After going back in time.

Yun Ye and the others appeared on the outskirts of Dusk Valley again, far away from the core area.

"We are in big trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if another powerful person falls this time."

Yun Ye said.

Although they did not hear the conversation between the Taoist masters, they felt that the severity of the current situation did not require so much trouble. They just understood a fact.

Even Lan Wuyuan couldn't save them!

"The world seems to have returned to its original state. This is so abnormal. Going back in time? Is this really possible?"

Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu had heavy expressions.

"I don't understand...but we can only retreat and focus on self-protection."

Yunxu said.

In a battle between Taoist masters, they, these miscellaneous fishes, can't do anything.

"Master also said so, keep me away."

Yun Ye said.

Everyone immediately raised their eyebrows. Xiangying had a first-level combat capability, but he did not recruit him under such circumstances. This level of protection...

"Isn't this great? Why are you guys so dazed? Let's go!"

Fang Heying didn't care about the embarrassing issue. She pushed Yun Ye, not wanting to waste a second.

"Yes, let's go!"

Only after Yun Ye gave the order could everyone take action.

Everyone turned into rainbow light and left the battlefield.

during this period.

Yun Ye sighed very much.

He discovered that his luck was all fake.

Even if it's a big incident when you go out, why is it so rare that even Lan Wuyuan can be trapped together?

Does this mean that even if he has EX luck, it will be useless in this situation? It's not that his luck is fake, but the problem is too big?

Sigh, sigh, Yun Ye couldn't finish sighing.

He was originally treated as the son of destiny.

Even if there is a problem, Lan Wuyuan will take it away with him, so there is no need to face danger at all.

As a result, Lan Wuyuan was also stopped together. This was a completely unexpected development.

In silence.

Evening sunset.

Yun Ye once again watched the whole process of the sunset in troubled times.

It was countless black particles rising from the ground, constantly pouring into the sky, and then forming a pure black human shape, with a big sun on top of its head - to be precise, it should be the moon, but as the sun sets, The moon was also shrouded in darkness, lost its light, and turned into a pure black sphere suspended above the setting sun.

This is the demon of troubled times, the setting sun.

One has no facial features, no patterns or features, just a pure black human form hundreds of meters tall.

If anything, the black moon on top of it is its most striking feature.

But in this dark night.

This feature seems to be meaningless.

"Unable to observe..."

This was the second time Yun Ye saw this scene, but from his perspective, the existence of the setting sun was almost nonexistent.

Divine law cannot be deduced, divine consciousness cannot perceive, and the eye of light has no response.

The only black color visible to the naked eye proves that something seems to have swallowed the light and presented an appearance to the outside world.




There seemed to be wind blowing the leaves around, making a slight caressing sound.

An inexplicable shadow appeared, instantly eroding Yun Ye, and directly took away an arm.

This scene caused everyone's expressions to change drastically and they stopped moving instantly.

"The sun is shining in the sky!"

Not to mention Yun Ye himself, a big sun rose into the sky, illuminating the world and opening up his own visionary space.

However, what is surprising is.

The Great Sun Hengkong did not build a complete world this time, but only formed a crumbling place of light that was only a hundred meters away.

Everyone can clearly see that there is darkness spreading at the border, eroding the vision of the sun, squeezing out the remaining hundred meters of light one by one.

"This is the power of the setting sun. If you are in darkness, you will be attacked by it. If there is light, this power will destroy the light first!"

Everyone reacted at the same time.

The Taoist master once demonstrated the power of dusk and sunset, and they were deeply impressed.

"There should be another one. People who look at it will be attacked first. Moreover, the power of shadow is irresistible. It is something that surpasses the mysterious law. Apart from the light power, there is no other way."

Yun Ye swallowed the elixir and quickly reorganized his arm.

When his palm was swallowed up, he had already used Mystery Nirvana to resist, but the effect was very weak and could not be blocked, so he used Sun Vision and suppressed it with the conventional method of "Light".

Sun Vision is not as good as Nirvana, but it has a better effect on shadows.

This shadow should be something similar to the ultimate spirituality or the only spirituality. In order to specialize other aspects of power, it weakens the light resistance.

"Even if it is light, with our strength, I'm afraid it won't last long..."

Sui Jianyong just finished speaking.

Extremely bright light came from the sky, instantly suppressing all shadows.

The Taoist masters were also fighting, so they would naturally use their power, and the light created by the Taoist masters could radiate over even if they were extremely far apart. Yun Ye's pressure was suddenly greatly reduced.

But the battle didn't last long, about ten seconds?

As half of a powerful man's body was swallowed up by the shadow, someone tore through space in an instant and reached the border, and then the next second the world's scenery returned to dusk again.

"It was almost swallowed up... No wonder it became a forbidden area, this thing is too dangerous."

The mighty man looked pale.

It is very difficult to replenish his devoured body. Not everyone belongs to the Immortal Blood Princess and can be reorganized and resurrected at will.

Every cell in Xuanjing's body is made up of countless resources, and recovery is not as simple as gaining weight.

"We don't have the assistance of a super formation. If we want to suppress this demon in one's difficult!"

Although both sides unanimously gave up the fight.

But cooperation is limited.

At its current level, it is simply not enough to defeat Dusk Sunset.

What's more, the sunset at dusk also hides other powers, which have not been fully displayed. At least this space-time gap makes it difficult to understand where the source comes from.

"In this case, the only way to win is to form a formation."

Lan Wuyuan said.

"And then become your puppet?"

Taoist Master Yongyin couldn't help but give him a cold look.

"You can also try to arrange ordinary formations. If we work together, we may not be able to quickly suppress the sunset."

Lan Wuyuan calmly realized that although his plan was blocked and he was a little angry, he was still in the Xuan realm after all. He adjusted quickly and his emotions had calmed down.

"You can give it a try. Use a Taoist weapon to establish an oath and reduce the effectiveness time to a quarter of an hour. In this way, even a monk with great attainments in divine magic like Ji Shuang will never be able to break free!"

Xia Qi said.

The mystical oath already involves causality. In theory, as long as you agree to it, you cannot violate it no matter what.

However, this is not absolute. There are always some beings with extremely terrifying abilities that can violate the effects of the oath.

There has been a situation where someone broke free from the oath not to attack each other, and this person went on a killing spree while the others were still restrained, causing extremely far-reaching consequences.

So much so that when making an oath now, it is necessary to add a sentence: If anyone breaks the oath first, the oath of the others will be terminated immediately.

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