A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 326 Awakening Tomorrow

The super formation is a formation that covers the entire Great Wilderness Lingze. It is naturally impossible to say that it cannot suppress the troubled times.

However, this would consume a large amount of spiritual energy reserves and put the sect into an unacceptable disadvantage.

The most important thing is that this is also a game.

Whoever can't help but tear apart the vision first, then the other party can enjoy the benefits, and taking a ride will greatly reduce the loss of spiritual energy!

Therefore, unless desperate, the two forces will basically not forcefully crack the vision world, and will try their best to accumulate advantages for themselves.

But now Yun Ye has destroyed their only chance to dismantle the three troubled times, and they are approaching a desperate situation. They cannot wait until their strength is exhausted to only one or two, and then join forces to defeat the vision. There are risks in this, and they cherish their lives. It won't be allowed.

When they sent out the two leaders, they had already made a decision and decided to directly penetrate the vision and forcefully break through the air!

However, even at this point, the sequence still made them hesitate.

It can be delayed for a while longer.

They can wait and watch for a while before the two leaders kill the new Daoist envoys.

All the great powers are watching the development of the battle. A distance of a thousand miles is nothing to them. The monks who can cultivate to the Xuan Realm have basically cultivated the divine consciousness method to the peak of the Dharma Realm, so a distance of a thousand miles is completely within their observation range. within.

People like Lan Wuyuan, who was in the Mysterious Divine Realm, could even launch an attack from thousands of miles away that could instantly kill someone at the peak of the Dharma Realm. However, he had other considerations, so he didn't act immediately.

The Nine-Life Divine Technique Grand Ceremony, new Taoist tools, and various methods with heaven-defying combat power, these are things that Lan Wuyuan absolutely cannot give up.

(It is really difficult to seize Xiangying's body under the watchful eyes of so many Tao masters. As expected, it still requires the gathering of seven Tao masters.)

(I should directly break through the vision and use the authority of the super formation to complete the eighth path... As for the disadvantages of Yuntian Lingzong, I can just use my strength to supplement it later. This is the result with the highest success rate.)

Lan Wuyuan began to accumulate strength.

He began to forcibly resonate with the six puppets of the outside world.

Although the Xuanjing people present were able to penetrate the vision and contact the super formation, they were still different from him.

The puppet he made can exercise his powers on his behalf, and the super formations from the outside world will actively cooperate with him under the control of the puppet.

This kind of connection is not comparable to a few destiny talismans or some incarnations. He only needs some time to sense the puppets from the outside world!

The space was torn apart, and two figures walked out of the dark cracks.

They traveled thousands of miles directly to Yun Ye.

As soon as they arrived, a huge spiritual barrier enveloped the area, with faint blue flames burning, temporarily cutting off the space.

"The formation is up! Destroy liberation!"

Yun Ye used his spell to directly detonate all the power of the formation, and the gray freezing power completely exploded.

"Little tricks!"

The two leaders exploded with power and smashed through the formation, but the formation did delay for a few seconds.

After this move, Yun Ye had passed through the blue flames and disappeared from this area.

When he reappeared, he was already a hundred miles away, almost tearing apart space at a speed.


Yun Ye's destination was a team of monks, a team from the Yun Tian Ling Sect, which included two Dharma Realm geniuses.

Their expressions changed, and powerful spiritual techniques were blasted out to stop Yun Ye, who had just come out of the Nether Hell.

But Yun Ye was too strong, and his aura was burning fiercely.

Vision! The sun is shining brightly!

Angry! God follows my throne!

Damn it! Cover it with strength!

The spiritual roots are sublimated!

The spiritual roots are burning!

The mystery is gone!

Yun Ye exploded with all his strength, and within three moves, he directly held the heads of the two Dharma Realm geniuses in his hands, and then entangled their souls with a large amount of white silk threads, transformed their bodies, and turned them into puppets.

Even though it was quite easy for him to defeat the Dharma Realm Tianjiao, the Tianjiao was like a piece of cake in front of Jueshi, even if he couldn't take a few moves, Yun Ye was not a special case.

As for the Mysterious Realm above the Dharma Realm, the power jumps up several times. Generally speaking, even a peerless person can only deal with the monks who have just entered the Mysterious Realm. Even if they just take a step forward and reach the Mysterious Realm, Jueshi can no longer be his opponent.

The two leaders who were chasing Yun Ye were both accomplished in the Xuan realm, and their power was completely overwhelming.

The current Yun Ye is still too weak, so he can only increase his strength as much as possible.

"Xiangying, what are you doing? Do you know the consequences of doing this?!"

The other peak Dharma realms were extremely frightened and retreated frantically while shouting.

They are not enemies at all!

Must escape!

"Then it's the peak of the Dharma Realm...well, isn't there enough time?"


The two leaders who arrived smashed the area, but Yun Ye, who also had space abilities, noticed it and disappeared without a trace.

They looked at each other, took out their treasures, and used them to form a space blockade formation, directly banning all spatial abilities in this area.

This is of course also effective for them, but as far as the actual situation is concerned, the escape speed of the Xuan Realm is at least dozens of times that of the Legal Realm. Even if Yun Ye reaches the divine speed with the body of the Spirit Realm, he cannot maintain it for a long time.

Yun Ye fell from the Nether Hell and was forcibly expelled.

He did not acquire the ability to travel through space by learning the art of space, nor did he spontaneously master the art of space because of his realm.

He just possesses the Netherworld Fire, and communicates with the Netherworld Hell with the ultimate spirituality. When he is blocked, he purely relies on the power of the Netherworld Fire.

Compared with the space blockade set up by the two Xuan Realm masters with treasures, this is too pale.

"It's a bit bad, I've entered a dead loop."

Yun Ye frowned.

The reason why he didn't make Longxu and the others into puppets before launching the celestial phenomenon was not because of a few encounters.

There are many Dao masters flying in the sky on the battlefield now. If he takes action against the people of Yuntian system in advance, many Dao masters will find that he has problems.

Moreover, there is not enough time. The activation of the celestial phenomenon requires spiritual energy. Even if he sets up the charging for the celestial phenomenon in advance, it will take some time to activate it.

In short, various reasons have led him to enter a dead loop.

Now he has no puppets to set up a large formation. If he wants to fight with the two Xuan Realm masters, it is completely a dead end and there is no chance of winning.

It seems that he must rely on Dao weapons. Although he has grown a lot, the gap in strength is still too big. He can't surpass the thousand-year foundation in just thirty or fifty years.


The first seat of Chihuo clenched his fist, and the white flames poured out all over the sky. The power of the flames was so strong that everything turned into steam wherever it passed.

As a family with a single spiritual root as the main path, and can also advance to the Xuan realm, the Chihuo leader has a very deep accumulation.

The strength of his method, even if it only uses the fire spiritual root, the power is close to the second spiritual method.

This raging sky fire fell, and everything was burned instantly.

Although Yun Ye used various moves to resist, he was still very powerless. This is the Xuan method, which is the ultimate destructive power.

Unlike Hai Hao and Jie Feier who only have a trace of the mystery of the Xuan method, the Chihuo leader has complete suppression. Even Jiemie can only suppress a little power because the power level is too far apart, and cannot reverse the final strength gap.

Yun Ye has no other choice but to hold Mingri.

"Long time no see, master!"

A seven or eight-year-old girl in red appeared beside him.

Yun Ye nodded slightly. Although she was just a little girl, she felt an indescribable sense of security with her by her side. "We're going to fight together again!"

"Master, let's fight quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome to have so many Dao weapons." Mingri's ruby-like pure eyes reflected the sky, and all he saw was a dense network of Dao weapons.

As a super sect that has controlled the Wasteland State for a thousand years, the Dao weapons of the Yuntian and Mengze systems have actually reached the level of the state-level Dao weapons, and contain a number of echoes far exceeding Mingri.

Unfortunately, although they are far superior, they have not reached another level - the national level.

In this case, Mingri's power can suppress the Dao Master's Dao weapon in turn.

Well, the premise is a single Dao weapon.

There are five Dao weapons on the scene. If they all join forces, they will fall into the predicament of Baishi Town again, and they need to fight hard to cut off the chain of order.

"Two-point slash power!"

Yun Ye swung a sword, and the white blazing fire disappeared, and the blow that destroyed the concept locked the Blazing Fire Leader.

The latter frowned and summoned a Taoist weapon.

His Taoist weapon was a silver tripod, heavy and gorgeous.

If you want to deal with a Taoist weapon, you can only use a Taoist weapon.


The silver tripod cracked and disintegrated on the spot, and was disintegrated by a sword.

Although he is the first seat, as long as he is not the Taoist master, most of the echoes will be extracted by the Taoist master.

In other words, the Taoist weapon of the Chihuo leader is far inferior to the state level. Facing the current tomorrow, it is inevitable that it will be destroyed in one blow.

"Absorbing the Taoist weapon, the rules are decomposing, and a total of 930 echoes are obtained."

A message flashed and disappeared.


The Taoist weapon dissipated with the wind and completely disintegrated.

The expression of the Chihuo leader was stiff, and he sensed it many times in disbelief.

But he failed.

The Taoist weapon disappeared completely, and it was really destroyed!

"I want you to die! Xiangying!!!"

Anger is not enough to describe the mood of the Chihuo leader.

How important is the Taoist weapon?

This is a direct proof of loyalty to the Mengze Lingzong!

Without a Taoist weapon, no matter how strong a cultivator is, he cannot become the chief seat. The position of Dharma Protector is for this purpose!

After this battle, no matter what the result is, he will definitely retreat to the second line and become a mere Dharma Protector, and will no longer have the right to lead a lineage!

No more possibility of further advancement!

The blazing rage almost engulfed the Chihuo chief seat, and his eyes turned blood red, and violent mana overflowed from his body.

This emotion just fits the Chihuo chief seat's practice.

After the mana overflowed, a phantom of a demon god took shape under the convergence of thousands of flames. It was obviously a flame, but it exuded an extremely cold breath.

The Chihuo chief seat pointed from a distance, and his tone was indescribably crazy:

"The Fire Evil God Dharma Image - Burning with anger!"

From Yun Ye's perspective, he saw that a large part of the mana in the Chihuo chief seat evaporated, and then strange fluctuations emerged around him.

This is the mysterious method to be activated!

At this moment, the book of reincarnation in Yun Ye's mind flipped, and the power of the Nine Lives Divine Law Ceremony was stimulated. He had a premonition of a big problem.

If he did nothing, a flame would ignite directly in his body, burning him to ashes from the inside out!

Yun Ye directly stabbed his chest with a sword in his backhand, and the power of destroying concepts was activated, and the strange power that had already gathered disappeared instantly.

No matter what method, as long as it is not activated, there will be no problem!

The only fire in his heart is covered.

Blue water flows.

Star rings are added.

Life force surges.

Yun Ye swung the sword again, directly cutting off the space, allowing the concept power to instantly fall on the body of the Blazing Fire Lord——


The Blazing Fire Lord exploded, and it was just a clone.

"He is not simple, strangle him!"

The head of the Yuntian Lingzong Stone Collection also took action, and the huge millstone fell down, trying to suppress Yun Ye inside and strangle him.

The leader of the blazing fire stood in the sky, spitting out a sword of pure fire.

"Invite the yang energy of heaven and earth to fall!"

"Second liberation of treasures!"

The clouds and night colors change.

The liberation of the treasure weapon is already very powerful, and the effect of the second liberation is even more powerful, it is unknown how many times the power of the monks can be exploded.

With his strength to face this blow, even with Tomorrow's Quan-Zhan Sword, he would not be able to completely annihilate him, and the aftermath would evaporate him!

"Two points of power!"

"Form liberation!"

Yun Ye raised his sword, and red threads spread out and poured into his body.

His pupils turned red, and his long black hair was infected and turned fiery red. It fluttered violently in the wind, revealing an aura that was completely different from the three major Dharma practices!

"What is this? The power of the Taoist weapon has spread to the whole body?"

This scene directly stunned the leaders of Chihuo and Shicai. This was a phenomenon they had never seen before, but the moment they saw it, they all felt sacred and awe-inspiring——

This state is definitely not ordinary, and it is definitely not just a change in appearance!

Yun Ye swung his sword and the millstone collapsed on the spot.

He jumped up and attacked the two men.

In addition to the sword in his hand bursting out the power of cutting off the concept of two-quarter power, the Yingyue Baohuan was also rotating rapidly, gathering light and heat.


The two powers exploded at the same time, knocking down Shi Cai's first seat, but he escaped with his life and only had his left hand cut off.

"This beast's Taoist weapon can attack us directly, and the mysterious magic cannot stop it. Don't show up in your true form!"

Shi Caizuo said gloomily, after taking the elixir, his palm recovered quickly.


Yun Ye swung his sword again, almost hitting his face, but he only hit the fake body. The two leaders became vigilant and simply gave up using the ultimate killing move and refused to fight Yun Ye head-on.

Taoist tools are really terrifying. As long as the rules are triggered and the target is within the range that can be interfered with, death will be instant without negotiation.

Unlike the Taoist tools of the Luo Dynasty, Yun Ye does not have "obliteration rules" set. The power that can kill the mysterious realm purely relies on the "two-part cutting power" of the Taoist tool itself, which can cut off concepts and rules. The power of the true name, the more echoes, the more support, the stronger the effect.

However, this is a slashing attack, not a Dao weapon obliteration, so it can be avoided. Even though Yun Ye had strengthened this true name with five thousand echoes when he was in Baishi Town, this only increased the power and did not make this true name escape the slashing attack. , directly becomes obliteration.


Yun Ye used the power of frost extraction to extract the power of the puppet into himself. At this moment, he temporarily stepped into the Dharma Realm and gained the unique spiritual thoughts, life force and mana of the Dharma Realm. His strength suddenly increased a hundred times, directly The true positions of the two profound realms were determined through the Nine Lives Divine Technique.

"Two points of power——"


This 4,000-word article will not be updated later.

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(By the way, almost 3,000 copies of this book have been ordered. Let’s discuss it. Don’t skip chapters. Order them all in one rush. I feel overwhelmed without the premium badge. Now I feel confident. I can still find it even if the writing is not good. Reasons, such as different tastes, haha)

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