A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 321 Time and Space Fault, Trapped Taoist Masters

Daoist Master Yanhong and Daoist Master Daxuan stood in the sky, their faces gloomy and terrifying.

There was a sea of ​​fire around them.

This was the aftermath of the explosion just now.

They had never expected that someone had set a trap under their noses and suddenly detonated it just now, causing the formation they built to collapse directly, and also awakening the two demons of the chaotic world.

"Yanhong, Daxuan, you are too careless. You didn't even react when someone killed you in front of you!"

Lan Wuyin said with a little coldness.

From the titles of the two Daoists, it can be seen how much advantage their Yuntian Lingzong has.

The second Daoist Master Yanhong, the third Daoist Master Qushuang, and the fourth Daoist Master Daxuan!

There are three Daoists who are ranked at the top!

This was originally the margin for their Yuntian Lingzong to suppress the conspiracy of the Mengze Lingzong 100%... In the end, these two Daoists did not play a role at all!

Someone actually stole the house and detonated the forbidden weapon!

"If it were you, it would be equally useless."

"The other party did not use a forbidden weapon, but something more concealed, more powerful, and with fewer traces. Otherwise, with the size of the forbidden weapon, even if it was blocked by layers of barriers, we could still sense its weight."

The two Taoist masters all shook their heads.


Lan Wuyin only had two words. No matter what the reason was, it was a mistake to fail to do it. No matter what the reason was, it could not cover up the result of failing to achieve the strategic goal!

"Excuse? Oh, it's you, Qu Shuang, who has hidden such power. I guess you have been planning for a long time? Do you want to challenge Zhenxue?"

"Challenge that monster!"

Yanhong Taoist Master is a beauty, wearing a colorful Taoist robe and a gorgeous headdress. She hugged her chest and looked at Lan Wuyin, which was very ironic.

Her Taoist robe was not the exaggerated type, but implicitly showed seven colors, which was related to her personality and method.

"It's just the same!"

Lan Wuyin said.

"It's the same? Who is the same with you? The destiny is not in my hands. There is no point in struggling in vain!"

Yanhong Taoist Master turned around.

The huge black life has stood up and blocked the moonlight... To be precise, it is the moonlight of the current world, but it has no intention of showing it.

"I don't understand the destiny, I only know that the dusk sunset has awakened."

"Can your excuses make them sleep again?"

Lan Wuyin said lightly.


Obviously not!

The space crack opened, and the three Taoist masters all evacuated. At the same time, all the disciples of Yuntian Lingzong received the notice and immediately fled to the border.

"At this time, shouldn't space teleportation be launched?"

Someone sighed.

"Don't dream, this is a vision covering the world, such a large-scale vision, using a super formation is to confront the dusk sunset in the field, isn't this bringing the chaos to yourself? The purpose of our coming here is to prevent the dusk sunset from threatening the sect, and it is impossible to lose sight of the main goal!"

Someone broke through the cruel reality.

The Taoist master can tear the space by himself and leave by force.

But ordinary disciples are too small, and it is not worth the risk for Yuntian Lingzong.

Most of the disciples had no choice but to flee desperately. They were not in the core area, so they had a glimmer of hope.


The black space crack opened, and a hand directly took Yun Ye and others away. It was Lan Wuyin.

But that was all.

Yun Ye's team was the only one who was lucky.

The rest of the teams were not paid attention to by the Taoist masters at all. Not everyone had the strength of Lan Wuyin and happened to practice divine methods.


Can the Taoist masters really leave smoothly?


The vast voice shattered the air, and Yun Ye and others vomited blood violently. They immediately released all their strength to protect themselves, which weakened the subsequent damage.

The source of the sound.

It was the Taoist master Da Xuan.

In other words, not only the Taoist master Da Xuan, but also the two Taoist masters of Mengze Lingzong who had already evacuated, as well as Qu Shuang and Yan Hong, were all intercepted.

The two Taoist masters of Mengze Lingzong, one of whom was named Xia Qi, the fifth Taoist master, and the other was Yong Yin, the third Taoist master of Mengze Lingzong.

"What a joke... It's actually a time-space fault!" Daoist Master Yongyin said in a deep voice, recognizing the essence of the intercepting force. "Time closure is a time-space fault. This is not something that Hun Chen Luo Ri can do." Daoist Master Xia Qi looked at Lan Wuyin, full of doubt. If anyone can do it, then without a doubt, Lan Wuyin has the greatest possibility! Lan Wuyin didn't look at him, looking down at the whole world, frowning. Unheard of... Time-space fault, time closure, this inexplicable thing actually exists! I saw. The Dusk Valley, which had been completely destroyed and awakened Hun Chen Luo Ri, had been completely restored at some point. The setting sun also hung back in the sky, as if everything had not started yet. According to this appearance, it seems more appropriate to escape directly. As long as Hun Chen Luo Ri is not awakened, they will not be stopped-but this is undoubtedly a completely wrong guess! The reason they came back here is because they wanted to escape, so the power of the chaotic world reset the time and returned to the starting point. If they run again at this moment, they will immediately trigger the closed loop of time and return to the time when everything started.


"And, the dead will not be resurrected."

The fallen Taoist Master Shui Qing was completely dead and was not resurrected due to the closed loop of time. This was just a cycle of time and did not have the ability to change anything.

To be more precise, it is a more terrifying and absolute realm of visions that even the mysterious realm cannot resist!

"This beast wants to fight us. We can only choose to fight. Only by killing these two beasts can we escape the time and space gap."

Said the Great Evangelist.

This is true.

is the only option.

Using force to overcome skill, if it could be done, Lan Wuyuan would have already done it...

He couldn't summon it anymore.

The power of the remaining seven disciples.

Well, to be precise, there is another person who can be summoned and has been made into a puppet by him. The one who has been completely preserved is not affected by the closed loop of time and space because he carries it with him.

But the characteristic of the Dai Tianxing Formation is that with every additional number of people, the strength increases exponentially.

Even if one person can't improve his strength by 10%, it will be useless to the current situation.

There was an indescribable silence.

The great powers were purely silent and did not use their spiritual thoughts to communicate.

While they were waiting, one by one powerful people came through the air.

In this operation, in addition to the three Tao masters, there are naturally other powerful people involved, some of whom are leaders of the lineage, and some of whom are protectors.

The first one is the weakest and has a peerless Dharma Realm. This actually means that the requirement for this position is the "Mysterious Realm".

Qishuang is one of the seven peerless people, while the leaders of the other factions are mostly in the Xuan realm, and few are peerless.

The Shuangshuang Taoist faction is the faction with the second largest number of main veins. The first is the True Blood Taoist faction. Most factions have around three or four main veins.

There are few, even only one or two main veins.

As the time goes.

All the manpower from the two major sects were gathered, and Jingwei clearly occupied both sides.

All the monks are staring at Dusk Valley, waiting for changes.

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