A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 335 I have a dream

In the Tomorrow Society, Sanshu is the core executor, and is often responsible for everything that guards the orthodoxy in one place.

Mingqi and his wife are actually very capable if they can become third-level bachelors, but there will be no one available tomorrow. Even if they are more suitable for research, they still have to wear multiple hats and face dangers.

In other words, this is also a policy within the Tomorrow Club, which ensures that all members have witnessed the pain and despair of the outside world with their own eyes.

Only then will their faith be truly powerful.

Ming Qi and his wife were able to settle in Tomorrow City when they were only in their twenties. It was because of Yun Ye's influence that they were able to avoid a series of hardships.

As researchers, Mingqi and his wife obviously couldn't bear loneliness. While taking care of Yun Ye, they had also joined Academia Sinica to start a new round of study and research. During the day, there was always one person who would leave early and come home late, spending time in In the research room.

As time went by, both the couple and Tomorrow Hui agreed that Yun Ye needed to expand his social circle and get to know more people, especially children of the same age.

During the three-year study period, they had tried their best not to put pressure on Yun Ye, but what was actually going on?

they do not know.

Can't see through either.

Therefore, no matter what the real situation is, they must allow Yun Ye to have more time to play, communicate with friends, and experience more of ordinary people's lives.

If you don’t have bonds, how can you understand the value of life and the meaning of life? This kind of thing cannot be mastered by learning. It requires environment and personal experience.

"Weiyang, are you ready? You are going to school today, come down quickly!"

Yu Feng shouted at the door.


A child with black hair and ice-blue eyes came downstairs. He wore a delicate headband on his forehead with many patterns, which seemed to contain endless mysteries.

Different from the simple raindrop sealing device of the Xiang people, this form can seal a wider range and is more effective, so the volume will be much larger.

But in terms of appearance, they are all pretty good-looking, so Yun Ye doesn't care.

"Get yourself dressed carefully and don't look like you haven't woken up!"

Yu Feng helped Yun Ye tidy up his clothes and hair, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Set off!"

School of monks.

This is the only monk school in Tomorrow City. It follows the concept of no threshold and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Any child who reaches the age can enroll.

This age is three years, but is subject to examination, and if the mental test fails, admission must be postponed.

The monastic school does not have an academic year system. When you graduate depends entirely on your personal performance. There is no possibility of dawdling in the monastic school.

However, in the twenty years since the establishment of the Monk College, no one has been expelled due to laziness.

When Yun Ye arrived at the monk school, he was immediately surprised by the size of the place.

The area here is so vast that it is more like a school city than a school.

A large number of multi-story teaching buildings, vast playgrounds, and even actual battlefields on various terrains all show that Tomorrow Club has invested a huge amount of resources in the construction of this school.

There are also unexpectedly many children enrolled in school, more than 3,000.

Compared with Tomorrow City's population of 200,000, this birth rate is quite high, about 1.5%.

But it is normal. Tomorrow Society will continue to encourage childbirth, and there are spiritual methods to ensure that children will never die due to illness, so the population will naturally increase explosively.

If the external environment of the Tomorrow Society were not extremely bad, the aura content of the City of Tomorrow would also be decreasing day by day. This population growth rate is really not in line with the City of Tomorrow, which has extraordinary means to interfere with the fertility rate.

"Weiyang, be happy and don't look bitter. This is a place where you can make good friends. You don't want to be alone all the time, right?"

Yu Feng grabbed Yun Ye's face.

"Mom, I just feel that the spiritual energy content here is too low? Are you not planning to let people practice?"

Yun Ye said helplessly.

"There are too many new generations. Thousands of people enroll in school every year. Even if half of the city's spiritual energy is supplied here, it is not enough. If you really want to practice, you still have to wait for the mission. By then, you can go to various parts of the deserted state, and the spiritual energy pressure will be relieved. ”

Yu Feng let go, "Okay, go quickly!"

She pushed Yun Ye and handed it to the teacher.

"okay, bye."

Many thoughts flashed through Yun Ye. It was indeed true. His biggest feeling over the years was that Tomorrow would be short of resources, so that he had to develop many technologies that did not require the use of spiritual energy. A large number of bachelors who studied spiritual methods were also sent to the outside world. , it seems that they don’t pay attention to it, but in fact they cannot pay attention to it and have no resources to support it.

Yu Feng waved his hand and left directly.

Yun Ye also saw that Yu Feng did not leave the school, but entered another area. It seemed that the Mingqi couple's research work was carried out in the school.

"Everyone in class gather here!"

"This side of Class 2!"

Amid the bustle of people, the teachers marked their students one by one and guided them to come to them.

Each teacher will take fifty children away.

Due to the guidance of divine law, the efficiency is extremely high, and the division of classes is completed in one minute.

Yun Ye belongs to class one.

As far as he felt, the temperament and spirit of the children in this class were significantly higher than those in other classes, and they should be classified as top students.

Although schools can provide education to everyone, they are essentially designed to select talented people.

In an extraordinary world where qualifications can be tested, the future has been decided from the very beginning, and it is extremely difficult to make up for it with acquired efforts.

In this case, resources tend to be tilted towards the most talented people.

If this model continues for a hundred years, the face of the entire organization will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes, completely corroding the organization.

Fortunately, there are unreasonable existences like Taoist tools in this world. Although they oppress countless people, they also directly guarantee the purity of the Tomorrow Society. At least the top management will not allow people who deviate from their beliefs to take over.

"Bang bang bang..."

The teacher tapped on the blackboard, attracting the attention of all the students.

The teacher of Class 1 is a man with a very modern style. He wears a white windbreaker and wraps his whole body tightly. Even his hands are wrapped in white gloves. Only half of his face is exposed. He looks like he is practicing Mysticism guy.

But in terms of demeanor, this man is not gloomy at all, his smile is sunny, his clothes are full of uprightness, and his voice is gentle.

This is a school after all, and he chose white clothes to avoid a crisis of trust. First impression is very important.

The man wrote two words on the blackboard and said with a smile: "My name is Yang An, and I will be your responsible teacher for the next few years. You can just call me Teacher Yang. I hope we can get along well in the future."

As soon as these words came out.

Among the fifty children, at least five had changes in their eyes. This is a big shot!

Yang An.

The younger brother of Yang Shi, the founder of the Tomorrow Society.

Although compared to the founder, Yang An is not talented enough and has not achieved much, but he is definitely a talkative big shot in the Tomorrow Club.

Being able to become Yang An's student is enough to prove that tomorrow will recognize their talents!

(Is this kid a teacher in Tomorrow City? It seems that being my younger brother has some benefits, at least he doesn’t have to take risks outside.)

Yun Ye smiled slightly in his heart.

This is natural. After all, he is the founder's biological brother. There is no way he would be allowed to take risks and die in the wilderness.

Yun Ye was also sincerely happy about this. He was not a saint, let alone a relative, or even an acquaintance. He hoped that it would be best not to sacrifice.

——Even if reincarnation has built a thick wall between him and the past.

"Classmates, starting from the side near the door, let's introduce them one by one. You can talk about your name, dreams, and preferences. Well, let's start with me. My name is Yang An. I like deduction games. My dream is to be a human being. The teacher who applauded me when I mentioned it is now working hard towards this goal.”

Yang An guided the atmosphere.

The first child sitting next to the door immediately stood up and introduced himself. He was full of confidence: "Hello, Teacher Yang, hello everyone, I am Tian Jialun. I like painting. Although I have not yet successfully made a talisman. But I hope to become a great talisman seal master in the future!”

"A talisman master? It's a good dream. An excellent talisman can often save the lives of soldiers. I hope you can continue on this path unremittingly!" Yang An praised it.

"Next classmate."

"Well... I want to become a monk, help my father hunt down monsters, and become an adult who protects the city of tomorrow! My name is Dong Feng, and I hope to be friends with everyone!"

"I want to become a bachelor, create a great new way, and make everyone proud to use my technology!"

"I want to be the same person as Chief Tian Jing, to lead everyone and become everyone's strength..."

The introduction proceeds steadily.

Even this group of relatively gifted kids introduced themselves in a very innocent way.

For some reason, Yun Ye listened with great interest and did not feel dazed or distracted.

Each innocent preference and dream proves the fireworks of tomorrow.

In this environment, perhaps some dreams are not out of reach.

"Please sit down. Next classmate."

Yang An's eyes fell on Yun Ye.

The same is true of the children's gaze.

It’s cloudy night!

Yun Ye stood up and smiled like most children, but he was more open and confident. In line with his outstanding appearance, he had an extremely strong appeal.

"My name is Ming Weiyang. I like 'food' and 'games', but my favorite part is realizing my 'dream'!"

"I have a dream that is difficult to realize. For this dream, I am willing to work a hundred times harder... I want to defeat all enemies and build a fair country where there is no suffering or exploitation and people can freely pursue their dreams. If you want to describe , maybe heaven?”

"If you want to chase your dreams, come and be friends with me. I will definitely be your friend, even if it's not the same dream!"

The morning light illuminated the entire classroom.

Yun Ye's declaration echoed for a long time.

All the children, including Yang An, were slightly startled.

This guy……

no the same!

Different from everyone before!

What’s going on with this outpouring of faith?

"You guys, why are you so cool? Even if you want to pacify the world, it is my task. You should come and serve as my pawn. In the end, I will be the one who leads everyone - remember my name! Always! Law! The man destined to become the chief in the future!”

The silence only lasted for a moment, and a child suddenly stood up and shouted.

The spiky-headed boy was the first to break away from Yun Ye's influence.

He has a pair of U-shaped pupils, which are glowing at the moment, counteracting the power Yun Ye involuntarily released.

In this life, I plan to write more about character exchanges and ordinary daily life. Each life has its own style and tasks. I also hope to write differently to give people more freshness.

Repeated upgrades and monster fighting are boring after watching them once. I have to wait for a while before doing it again. In this life, I will mainly write about the story of Tomorrow's Meeting. This is a story about chasing dreams, working together to build the world.

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