A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 311 The strategic weapon of the Tomorrow Club: Yang Xing (two chapters combined)

The mysterious shadow took away the two Xuanjing people.

After fighting for a while, Xian Zhenlong also broke the blockade and left, unable to be stopped.

"They all escaped?"

Yun Ye was surprised.

It seems that Lan Wuyuan only intends to expose this level of power, otherwise these powerful people will shed blood.

He himself has a very spiritual attribute and understands what level of power this is.

They are both geniuses with perfect indicators. One of them only has the second zodiac sign, while the other has the extremely spiritual sign, so the result of the battle will be one-sided.

What's more, Lan Wuyuan is already outstanding, and there are not many people who can compare with him.

Numbers mean nothing in the face of the gulf of talent.

Lan Wuyuan did not stop.

He quickly tore apart the space and disappeared, returning to his guard point. The same was true for all the leaders.

Tiansheng Yongcui fell back to the city wall. Hearing Yun Ye's question, he smiled and said: "How can it be so easy to kill a powerful person? Even the space blockade is easy to tear for the super formations of various sects. Paper. Before the spiritual energy reserve is exhausted, it is extremely difficult for any powerful person to die and will be rescued. Master is a spiritual monk, so he can seize this moment and kill a powerful person."

Yun Ye completely realized that the super formation seemed to be a power that surpassed even the profound realm and was the core weapon of the two spiritual sects.

Just like the sword array in Baishi Town can threaten the mysterious realm.

The Lingzong Super Formation may be able to threaten real people, or even directly kill real people.

In the face of this kind of power, Lan Wuyuan was also fragile, so he did not cross the space to chase to the other side, but only blocked it to let Mengze Lingzong consume more spiritual energy reserves.

"Will the war last for many more years?"

Yun Ye looked outside the city and saw devastation everywhere. The earth seemed to be dying, destroyed by too many destructive forces.

Fortunately, this is a war of spiritual veins. The scope is limited to the Great Wilderness Lingze, and there are not many mortals.

If it were a war sweeping across the deserted state...

"After this time, the Yuntian Spirit Sect will be more vigilant, right? If there is no powerful death, the war will continue for at least twenty years. At this stage, each sect's spiritual power reserves will have been consumed by about 50%, so if it continues for another three or four The winner will be determined in ten years.”

Tiansheng Yongcui has experienced many battles and has experience, so he made vague speculations.

In fact, it was naturally possible that there would be a few big victories and the end of the war could be accelerated, but this was not something he could predict.

"It may last for another sixty years at the longest!"

Yun Ye took a breath of air. This was beyond his understanding. Logically speaking, shouldn't the top monks have a battle, sneak a backstab trap, and then end the battle within a few days?

Why is the painting style of Red Sky Realm so different? Not only did the war last for decades, but most importantly, it all broke out like crazy and there was no Cold War confrontation!

To be honest, this is so majestic, a long war worth writing about, with countless stories.

However, if you experience a war of this level personally, it is difficult to say. The more epic and vast it is, the more cruel it will be for most people.

It is a man's nature to like to make achievements, but if you think about it carefully, you are shedding blood and tears, and you are frivolously treating the possibility of losing your life. This weight can only be understood when you face it in real life!

Even if Yun Ye has reached the point where he can defeat the peerless Dharma Realm.

In this battle, he could only float in the wind.

You cannot turn the tide alone.

The war quickly entered the eighth year. The fierce battle between the two sects completely covered up the traces of the Tomorrow Society, and no one paid attention to this small force anymore.

As the time goes.

The balance of war began to tilt.

The Yuntian Lingzong side has an exceptional existence - Lan Wuyuan.

He was actively playing a role, causing Mengze Lingzong to suffer frequent defeats and completely unable to achieve any major results.

Due to the accumulation of these advantages, many great powers have already seen the tendency of this war. If the Mengze Lingzong does not have a trump card, it will be defeated!

This is not surprising.

The war between the two spiritual sects was long and protracted. Even figures like the True Blood Sect Master and the Mengze Sect Master could not change the direction of the war in a short time.

However, there is a kind of power that is external.

That is divine law!

Divine magic can detect the battle situation, obtain information in advance, deduce fate, and know future tendencies. These are all parts that can accumulate advantages.

In the final analysis, war is about using one's own powerful part to attack the opponent's weak part, in exchange for as much victory as possible.

The various characteristics of divine law are almost completely consistent with the elements for winning a war, and can naturally greatly affect the direction of the war between the two sects.

However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for divine law deduction to resist the interference of super formations, and the effect is compressed. The level of the two divine law monks is almost the same, so the final victory cannot be entirely attributed to divine law.

But Lan Wuyuan has the zodiac sign of Extreme Spirit to Yin, and is born with amazing talents in divine magic. Now he has further completed the Nine Life Divine Magic, and has the basis to significantly interfere with the outcome of the war.

His willingness to take action will directly make it difficult for Mengze Lingzong's plan to succeed, while Yuntian Lingzong's plan will be improved.

Under the circumstances of one year and one year, the balance of victory and defeat has tilted.

If this continues, the possibility of Yuntian Lingzong winning will snowball, which is completely against Yun Ye's interests.

The two spiritual sects should continue to fight in a balanced manner.

Even if the Great Wilderness Lingze is destroyed, the war must continue, otherwise Yun Ye himself and the Tomorrow Society will find it difficult to have room to perform.

Yun Ye lamented the devastation of the Great Wilderness Lingze and criticized the two major spiritual sects, but when it came to himself, he would make the same choice——

Environmental damage is far less important than victory!

It's time to start planning.

The balance of victory and defeat should be maintained from the beginning!

There will be an underground base tomorrow.

Many high-level officials gathered together.

In the center of the entire conference room, there is an object that looks like a planet.

The base of the instrument is about half a person wide, and is entirely red. There is a half-moon stand on it, and a sphere composed of countless runes is suspended in it.

This is the true heavenly instrument!

It is a magical amplification device developed by the Tomorrow Society after a long period of research. Its effect is countless times greater than that of magical weapons, and it can be called an "artifact".

After having Zhentianyi, the Tomorrow Society dared to expand its tentacles, secretly placing people in the major guarding sects, and finally even extended to Yuntian Lingzong.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

As footsteps echoed in the corridor, someone opened the door and respectfully allowed a woman to enter the conference room.

This woman has waist-length silver-white hair, and her eyes are the same color, as pure as silver. Under these characteristics, after practicing practice, her physique has been completely transformed, and her appearance is also quite stunning. Once you see her, you will never forget her.

She walked into the conference room carrying a tray.

The tray was shining with light like stars.

On the tray, a small sun shines with light that is not dazzling.

"Yue Xin, you're here."

Zhuo Qilian, who was a little sleepy, said hello to Yue Xin.

It is indeed difficult for divine magic monks to get tired, but Zhuo Qilian is still exaggerating. He has not rested for ten years. He has been studying and using divine magic to maintain the minimum operation of the True Heavenly Instrument.

"Seven seats. It's been a while since the results were completed, so I don't need to explain them separately."

The silver-haired beauty nodded and spoke.

Time leaves no one behind.

The child who was once pressured to study by Yun Ye has now grown into an intellectual beauty more than twenty years later.

"I've been waiting for it for a long time, let's get started."

Zhuo Qilian said.

Yue Xin nodded and walked up to the podium. She held up the astrolabe and presented it to everyone.

At the higher levels present, the divine magic has been activated, and the total amount of energy can be clearly sensed.

And as soon as they felt it, they showed joy.

"It really worked!"

“This kind of energy level can actually be achieved!!”

The energy level of the small sun suspended above the astrolabe was so high that they could not calculate it at all, which was enough to illustrate Yue Xin's achievements.

"This is the first 'Yang Star' to be trial-produced. It adopts the extremely spiritual attributes and material decomposition model. It can transform matter and steadily release energy that destroys everything."

"Based on the results calculated by the True Sky Instrument, once activated, a 'Yang Star' of this size can easily wipe out a hundred miles of land, and its power is comparable to the strategic forbidden weapons reserved by Yuntian Lingzong."

"Yuntian Lingzong's strategic forbidden weapons are extremely costly and require the Mysterious Realm to be produced. It is impossible to replenish them during wartime."

"The 'Yang Star' is just an ordinary 'magic weapon'. It does not require Xuanjing to make it personally. It only has very high requirements for materials. Generally speaking, it is a very excellent war weapon. The current Tomorrow Society can probably make three more A Yang star of the same size. We have been closed here for too long and we don’t have enough materials.”

Yue Xin said.

“Can’t the quality of the materials be reduced?”

Tian Jing asked.

"Yes, but the power released by material decomposition will be reduced, and the requirements for the manufacturer will be greatly increased. No one can make it at present. After all, unlike other extremely spiritual attributes, once the burning of "Material Decomposition" fails, there will be Immediately reduced to ashes.”

Yue Xin said something calmly that made people's eyes jump.

Most people couldn't help but think about a question.

How did Yue Xin conduct his previous experiments?

Could they...

Have you wandered around limbo many times?

"In addition to the name 'Yang Star', the R\u0026D Department also gave names to this type of magical weapon - the Ultimate Armament and the Only Armament."

"Although at present, no one can complete the unique zodiac sign, let alone burn it into the magic weapon. Judging from the current situation, you must at least achieve the magic realm and have extremely high talent to have time to master the unique zodiac sign, and master it. Only after reaching a certain level can you create a unique weapon.”

"In other words, only seven seats have hope."

Yue Xin finished speaking.

Everyone looked at Zhuo Qilian.

"There is no hope. The True Heavenly Instrument is already at its limit, and further expansion of the current materials of the Tomorrow Society will be completely unbearable."

Zhuo Qilian said, "And after I mastered the only spiritual method, I discovered a very serious thing, and that is the strong corrosiveness."

"The power of the unique spiritual method is too extreme. Every time it is used, it will corrode the body and make the body change in the direction of adapting to the unique spiritual method."

The woman in red, who had been holding herself up with her face propped up, put down her hands, frowned and said: "Qixi, why didn't you tell me earlier? In this case, give up the research on the only zodiac sign immediately!"

Nowadays, Zhuo Qilian's importance in the Tomorrow Society completely overwhelms everyone. Without him to maintain Zhen Tianyi, the Tomorrow Society would not be able to develop so smoothly, let alone heal most of the traces, leaving the two spiritual sects without Discover their existence.

The unique zodiac sign is indeed important to improve combat power, but it is far less important than stability.

"Huo Yang, this is not a vicious erosion. On the contrary, it has made my power evolve. The purity and scale of my spiritual roots are also evolving."

Zhuo Qilian waved his hand carelessly.

"In that case, why use the term erosion?"

Huo Yang looked at her.

"Because this kind of evolution is only beneficial to the only spiritual method. The deeper it goes, the harder it is for me to use other spiritual methods... so it is erosion."

"This situation is actually also reflected in the secret technique of spiritual root fusion. If the secret technique of spiritual root fusion is activated multiple times, the spiritual roots will be completely fused and can no longer be separated. However, this process is very slow and is far from the only spiritual method. It’s just obvious.”

Zhuo Qilian said.

"Complete integration? This..."

Everyone looked at each other.

For ordinary monks, dual attributes are much stronger than two single attributes. The fusion actually doesn't matter, it is just a few less methods.

But for the Tomorrow Society, this is the ultimate weakening, because each of them has mastered a variety of dual spiritual methods. If they are completely integrated, most of their coping methods will be cut off.

Even though Yun Ye kept crushing the battle, he seemed to be unable to see the difference between different spiritual techniques.

But in fact, in spiritual battles, Zodiac restraint is extremely important. Even if you are much stronger, you may lose if you encounter an opponent with Zodiac restraint.

And there are some special secret techniques that may be completely impossible for some zodiac signs, but some can be easily defeated.

They are far less talented and powerful than "Xiangying", and they still need to use this difference to win.

Regardless of the only zodiac sign or the secret technique of spiritual root fusion, as long as it leads to permanent fusion of spiritual roots, it is a kind of deterioration for them.

"Nowadays, there are only a few of us who have mastered the extremely spiritual zodiac signs. Most of the members are still in the dual zodiac sign stage, and there is no need to consider the only zodiac sign. This is too far away from us."

"What is more important now is how to guide the war so that the war between the two sects can continue and not end in a short time."

Tian Jing thought for a moment and focused on the present.

It's not that he has no vision.

It's just that the priorities are different.

"So, has Xiang Ying's statement been confirmed? Will the so-called Dusk Valley battlefield really come as expected?"

Yang Shu, who had already aged a lot, said that he had resigned from his position as chief and handed over tomorrow's meeting to Tian Jing, but he was still working.

"The forces of the two sects are indeed converging. Dusk Valley is one of the forbidden areas of Dahuang Lingze, where many monsters of troubled times are entrenched. However, as the balance tilts, Mengze Lingzong decides to detonate this forbidden area. They cannot completely control the monsters, but There is always an advantage over Yuntian Lingzong. Yuntian Lingzong cannot accept surrender. The possibility of a war between the two sides on the border is as high as 90%."

"In that case, let's start preparing-"

"Project Dusk."

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