A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 325 Resurrection at sunset!

The spiritual thoughts of many Taoist masters spread, covering the entire closed space to search, wanting to know the source, and wanting to cut the attacker into pieces.

And then they found it.

It was an area filled with spiritual stones, creating an unparalleled spiritual environment.

However, the person who launched the attack had already left, and all traces disappeared.

"It's a space technique. The attacker escaped into the space. Damn, hate, hate, hate, hate! Don't let me find you! You beast!!!"

Some people were so angry that they roared heart-breakingly, showing no sign of power at all.

(It is unimaginable that such a thing would happen. My control was released and I could no longer activate it at all. There was no trace of him.)

(Xiang Ying... actually broke away from the control that even the profound realm could not break away from. He actually broke away from a mere spiritual realm! He has a big secret. Now that he thinks about it, I am afraid that it was Xiang Ying who took away the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony. He has Ways to hide memories and wake them up later!)

(These big secrets are even beyond my understanding, which made him take away the Nine-Life Divine Technique, but I couldn't see it... I am actually unable to discover a method in the spiritual realm?)

(Today’s sniper killing was also very weird. Is there any way to escape from a disciple like me who attacks me in this environment? Just like the people of the Luo Sheng Clan and the Jingshi Holy Land are not afraid of the blockade in troubled times, and they have not been afraid of it until now. No action...)

Lan Wuyuan felt ridiculous, but remained calm.

Too many things happened today, but he couldn't move to this extent.

After all, the Mysterious Realm is different. Extreme emotions are extremely obvious. Some are easily emotional while others are emotionless.

Lan Wuyuan belongs to the emotionless type. This is the evolutionary direction he chose, which allows him to calculate everything more easily.


The night had completely fallen, strange murmurs sounded, and shadows spread out overwhelmingly, trying to engulf many powerful beings.

Just as they expected, the setting sun resurrected and returned.

And the scariest thing is.

This time, Sunset already possesses three powers and did not start from scratch to accumulate them!

What a desperate situation this is!

Even if they join forces, it will be extremely difficult to kill the strongest Dusk, Sunset and Dawn. If they want to cooperate three times in a row, it is simply impossible!

"Quishuang, give us an explanation as to why your disciples attacked us!"

During the battle, Master Yanhong sent out his spiritual thoughts coldly.

As Taoist masters, they immediately learned the attacker's detailed information through performance fluctuations and order determination after being attacked.

"Is he controlled by you? Do you want us all to die here?"

The Daoxuan Taoist even unleashed his murderous intent to target Lan Wuyuan, thinking that this was Lan Wuyuan's instigation. To be honest, it was entirely possible.

"To be honest, there are too many abnormalities in this operation, which are completely beyond my control. Why Xiangying did this, I can't understand. There is only one thing I can do and confirm..."

Lan Wuyuan's murderous intent overflowed, "No matter what, we can't have another accident this time. Xiangying, I can only ask you to die!"

Although they are thousands of miles apart, as long as the Taoist rules are triggered, the distance is not a problem.

Taoist tools emerge.

The blade of the sword was winding, and the Taoist weapon wrapped around the chain locked onto Yun Ye.

Taking the initiative to attack high-order people is a heinous crime that can be wiped out for Yuntian Lingzong, whose core rule is order.

To be honest, Lan Wuyuan already felt terrible.

This disciple of his is too abnormal and cannot be controlled by him. He wants to kill him directly and make a puppet with his spiritual body.

If he just lacks Dharma Realm status, he will just spend more money to make up for it. The most important thing now is peace of mind...

Want peace of mind.

He must kill Xiangying!

The chains of order spread and appeared directly around Yun Ye, erasing them from the air.


Yun Ye had guessed this outcome. The water and fire ribbon fluttered in his hand, and the Taoist weapon was finally awakened by him!

Immediately afterwards, the Tomorrow Zhan Quan Sword rose into the air, spreading its power, and all the rules and chains collapsed neatly.

It’s different from when it was in Baishi Town.

The current Tomorrow Cutting Power Sword is a state-level Taoist weapon of the same level as the White Stone Town Taoist Device. When facing Taoist tools of the same level, it can directly resist the rules and does not need to be cut with two-point cutting power.


"It turned out to be a Taoist weapon that awakened!"

"And this feeling... turns out to be a new way!"

"Quishuang, let's see what you have done. You actually let the Taoist weapon user of the new way sneak into the interior and grow until now!"

All the Taoist masters from Yuntian Lingzong's side looked gloomy. Of course they didn't believe this was a coincidence, and there was an ironclad proof to prove it!

If Yun Ye really awakened the Taoist weapon by chance, then he would only obtain the initial Taoist tool and would not have the power to clear the rules of the Yuntian Taoist tool.

But the actual situation is that as soon as the Taoist weapon was born, the obliteration of Yuntian's Taoist tool was immediately eliminated, and it had the same power as them.

If this hadn't been premeditated, they would have just killed him with a piece of tofu.

"Separate one person and kill him!"

Master Yanhong gave the order.

One of the leaders was signaled to take action, but just as he was about to leave, Lan Wuyuan spoke. He said: "Let my incarnation go. After all, he is my disciple. It is best for me to deal with it myself."

The words just fell.

The figures of Yanhong Taoist Master and Daxuan Taoist Master moved slightly and stood on both sides of Lan Wuyuan, each looking at Lan Wuyuan with their peripheral vision.

They blocked Lan Wuyuan's way.

As far as the status quo is concerned.

How could they let Lan Wuyuan take action.

Putting aside the miracle of Xiang Ying killing Hong Yi, if he could destroy the formation they had jointly set up with so many powerful talents, this person must also be hiding a big secret!

For this reason alone, they would not allow Lan Wuyuan to monopolize it.

The first one chosen by the two Taoist masters locked onto Yun Ye and directly tore apart the space, intending to take action.

"Stop it, it's best to explain the situation clearly."

The next second, many powerful men from Mengze Lingzong took action and blocked the space.

The two Taoist masters of the Mengze Lingzong didn't know what was going on, but they would stop whatever the Yuntian Lingzong did. This was a normal reaction.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to deal with the rats that just attacked us!"

The chief frowned.

"We didn't find it, but you found it. So... this person is your traitor. Has he been detected by the Taoist weapon?"

Taoist Master Yongyin's spiritual thoughts spread, and he had noticed the Mingri Zhanquan Sword rising thousands of miles away. His expression turned gloomy: "New way?"

"A Taoist user of the new way appears here? Shouldn't you give an explanation?" Xia Qi also said.

"How to explain it? Do you think we can explain the new way that can compete with us as soon as it is born?" Lan Wuyuan said coldly.

"Incompetent people." The two Taoist masters of Mengze Lingzong shook their heads. It was so incompetent that the master of magic would make such a mistake. Taoist master Yongyin said: "In this case, let us also contribute. , Chief of Blazing Fire, help them kill this person together."

"As commanded."

The fire-haired man came out and tore apart the space together with the leader of the Yuntian Spirit Sect and disappeared.

The two leaders left, which increased the pressure on the formation.

Fortunately, the formation is mainly dominated by Taoist masters with advanced cultivation. However, the two powerful men have left, and even 5% of the power of the formation cannot be weakened.

Everyone already has a plan.

The situation here is too abnormal. They don't have the corresponding trust. It is impossible to surround and kill the three deities in troubled times.

Now there is only one way, to break through the vision by force, connect the super formation with the outside world, and use force to defeat luck!

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