A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 310 The First Mighty Falls


It has been five years since the war began, and Yun Ye has reached the age of seventeen. This is the longest he has survived among his four lives.

In this life, he has reached the hopeless profound realm, and his limit is the peak of the legal realm.

Therefore, now he must pursue stronger combat power at all costs, otherwise he will not be able to compete with the peak beings in the Xuan Realm.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged in the formation, and the rich and violent spiritual power surged out, dissipating his power directly!

This is to break the original energy meridians of the Dharma and rebuild them!

He himself has been studying the fusion method of the silent zodiac sign for these years, and he has actually achieved some results, at least it is much better than the water and fire method.

Therefore, in order to climb stronger, Yun Ye decisively dispersed his energy.

The monk's San Gong is not as simple as imagined. When the meridians are embedded in the body, trying to remove them is no different from digging out the bones.

By the time Yun Ye finished his exercise, his body was completely in tatters. It was only after he gulped down the best elixir that he could barely maintain stability.

Next, it took Yunye half a year just to adjust his condition, and the consequences were endless. Not only did his lifespan permanently decline to one hundred and fifty years, but his physical strength also lost part of it. He had already evolved to the "three days in the sky". The sun phenomenon has degenerated back to two days of glory.

However, this price is not worth mentioning compared to the huge power of the fusion method gain.

Taking various top-quality elixirs for free, Yun Ye's cultivation quickly returned to the spiritual realm and began to spiritualize his meridians. At this stage, he had surpassed the past, and his upper limit of strength had increased dramatically.

In cultivation, the war entered the beginning of the seventh year.

Darkness envelopes the world.

The dust raised by the battle completely obscured the sky, and everywhere there was a dangerous environment where mortals would die instantly with just one breath.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Outside Yuntianling City, a life that looked like a real dragon soared into the sky. Bells rang throughout Yuntianling City, and huge barriers rose up one after another.

The Mengze Ling Sect is a beast-controlling sect, also known as the True Spirit Monk. Therefore, whenever the two sects fight, a large demon tide will sweep across the Great Wilderness Lingze.

And as the fighting continued, Mengze Lingzong relied on war to support war, and the demons continued to devour the demonic energy and evolve, and it was not surprising that they eventually evolved into beings comparable to the Xuan Realm.

"Xian Zhenlong, the demon in troubled times, is one of the Demon Sect's trump cards. It seems that another war is coming."

Tiansheng Zuozuo and Yun Ye stood on the city wall, watching the Xianzhen Dragon rush into the sky and fight with the Digital Mysterious Realm of Yuntian Lingzong.

Troubled times are the demon above the catastrophe.

Theoretically, the culmination of the catastrophe can kill the powerful masters of the Mysterious Realm. As a genuine demon in troubled times, Xian Zhenlong cannot be matched by ordinary powers. Even with the help of the power of Yuntian Lingcheng, only three powerful masters can kill it. Xian Zhenlong stopped.

This huge gap in combat power often directly determines the direction of the battle.

In addition to the Xianzhen Dragon, Mengze Lingzong had three more powerful men attack Yuntian Lingcheng, bombarding the Lingcheng barrier, causing violent fluctuations.

"Junior brother, take charge of the formation well. I will go meet these three great masters of the Demon Sect."

The natural leader disappeared, and then a huge tree rose up from the ground, a thousand meters high, covering the entire Yuntianling City.

There is a reason why he is guarding Yuntianling City. His power is very suitable for the environment of Yuntianling City.

"Natural tree·Spiritual field!"

The leader of Tiansheng cast his spell, and with a loud shout, the three profound realms were also enveloped by the spiritual field, facing the giant Tianshengzhi.

The natural tree is composed of earth and wood. Within its scope, it will continue to plunder vitality to maintain itself. Both its defense and attack will be strengthened to the top. In positional battles, it is extremely powerful. Even if three mysterious realms come, As long as there is no Dachengxuan Realm among them, it is impossible to lose.

"Tian Tian Yong Cui, you can't stop us this time."

The three Xuanjing are all long-established bosses with far-reaching reputations. Naturally, it is impossible for their strength to change drastically in a short period of time.

They want to break through the position, not relying on their own increased strength, but on the foundation of Mengze Lingzong.

"The magic-breaking divine bead!"

They sacrificed a mysterious treasure, and its light was so powerful that it directly illuminated the spiritual field of Tianshengzuo, greatly weakening its power.

Although the spiritual field is a method that can be mastered in the spiritual realm, it does not mean that it is outdated in the legal realm. On the contrary, in the legal realm, the spiritual field will be stronger, and you can almost build your own home field. Another world.

The natural leader has the confidence to stop three powerful men by himself, which has a lot to do with the existence of the spiritual field, but now, this has been destroyed by Xuan Bao.

"Haha, this mere realm of law...has too many weaknesses, so what if it has the Yuntian Formation behind it?"


The three Xuanjing men took action forcefully and destroyed the barrier.

The born leader was not stingy with his strength. He mobilized a large formation to face the enemy together, and repeatedly clashed with the three profound realms from the air, interfering with the opponent's destruction to some extent.

"If we continue fighting like this, it will probably take a few months for the barrier to be destroyed."

Yun Ye made a simple calculation and found that Yuntianling City was simply consuming some strategic reserves and had no chance of being breached.

This battle was just about Mengze Lingzong seizing the advantage.


Just as Yun Ye finished his thoughts, long black bars fell from the sky, and the entire space in the Yuntian Lingzong area was blocked.

"Are there more recruits coming?"

Yun Ye's pupils shrank, feeling that something was not good. If the winner was determined by the power, geniuses like him from the Yun Tian Ling Sect would be the first to be beheaded.

It took so many years for the first flag to be placed in the natural world to come true?

"Set up formation and kill."

However, something happened that surprised Yun Ye even more. The leader of Tiansheng took one step forward and reached the battlefield instantly across space.

At the same time, five figures came out, and the formation was set up.

The power that strangled everything exploded.

It shrouded the three profound realms.

"Get the frost!"

"You expected us to come?"

The three profound realms roared ferociously, and were severely injured by a direct blow, and their blood spilled over Yuntianling City.

"Noisy, just die."

Lan Wuyuan said lightly, and the killing array was activated again. This time it was connected with the large array of Yuntian Lingcheng. The power increased several times. A mysterious figure fell on the spot. Strange phenomena appeared in the entire area for thousands of miles, and a rainbow of spiritual energy spanned the area. The entire Great Wilderness Lingze.

The power of the Xuan Realm is already huge, and when the power overflows during death, strange phenomena will occur.


The space blockade was forcibly torn apart, and a phantom snatched away the two Xuanjing people. He took a deep look at Lan Wuyuan and said, "Zhushuang, it seems that you are more skilled. As a divine magic cultivator, I'm afraid you are not weaker than the real ones." Blood..."

Lan Wuyuan did not answer, but directly blocked it. For a moment, the space in the entire area was shattered, and the powerful mana stirred everything up.

However, he failed to keep the other party and only forced Mengze Lingzong to consume a larger spiritual power reserve.

But that's enough. The first person in the Xuan Realm has fallen. What a huge sign of luck!

He, Lan Wuyuan, did his part!

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