A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 334 Awakening by Three Methods in Five Days

Testing memory is one thing.

But memory alone cannot make you talented.

Dr. Tian then taught another piece of knowledge that most people hate—mathematics.

Starting from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Dr. Tian taught all the way and set questions for Yun Ye to do. If Yun Ye could make no mistakes, he would immediately teach more difficult knowledge, and so on, to see how far Yun Ye could go.

As a result, something terrible happened. Dr. Tian found that no matter what he taught, the child in front of him could immediately master it without making any mistakes. Even the problem-solving style was exactly the same as hers - it was almost like a complete imitation. Got her thinking!

After a day of teaching, Dr. Tian announced the results:

"Ming Weiyang has the highest level of learning and mastering abilities in history. As long as the principles are explained clearly, he will have no problem using it!"

"The plan is about to change. From now on, the most important thing for him is not to practice, but to study. He must understand the truth of tomorrow!"

"Otherwise, I have no doubt how much havoc this kid will cause in the future."

As long as you are human, you can understand the horror.

There is a long and unattainable distance between knowing and being able to use it.

But with Ming Weiyang, this distance is infinitely close to zero. He can quickly master the skills of the instructor without being familiar with this concept at all.

It's also about painting. When Ming Weiyang mastered the knowledge, his hands also mastered the skills, and he could draw a perfect circle with no defects detectable by the naked eye.

But what about ordinary people? Even if we spend a lot of time, even if we calculate it in years, we still cannot catch up with Ming Weiyang's achievements in just a few seconds...

The most surprising thing is that this imitation is not limited to the body, but also the mind.

Mathematics attaches great importance to logic and open thinking. For people who are weak in this area, they will be confused if the question types are changed casually, and they will not get any results after thinking hard for a long time.

But Ming Weiyang didn't have this problem. He not only learned the problem-solving skills, but also learned the teacher's thinking together, and could make problem-solving steps that were completely in line with the teacher's thinking.

This is a complete monster!

Dr. Tian has never been so lucky that the child was brought to Tomorrow Club as soon as he was born and did not contract any bad habits.

Otherwise, Ming Weiyang might not be the Son of Tomorrow, but the Son of Destruction!

If this kind of existence were an enemy, it would be simply terrifying.

"However, the birth is too humble, and the possibility of rising is also very low. Except for us, it is impossible for anyone to train it with all its strength."

Doctor Tian handed Yun Ye a jar of "Solar Evolution" again.

Downed the second bottle.

A flash of azure suddenly flashed across Yun Ye's dark eyes, and then covered one-third of the black pupils.

The first stage is complete recovery!

As soon as he was born, he could actually use the Silent Spiritual Eye, but it would take a lot of effort to actively wake him up. But now that he has entered the first stage, the Silent Spiritual Eye has stabilized some special powers, and it will be easier to wake him up.

"Now, should it be called the 'Pure Spiritual Eye Stage'?"

Yun Ye said to himself.

In the ice blue spiritual eye state, Yun Ye only has stronger eyesight and can directly see the spiritual power and detect the fluctuations of the spiritual energy, which has no destructive power.

Only after it turns gray, the Silent Spiritual Eye can activate the Silent Spiritual Technique by looking directly at it, freezing the target out of thin air.

But this is not bad.

Coupled with complete copying, as long as a teacher is willing to teach him, he can quickly master even the most complicated method, unless the method is beyond the scope of his fourth-level control.

However, this alone is not enough to steal lessons. When fighting or being spied on, a spiritual field can be automatically generated to block Yun Ye's sight.

Only when the other party is willing to completely let go and let Yun Ye see, he can see everything without any hindrance.

After all, the Silent Spiritual Eye is an offensive spiritual eye and has no discerning effect.

"The spiritual eyes have gone a step further, Weiyang, you should understand the dangers of your eyes! At any time, you must use them with caution. Life is precious. If you don't want yourself to get hurt, you should understand that others don't want you either. Injuried."

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

Doctor Tian was very satisfied with Yun Ye's changes, but she also taught Yun Ye very carefully to prevent the child from going astray.

There are many things that adults may take for granted and do not think they need to be taught.

But children are not born with knowledge. If correct concepts are not established, they will inevitably be occupied by other concepts, which will eventually corrode the entire life.

The atmosphere of tomorrow's meeting is great, but it is not paradise after all. It is important to take precautions in advance.

"I know."

Yun Ye also knew Dr. Tian's intention, so he gave her a reassurance.

"very good!"

Dr. Tian couldn't be more satisfied.

Ming Weiyang is so extraordinary that he can quickly grasp the core of the truth.

If it is this child, the principles he has memorized will not change easily. He does not need to be like other children, who will not understand even if they are repeatedly stressed!

In view of Yun Ye's outstanding talent that surprised everyone, Tomorrow Club changed its plan and began to impart a large amount of knowledge.

The art of nourishing Qi is just one of these pieces of knowledge.

The couple goes home with their children.

In an environment like home, it is more suitable for children to grow up, without the sense of oppression like in a laboratory.

"This is our secret Qi-nourishing Technique of Tomorrow Society. It has almost reached the limit that Qi-Nourishing Technique can reach. And we define the limit of Qi-Nourishing Technique practice as 100. So in the introductory stage of Tomorrow's Qi-Nourishing Technique, the training speed is about 10, and in the proficiency stage It’s 20 for a small one, 40 for a big one, and 100 for a perfect one.”

Ming Qi rehearsed the Tomorrow Qi Nourishing Technique for Yun Ye.

Yun Ye could naturally master this level of Qi nourishing technique at a glance, and he began to reproduce it.

After drinking two bottles of Sun Evolution, Yun Ye can already run. He is completely unlike a child with E-level physical talent. Now he has begun to practice the difficult Qi nourishing technique!

As a result, Yun Ye was surprised to find that this tomorrow Qi nourishing technique was indeed amazing.

His imagination method, even if it is perfected, will only have an effect of about 30, but this tomorrow's Qi Nourishing Technique can actually triple the upper limit!

It is indeed the road of gathering people. In the blink of an eye, the art of nourishing Qi has been optimized to this point!

If replaced by ordinary Qi nourishing techniques, I'm afraid the perfect cultivation speed would only be about 10, right?

The difference is ten times astonishing.

"The realm of proficiency...is complete!"

After doing it again, Yun Ye truly realized how amazing his talent was. He actually completely memorized Ming Qi's movements and integrated into himself in the blink of an eye.

There is no situation where the brain has learned it, but the hands and feet cannot.

This is also inevitable.

In the fourth generation, Yun Ye was able to quickly learn the Xiang Clan Qi-nurturing Technique. Now that his learning ability has reached an incredible level, he naturally has no obstacles.

In the next few days, Yun Ye began to eat spiritual-level premium food.

His physical condition has improved rapidly and eating hard food is no longer a problem, but he will still be given some food that melts in his mouth tomorrow.

Devouring spiritual-level superior food with the perfect energy nourishing technique, or a spiritual-level superior food that has been optimized for countless times and has reached the ultimate effect. How amazing will this growth be?

Just five days.

Yun Ye's Qi nourishing technique was perfected, and the three methods were awakened in an instant.

Three spiritual root marks appeared on his forehead, and his eyes suddenly became alert. The shocking consciousness lingered around, and then a white star ring enveloped his torso, absorbing the faint spiritual energy and converting it into life force.

He stood on the ground. Although he was short, he seemed to be divine, so dazzling that it was hard to open his eyes.

"Is this...is this the difference between a mortal and a genius?"

Mingqi and his wife were completely shocked.

They thought they were not stupid, but with the same spiritual-level premium food supply, it took them three months to perfect the Qi-nourishing technique.

Awakening the Three Great Techniques happened only three months after practicing the Awakening Technique.

Their six months of hard work was surpassed by their own child in five days. Ming Weiyang was only two months old!

"Awakening the three methods, the next step is to practice the spiritual method. The dangerous method of silent spiritual method..."

"Do you really want to teach him now?"

Mingqi and his wife hesitated.

Therefore, Dr. Tian, ​​who had been watching, suggested: "There is no rush to teach the spiritual method. He needs to learn theoretical knowledge now. It will not be too late to learn more after he has mastered everything."

Spiritual magic cannot be learned by just looking at it. The principles and concepts must be mastered.

It’s time to start popularizing science about the nature of the world.

"Ming Weiyang needs to cultivate his mind and nature more than hastily cultivate his strength. The current things are enough and he needs to digest them."

Dr. Tian’s proposal was approved.

for the rest of the time.

They began to take Yun Ye around Tomorrow City, seeing different scenery, and told a lot of knowledge about the nature of the world.

Although most of them were taught to them by Yun Ye, many new things have indeed emerged over the years.

For example, when Yun Ye once taught, in order to avoid differences in specific data in different worlds, he did not make it very clear.

During the Tomorrow Meeting, these basic physical laws that he did not have time to explore have been accurately calculated, and they are closer to the truth.

Yun Ye would not refuse this useful knowledge to anyone who came.

In order to satisfy Yun Ye's thirst for knowledge, the existing knowledge of physics and mathematics was no longer enough, and they had to expand into spiritual knowledge, formation knowledge, etc.

And in the blink of an eye, it’s been three years.

In the past three years, Yun Ye's reputation as a child prodigy has completely spread throughout Tomorrow City. No matter where he goes, no one knows him.

"As expected, it's time to go to school. Weiyang needs friends and needs to understand people's hearts."

"Three years old is just the right age. Weiyang can cultivate his moral character. There is no need to worry about conflicts between him and the children and causing big problems."

"We cannot underestimate the instability of children. Even Wei Young may not be able to completely suppress his emotions. We must artificially suppress his power. In this city of tomorrow, there is no new generation who can fight Wei Young. He only needs one point With just a little force, too many people can be crushed to death.”

In the end, they chose the same method as the Xiang people, putting a headdress on Yun Ye and using divine magic to suppress Yun Ye's body so that he could not release much power except in times of crisis.

Yun Ye tried it, but was unable to break free at all. This was a very terrifying sealing device.

Obviously, the Tomorrow Society has developed greatly in recent years and has taken a completely different path from the two sects. In terms of artifacts, it has truly reached the pinnacle.

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