday.

Note 1: Yi Nian Bingtian is the ultimate move of Water + Earth, Extreme Spirit Ice.

Note 2: Each reincarnation is too long, and the protagonist cannot use many things, so some historical trials are inserted to reflect the protagonist's abilities. For example, this time it is the secret technique of digestion and spiritual root seizing. The main line party begs to let it go.

Note 3: Although the main character’s ability at the beginning is the Fire Spirit Root, I actually prefer the Water Spirit Root. However, when I first wrote it, it turned out that the Fire Spirit Root is more expressive and has a more three-dimensional power. Meditation, well, actually both Very handsome!

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