A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 309 Bloodline Factor Revealed

“Who’s the next possibility?”

in discourse.

Hong Tian's figure suddenly flickered, and the time was up.

Every trialist will see the True Immortal Queen Mother on the eleventh level of Heavenly Road, but except for Dao Lord and Yun Ye, Hong Tian will not speak.

Because it makes no sense.

"Don't explore the existence of immortals. You will be discovered. They can hear sounds."

Hong Tian pointed out a finger, and Yun Ye suddenly had the second intention of Hong Tian's immortal method in his mind, and then Tianlu entered the stage of inscribing the secret technique.

"The eleventh step of the Heavenly Road is completed."

"The bloodline is being recorded - the recording is completed and the bloodline is fixed."

"Please name Dengjie's bloodline - naming completed, Dengjie's surname: Silence."

"Should the blood factor be disclosed?"

Yun Ye was slightly stunned and revealed the blood factor. What is this?

If it is the rules of Tianlu, you should be able to recall it if you recall it.

After a while.

The memory of this rule appeared out of thin air.

"Human blood does not entirely rely on blood inheritance. Some people who have been mortals for dozens of generations may still suddenly give birth to a child with a divine body. Although the divine body will degenerate due to the lack of strength of the mother's body, inheritance out of thin air does exist. 』

"This kind of bloodline that can be inherited out of thin air is the "public bloodline factor". Within a certain period of time, the public bloodline factor will assist all monks who practice the same spiritual method and share the deduction traces. The effectiveness will decay over time. Until it disappears completely. 』

There is nothing to say about this.


"The blood factor changes to a public state - the state change is completed, and the validity period is one hundred years."

No bonus for keeping it private.

But if it is made public, the bonus will decay over time.

In the first hundred years, the probability of newborns having the same blood factor is relatively high. However, as time goes by, the blood factor will spread to the whole world and be buried deep in the blood of all mankind. The final manifestation is that it becomes silent and difficult to awaken. .

This is a mechanism similar to genetic elimination.

Only bloodlines that are continuously strengthened will be regarded as dominant bloodlines and will continue to be spread by Tianlu.

"It's amazing that demons can also use the Heavenly Way!"

Yun Ye thought of Huoming Yuan's ascension to heaven.

This was knowledge he only learned after entering Yuntian Lingzong.

The so-called heavenly sublimation is the evolution of bloodline, which directly evolves into the high-level form in the bloodline library, thereby obtaining terrifying growth.

Possessing the Heavenly Path to Ascension is the basic requirement of the Saint Clan.

Even if it is inconsistent with the rumors, the royal family of the Luo Dynasty does not have a Taoist canon. The fact that it is a saint will not change, and it is still the apex of the dynasty.

"Please record the climbing method. Record it once, and the full effect will be increased by 10% - the recording failed, and the true immortal method cannot be recorded."

"Re-record, record once, increase the full effect by 10% - record completed, step-up method: Standard Spirit Pattern·No. 1."

Yun Ye was immediately stunned.

Damn it.

Can it really be recorded?

He couldn't help but be surprised. What he recorded was not a complete method, but a section of spiritual patterns. In the end, it was successful? !

Spiritual patterns are lines that allow spiritual power to exert greater power, gather spiritual energy, increase quality, explode, shrink...

No matter what effect you want, there is always a structure to achieve it.

This is just like the strokes of Chinese characters. Different strokes create different effects.

Yun Ye initially wanted to record the "strokes" directly, because they represented the overall upgrade of the world of immortality.

However, now that everyone is using spiritual patterns, the "strokes" are not unique enough, and the increase may be directly dispersed to close to nothing.

So he settled for the next best thing and chose the new spiritual pattern "Standard Spirit Pattern" developed by Tomorrow Society.

The effect of each standard spirit pattern is far beyond that of ordinary spirit patterns, but it is also more complicated than ordinary spirit patterns. The threshold for use is very high. It will be studied tomorrow in order to further improve the power of the magic weapon and make up for their shortcomings in realm.

Yun Ye just got a standard spirit pattern, which will be used to prove his strength tomorrow.

When he saw this standard spiritual pattern, he already thought of inscribing spiritual techniques.

The law is applicable.

It's impossible to all use the same approach.

However, spiritual patterns are different. Some important spiritual patterns are used in any method, such as "Gathering Soul", which is used to gather spiritual energy.

By improving this spiritual pattern, its effect can directly benefit all practices.

The correct way to open it is as it should be.

In this way, as long as human beings exist long enough, sooner or later they can rely on the accumulation of the past to accomplish the feat of everyone being like a dragon.

This is……

The ultimate in crowd gathering!

"Is this the wisdom of ancient immortals?"

Yun Ye couldn't help but fall into silence.

The life forms in this world have completely surpassed the limits of the physical body, and it is impossible to imagine how far their intelligence has been improved.

Whether it is the Nine-Life Divine Law or the Heavenly Road, it shows that the top level of this world is not without wisdom, but there is no room for it.

Leave the heavenly path and return to the physical body.

Yun Ye felt the fatigue of his soul again. He sat cross-legged and fell into semi-dormancy.

At the same time, the portable secret realm began a new round of expansion.

The eleventh level of Tianlu seems to record Yun Ye's bloodline, but actually allows Yun Ye to evolve into a stronger and more stable form.

In other words, it is the same as the first level of Tianlu. Stepping into the eleventh level will expand the secret realm a hundred times.

According to various types of space knowledge, we can know that no matter what kind of space equipment, it needs an anchor point. The more stable the anchor point, the larger the space inside.

The same is true for the secret realm. It floats in the void. If there is no anchor point, it will be torn apart and scattered in all directions.

When the anchor point becomes stronger, the secret realm will automatically absorb the energy of the void to expand itself. This is the growth that a complete small world should have.

When Yun Ye recovered, the expansion of the secret realm was over.

"Today's secret realm..."

"Hey, I still can't carry the Nine Masters' magic medicine."

After Yun Ye tried it, he came back disappointed.

Magical medicines are plants that are superior to elixirs, and the nutrients they need to absorb are even greater. The Rain World Secret Realm is half the size of the Barren State, so it is naturally not comparable to his small secret realm.

The magic medicine that can grow in the Rain World Secret Realm cannot be sustained in his small place, let alone accelerate its growth.

However, if it cannot survive and reaches a certain growth period, it will be impossible for the nine main medicinal herbs to breed seeds, which means that Yun Ye can only use them once.

And after all, these nine main medicinal herbs are the fusion of nine top medicinal herbs. Do they really have the ability to breed?

"Yin and Yang, five elements, wind and thunder, include all natural disasters in the secret realm."

The nine-pillar magic medicine has nine branches. The end points of the branches have phenomena corresponding to the zodiac, such as thunder and lightning, flames, water flow, gold and stone...

It is undoubtedly a very magical medicine. All monks can use this medicine to advance to the realm of magic. And Yun Ye can feel that these nine main magic medicines contain an extremely powerful "method". As long as the fusion is completed, You can get it!

This is the crystallization of the achievements of the ancient Tianzong!

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